#v1.0.0 - 2014-01-02 * FEATURE - Optional per-mailbox override of default recording hash * FEATURE - Optional rerecording of voicemail messages * FEATURE - I18n numeric methods * FEATURE - I18n support for keys * FEATURE - Seperate pin_checking into seperate matcher class, so that it can be overriden if desired * FEATURE - Allow `pin_tries` to be set to 0 for infinite loop * FEATURE - Pass the complete recording complete object to `#save_recording`, giving the storage more information; `PStore` only uses the uri, but now you have access to more information (such as duration) if desired for your own storage adapter * FEATURE - Seperate weclome/authentication from `MailboxController`, for those that wish to use their own. * FEATURE - Add saved count to `MailboxController` * FEATURE - Allow overriding `MailboxMainMenuController` with your own custom menu class * FEATURE - Ability to listen to new OR saved messages, and archive/unarchive at will. * FEATURE - Improved passing of a storage mechanism between controllers * FEATURE - Customizable method for using TTS/ahn_say for things like "You have #{x} new messages" * CS - Rename config option for when to answer * CS - DRY up duplicated `#mailbox_not_found` method * CS - Move all the call controllers to their own call_controller directory, to avoid clutter * CS - Remove unused `#section_menu` in `MailboxMessagesController` * CS - Remove specs for `#main_menu` in `AuthenticationController` since that controller never calls it * BUGFIX - Calls passed to `VoicemailController` were never formally hungup * BUGFIX - Don't strip extensions or `file://'` - punchblock will do that if needed * BUGFIX - Apply datetime formatting to ahnsaid dates * DOC - Add Justin Aiken to authors # v0.2.0 - 2012-08-30 ## Require adhearsion 2.4 or higher * FEATURE - Put more `#record` options into the config instead of hardcoded * FEATURE - Freeswitch support * FEATURE - Add MIT license to gemspec * FEATURE - Add optional location setting for `#answer` * CS - Refactoring # v0.1.0 - 2013-08-28 * BUGFIX - typo in `#load_message` * BUGFIX - `#load_message` not actually called * BUGFIX - Pass mailbox id to `MailboxPlayMessageController` * BUGFIX - Remove calls to nonexistant `#message_loop` * FEATURE - Allow passing in storage adapter * FEATURE - Only record one end of voicemail - save 50% of storage costs! * FEATURE - TravisCI status added to README # v0.0.1 * First release!