b0VIM 7.4U#~vdanhac~dan/dev/gems/microevent/README.md 3210#"! Utp5ad 5ZYXON87/ ; : 2 &   m P L K     , +   Ruby version by [Jan Lelis](http://janlelis.com). Inspired by [MicroEvent.js](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/microevent.js) by Jerome Etienne.## MIT LicenseYou will find more examples in the [tests](https://github.com/janlelis/microevent.rb/blob/master/spec/microevent_test.rb).```Klass.trigger :slot # => Goend puts "Go"Klass.bind :slot doend extend MicroEventclass Klass```rubyYou could also use it on class/singleton level:```object.trigger :slot # => Goobject.bind :slot, &fnobject = Klass.newfn = proc{ puts "Go" }```rubyThat's it. Now all instances of this class can `#bind`, `#unbind` and `trigger`:```end include MicroEventclass Klass```rubySuppose you got a class `Klass`, and you wish it to support the observer partern, do## How to Use Itor copy the [source file](https://github.com/janlelis/microevent.rb/blob/master/lib/microevent.rb) into your project.```gem 'microevent'```rubyAdd to your `Gemfile`## SetupMicroEvent.rb is a event emitter library which provides the observer pattern to Ruby objects. It is inspired by [MicroEvent.js](https://github.com/jeromeetienne/microevent.js), implemented in less than [20 lines of Ruby](https://github.com/janlelis/microevent.rb/blob/master/lib/microevent.rb).# MicroEvent.rb [![[travis]](https://travis-ci.org/janlelis/microevent.rb.png)](https://travis-ci.org/janlelis/microevent.rb)