/********************************* tui.c ************************************/ /* * 'textual user interface' * * Author : P.J. Kunst * Date : 25-02-93 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tui.h" void statusmsg(char *); int waitforkey(void); void rmerror(void); #if defined(__unix) && !defined(__DJGPP__) #include #endif #ifdef PDCURSES #define HAVE_CLIPBOARD #else #define nc_getmouse getmouse #endif #ifdef A_COLOR # define TITLECOLOR 1 /* color pair indices */ # define MAINMENUCOLOR (2 | A_BOLD) # define MAINMENUREVCOLOR (3 | A_BOLD | A_REVERSE) # define SUBMENUCOLOR (4 | A_BOLD) # define SUBMENUREVCOLOR (5 | A_BOLD | A_REVERSE) # define BODYCOLOR 6 # define STATUSCOLOR (7 | A_BOLD) # define INPUTBOXCOLOR 8 # define EDITBOXCOLOR (9 | A_BOLD | A_REVERSE) #else # define TITLECOLOR 0 /* color pair indices */ # define MAINMENUCOLOR (A_BOLD) # define MAINMENUREVCOLOR (A_BOLD | A_REVERSE) # define SUBMENUCOLOR (A_BOLD) # define SUBMENUREVCOLOR (A_BOLD | A_REVERSE) # define BODYCOLOR 0 # define STATUSCOLOR (A_BOLD) # define INPUTBOXCOLOR 0 # define EDITBOXCOLOR (A_BOLD | A_REVERSE) #endif #define th 1 /* title window height */ #define mh 1 /* main menu height */ #define sh 2 /* status window height */ #define bh (LINES - th - mh - sh) /* body window height */ #define bw COLS /* body window width */ /******************************* STATIC ************************************/ static WINDOW *wtitl, *wmain, *wbody, *wstat; /* title, menu, body, status win*/ static int nexty, nextx; static int key = ERR, ch = ERR; static bool quit = FALSE; static bool incurses = FALSE; #ifndef PDCURSES static char wordchar(void) { return 0x17; /* ^W */ } #endif static char *padstr(char *s, int length) { static char buf[MAXSTRLEN]; char fmt[10]; sprintf(fmt, (int)strlen(s) > length ? "%%.%ds" : "%%-%ds", length); sprintf(buf, fmt, s); return buf; } static char *prepad(char *s, int length) { int i; char *p = s; if (length > 0) { memmove((void *)(s + length), (const void *)s, strlen(s) + 1); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) *p++ = ' '; } return s; } static void rmline(WINDOW *win, int nr) /* keeps box lines intact */ { mvwaddstr(win, nr, 1, padstr(" ", bw - 2)); wrefresh(win); } static void initcolor(void) { #ifdef A_COLOR if (has_colors()) start_color(); /* foreground, background */ init_pair(TITLECOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(MAINMENUCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(MAINMENUREVCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(SUBMENUCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(SUBMENUREVCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(BODYCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(STATUSCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(INPUTBOXCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_CYAN); init_pair(EDITBOXCOLOR & ~A_ATTR, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); #endif } static void setcolor(WINDOW *win, chtype color) { chtype attr = color & A_ATTR; /* extract Bold, Reverse, Blink bits */ #ifdef A_COLOR attr &= ~A_REVERSE; /* ignore reverse, use colors instead! */ wattrset(win, COLOR_PAIR(color & A_CHARTEXT) | attr); #else attr &= ~A_BOLD; /* ignore bold, gives messy display on HP-UX */ wattrset(win, attr); #endif } static void colorbox(WINDOW *win, chtype color, int hasbox) { int maxy; #ifndef PDCURSES int maxx; #endif chtype attr = color & A_ATTR; /* extract Bold, Reverse, Blink bits */ setcolor(win, color); #ifdef A_COLOR if (has_colors()) wbkgd(win, COLOR_PAIR(color & A_CHARTEXT) | (attr & ~A_REVERSE)); else #endif wbkgd(win, attr); werase(win); #ifdef PDCURSES maxy = getmaxy(win); #else getmaxyx(win, maxy, maxx); #endif if (hasbox && (maxy > 2)) box(win, 0, 0); touchwin(win); wrefresh(win); } static void idle(void) { char buf[MAXSTRLEN]; time_t t; struct tm *tp; if (time (&t) == -1) return; /* time not available */ tp = localtime(&t); sprintf(buf, " %.2d-%.2d-%.4d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", tp->tm_mday, tp->tm_mon + 1, tp->tm_year + 1900, tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec); mvwaddstr(wtitl, (int)0, (int)(bw - strlen(buf) - 2), buf); wrefresh(wtitl); } static void menudim(menu *mp, int *lines, int *columns) { int n, l, mmax = 0; for (n=0; mp->func; n++, mp++) if ((l = (int)strlen(mp->name)) > mmax) mmax = l; *lines = n; *columns = mmax + 2; } static void setmenupos(int y, int x) { nexty = y; nextx = x; } static void getmenupos(int *y, int *x) { *y = nexty; *x = nextx; } static int hotkey(const char *s) { int c0 = *s; /* if no upper case found, return first char */ for (; *s; s++) if (isupper((unsigned char)*s)) break; return *s ? *s : c0; } static void repaintmenu(WINDOW *wmenu, menu *mp) { int i; menu *p = mp; for (i = 0; p->func; i++, p++) mvwaddstr(wmenu, i + 1, 2, p->name); touchwin(wmenu); wrefresh(wmenu); } static void repaintmainmenu(int width, menu *mp) { int i; menu *p = mp; for (i = 0; p->func; i++, p++) mvwaddstr(wmain, 0, i * width, prepad(padstr(p->name, width - 1), 1)); touchwin(wmain); wrefresh(wmain); } static void mainhelp(void) { #ifdef ALT_X statusmsg("Use arrow keys and Enter to select (Alt-X to quit)"); #else statusmsg("Use arrow keys and Enter to select"); #endif } static void mainmenu(menu *mp) { int nitems, barlen, old = -1, cur = 0, c, cur0, x; MEVENT mouse_event; menudim(mp, &nitems, &barlen); repaintmainmenu(barlen, mp); #ifdef __PDCURSES__ nc_getmouse( &mouse_event); #else getmouse( &mouse_event); #endif mousemask( BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED | BUTTON1_PRESSED | BUTTON1_CLICKED |BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED |BUTTON3_PRESSED |BUTTON3_CLICKED , NULL); while (!quit) { if (cur != old) { if (old != -1) { mvwaddstr(wmain, 0, old * barlen, prepad(padstr(mp[old].name, barlen - 1), 1)); statusmsg(mp[cur].desc); } else mainhelp(); setcolor(wmain, MAINMENUREVCOLOR); mvwaddstr(wmain, 0, cur * barlen, prepad(padstr(mp[cur].name, barlen - 1), 1)); setcolor(wmain, MAINMENUCOLOR); old = cur; wrefresh(wmain); } switch (c = (key != ERR ? key : waitforkey())) { #ifdef KEY_C2 case KEY_C2: #endif case KEY_DOWN: case '\n': /* menu item selected */ touchwin(wbody); wrefresh(wbody); rmerror(); setmenupos(th + mh, cur * barlen); curs_set(1); (mp[cur].func)(); /* perform function */ curs_set(0); switch (key) { #ifdef KEY_B1 case KEY_B1: #endif case KEY_LEFT: cur = (cur + nitems - 1) % nitems; key = '\n'; break; #ifdef KEY_B3 case KEY_B3: #endif case KEY_RIGHT: cur = (cur + 1) % nitems; key = '\n'; break; case KEY_MOUSE: if(nc_getmouse(&mouse_event) == OK) { if((mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON1_PRESSED) || (mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED) || (mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON1_CLICKED)) { for( x = 1; x <= nitems ; ++x){ if((mouse_event.x > (barlen * (x-1)) && mouse_event.x < (barlen * x) ) && (mouse_event.y == th )){ if(x>=1){ cur = x-1; break; } else{ key = KEY_ESC; break; } } } } break; } break; default: key = ERR; } repaintmainmenu(barlen, mp); old = -1; break; #ifdef KEY_B1 case KEY_B1: #endif case KEY_LEFT: cur = (cur + nitems - 1) % nitems; break; #ifdef KEY_B3 case KEY_B3: #endif case KEY_RIGHT: cur = (cur + 1) % nitems; break; case KEY_ESC: mainhelp(); break; case KEY_MOUSE: if(nc_getmouse(&mouse_event) == OK) { if((mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON1_PRESSED) || (mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED) || (mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON1_CLICKED)) { for( x = 1; x <= nitems ; ++x){ if((mouse_event.x > (barlen * (x-1)) && mouse_event.x < (barlen * x) ) && (mouse_event.y == th)){ cur = x-1; key = '\n'; break; } } } break; } break; default: cur0 = cur; do { cur = (cur + 1) % nitems; } while ((cur != cur0) && (hotkey(mp[cur].name) != toupper(c))); if (hotkey(mp[cur].name) == toupper(c)) key = '\n'; } } rmerror(); touchwin(wbody); wrefresh(wbody); } static void cleanup(void) /* cleanup curses settings */ { if (incurses) { delwin(wtitl); delwin(wmain); delwin(wbody); delwin(wstat); curs_set(1); endwin(); incurses = FALSE; } } /******************************* EXTERNAL **********************************/ void clsbody(void) { werase(wbody); wmove(wbody, 0, 0); } int bodylen(void) { #ifdef PDCURSES return getmaxy(wbody); #else int maxy, maxx; getmaxyx(wbody, maxy, maxx); return maxy; #endif } WINDOW *bodywin(void) { return wbody; } void rmerror(void) { rmline(wstat, 0); } void rmstatus(void) { rmline(wstat, 1); } void titlemsg(char *msg) { mvwaddstr(wtitl, 0, 2, padstr(msg, bw - 3)); wrefresh(wtitl); } void bodymsg(char *msg) { waddstr(wbody, msg); wrefresh(wbody); } void errormsg(char *msg) { beep(); mvwaddstr(wstat, 0, 2, padstr(msg, bw - 3)); wrefresh(wstat); } void statusmsg(char *msg) { mvwaddstr(wstat, 1, 2, padstr(msg, bw - 3)); wrefresh(wstat); } bool keypressed(void) { ch = wgetch(wbody); return ch != ERR; } int getkey(void) { int c = ch; ch = ERR; #ifdef ALT_X quit = (c == ALT_X); /* PC only ! */ #endif return c; } int waitforkey(void) { do idle(); while (!keypressed()); return getkey(); } void DoExit(void) /* terminate program */ { quit = TRUE; } void domenu(menu *mp) { int y, x, nitems, barlen, mheight, mw, old = -1, cur = 0, cur0; bool stop = FALSE; WINDOW *wmenu; MEVENT mouse_event; curs_set(0); getmenupos(&y, &x); menudim(mp, &nitems, &barlen); mheight = nitems + 2; mw = barlen + 2; wmenu = newwin(mheight, mw, y, x); colorbox(wmenu, SUBMENUCOLOR, 1); repaintmenu(wmenu, mp); key = ERR; #ifdef __PDCURSES__ nc_getmouse( &mouse_event); #else getmouse( &mouse_event); #endif mousemask( BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED | BUTTON1_PRESSED | BUTTON1_CLICKED |BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED |BUTTON3_PRESSED |BUTTON3_CLICKED , NULL); while (!stop && !quit) { if (cur != old) { if (old != -1) mvwaddstr(wmenu, old + 1, 1, prepad(padstr(mp[old].name, barlen - 1), 1)); setcolor(wmenu, SUBMENUREVCOLOR); mvwaddstr(wmenu, cur + 1, 1, prepad(padstr(mp[cur].name, barlen - 1), 1)); setcolor(wmenu, SUBMENUCOLOR); statusmsg(mp[cur].desc); old = cur; wrefresh(wmenu); } switch (key = ((key != ERR) ? key : waitforkey())) { case '\n': /* menu item selected */ touchwin(wbody); wrefresh(wbody); setmenupos(y + 1, x + 1); rmerror(); key = ERR; curs_set(1); (mp[cur].func)(); /* perform function */ curs_set(0); repaintmenu(wmenu, mp); old = -1; break; #ifdef KEY_A2 case KEY_A2: #endif case KEY_UP: cur = (cur + nitems - 1) % nitems; key = ERR; break; #ifdef KEY_C2 case KEY_C2: #endif case KEY_DOWN: cur = (cur + 1) % nitems; key = ERR; break; case KEY_ESC: #ifdef KEY_B1 case KEY_B1: #endif case KEY_LEFT: #ifdef KEY_B3 case KEY_B3: #endif case KEY_RIGHT: if (key == KEY_ESC) key = ERR; /* return to prev submenu */ stop = TRUE; break; case KEY_MOUSE: if(nc_getmouse(&mouse_event) == OK) { if((mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON1_PRESSED) || (mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON1_CLICKED)) { if( mouse_event.y <= th+1) { key = KEY_ESC; /* exit menu */ break; } else if((mouse_event.y - (y-1) > 0) && mouse_event.y > th && mouse_event.y < y+mheight && mouse_event.y > y && mouse_event.x > x && mouse_event.x < mw +x) { cur = (mouse_event.y - y-1) % nitems; key = ERR; break; } else if(mouse_event.y > 0 && mouse_event.y != y-1 && mouse_event.x > 0 && mouse_event.x != x-1) { key = KEY_ESC; /* exit menu */ break; } stop = TRUE; break; } else if(mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED) { if((mouse_event.y - (y-1) > 0) && mouse_event.y > th && mouse_event.y < y+mheight && mouse_event.y > y){ cur = (mouse_event.y - y-1) % nitems; key = '\n'; break; }else{ key = KEY_ESC; break; } } else if( (mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON3_PRESSED) || (mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON3_CLICKED)) { key = KEY_ESC; break; } } break; default: cur0 = cur; do { cur = (cur + 1) % nitems; } while ((cur != cur0) && (hotkey(mp[cur].name) != toupper((int)key))); key = (hotkey(mp[cur].name) == toupper((int)key)) ? '\n' : ERR; } } rmerror(); delwin(wmenu); touchwin(wbody); wrefresh(wbody); } void startmenu(menu *mp, char *mtitle) { initscr(); incurses = TRUE; initcolor(); wtitl = subwin(stdscr, th, bw, 0, 0); wmain = subwin(stdscr, mh, bw, th, 0); wbody = subwin(stdscr, bh, bw, th + mh, 0); wstat = subwin(stdscr, sh, bw, th + mh + bh, 0); colorbox(wtitl, TITLECOLOR, 0); colorbox(wmain, MAINMENUCOLOR, 0); colorbox(wbody, BODYCOLOR, 0); colorbox(wstat, STATUSCOLOR, 0); if (mtitle) titlemsg(mtitle); cbreak(); /* direct input (no newline required)... */ noecho(); /* ... without echoing */ curs_set(0); /* hide cursor (if possible) */ nodelay(wbody, TRUE); /* don't wait for input... */ halfdelay(10); /* ...well, no more than a second, anyway */ keypad(wbody, TRUE); /* enable cursor keys */ scrollok(wbody, TRUE); /* enable scrolling in main window */ leaveok(stdscr, TRUE); leaveok(wtitl, TRUE); leaveok(wmain, TRUE); leaveok(wstat, TRUE); mainmenu(mp); cleanup(); } static void repainteditbox(WINDOW *win, int x, char *buf) { #ifndef PDCURSES int maxy; #endif int maxx; #ifdef PDCURSES maxx = getmaxx(win); #else getmaxyx(win, maxy, maxx); #endif werase(win); mvwprintw(win, 0, 0, "%s", padstr(buf, maxx)); wmove(win, 0, x); wrefresh(win); } /* weditstr() - edit string Description: The initial value of 'str' with a maximum length of 'field' - 1, which is supplied by the calling routine, is editted. The user's erase (^H), kill (^U) and delete word (^W) chars are interpreted. The PC insert or Tab keys toggle between insert and edit mode. Escape aborts the edit session, leaving 'str' unchanged. Enter, Up or Down Arrow are used to accept the changes to 'str'. NOTE: editstr(), mveditstr(), and mvweditstr() are macros. Return Value: Returns the input terminating character on success (Escape, Enter, Up or Down Arrow) and ERR on error. Errors: It is an error to call this function with a NULL window pointer. The length of the initial 'str' must not exceed 'field' - 1. */ int weditstr(WINDOW *win, char *buf, int field) { char org[MAXSTRLEN], *tp, *bp = buf; bool defdisp = TRUE, stop = FALSE, insert = FALSE; int cury, curx, begy, begx; chtype oldattr; WINDOW *wedit; int c = 0; #ifdef HAVE_CLIPBOARD char *ptr = NULL; long j, length = 0; MEVENT mouse_event; #ifdef __PDCURSES__ nc_getmouse( &mouse_event); #else getmouse( &mouse_event); #endif mousemask( BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED | BUTTON1_PRESSED | BUTTON1_CLICKED |BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED |BUTTON3_PRESSED |BUTTON3_CLICKED , NULL); #endif if ((field >= MAXSTRLEN) || (buf == NULL) || ((int)strlen(buf) > field - 1)) return ERR; strcpy(org, buf); /* save original */ wrefresh(win); getyx(win, cury, curx); getbegyx(win, begy, begx); wedit = subwin(win, 1, field, begy + cury, begx + curx); oldattr = wedit->_attrs; colorbox(wedit, EDITBOXCOLOR, 0); keypad(wedit, TRUE); curs_set(1); while (!stop) { idle(); repainteditbox(wedit, (int)(bp - buf), buf); switch (c = wgetch(wedit)) { case ERR: break; case KEY_ESC: strcpy(buf, org); /* restore original */ stop = TRUE; break; case '\n': #ifdef KEY_A2 case KEY_A2: #endif case KEY_UP: #ifdef KEY_C2 case KEY_C2: #endif case KEY_DOWN: stop = TRUE; break; #ifdef KEY_B1 case KEY_B1: #endif case KEY_LEFT: if (bp > buf) bp--; break; #ifdef KEY_B3 case KEY_B3: #endif case KEY_RIGHT: defdisp = FALSE; if (bp - buf < (int)strlen(buf)) bp++; break; #ifdef HAVE_CLIPBOARD case KEY_MOUSE: if(nc_getmouse(&mouse_event) == OK) { if(mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED){ if(mouse_event.y >= begy + cury && mouse_event.y <= begy + cury + 1 && mouse_event.x >= begx + curx && mouse_event.x <= begx + curx + field){ c = KEY_DOWN; stop = TRUE; break; }else{ c = KEY_ESC; strcpy(buf, org); /* restore original */ stop = TRUE; break; } } else if(mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED){ c = KEY_UP; strcpy(buf, org); /* restore original */ stop = TRUE; break; } else if( (mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON3_PRESSED) || (mouse_event.bstate & BUTTON3_CLICKED)) { j = PDC_getclipboard(&ptr, &length); switch(j) { case PDC_CLIP_ACCESS_ERROR: strcpy(buf, org); /* restore original as default */ stop = TRUE; c = KEY_ESC; break; case PDC_CLIP_MEMORY_ERROR: strcpy(buf, org); /* restore original as default */ stop = TRUE; c = KEY_ESC; break; case PDC_CLIP_EMPTY: strcpy(buf, org); /* restore original as default */ stop = TRUE; c = KEY_ESC; break; case PDC_CLIP_SUCCESS: if ((int)strlen(ptr) && insert){ if ((int)strlen(buf) < field + 1 ) { memmove((void *)(ptr+(int)strlen(ptr)), (const void *)bp, (int)strlen(buf)+1); /* Experimental insert/add to existing text*/ strncpy(bp, ptr, field - (int)strlen(buf)); /* copy clip-board to already existing field */ insert = !insert; curs_set(insert ? 2 : 1); while (bp - buf < (int)strlen(buf)) bp++; } } break; default: strcpy(buf, org); /* restore original */ stop = TRUE; c = KEY_ESC; break; } } } break; #endif case '\t': /* TAB -- because insert is broken on HPUX */ case KEY_IC: /* enter insert mode */ case KEY_EIC: /* exit insert mode */ defdisp = FALSE; insert = !insert; curs_set(insert ? 2 : 1); break; default: if (c == erasechar()) /* backspace, ^H */ { if (bp > buf) { memmove((void *)(bp - 1), (const void *)bp, strlen(bp) + 1); bp--; } } else if (c == killchar()) /* ^U */ { bp = buf; *bp = '\0'; } else if (c == wordchar()) /* ^W */ { tp = bp; while ((bp > buf) && (*(bp - 1) == ' ')) bp--; while ((bp > buf) && (*(bp - 1) != ' ')) bp--; memmove((void *)bp, (const void *)tp, strlen(tp) + 1); } else if( c >=0 && c < 256 && isprint(c)) { if (defdisp) { bp = buf; *bp = '\0'; defdisp = FALSE; } if (insert) { if ((int)strlen(buf) < field - 1) { memmove((void *)(bp + 1), (const void *)bp, strlen(bp) + 1); *bp++ = c; } } else if (bp - buf < field - 1) { /* append new string terminator */ if (!*bp) bp[1] = '\0'; *bp++ = c; } } } } curs_set(0); wattrset(wedit, oldattr); repainteditbox(wedit, (int)(bp - buf), buf); delwin(wedit); return c; } WINDOW *winputbox(WINDOW *win, int nlines, int ncols) { WINDOW *winp; int cury, curx, begy, begx; getyx(win, cury, curx); getbegyx(win, begy, begx); winp = newwin(nlines, ncols, begy + cury, begx + curx); colorbox(winp, INPUTBOXCOLOR, 1); return winp; } int getstrings(char *desc[], char *buf[], int field) { WINDOW *winput; int oldy, oldx, maxy, maxx, nlines, ncols, i, n, l, mmax = 0; int c = 0; bool stop = FALSE; for (n = 0; desc[n]; n++) if ((l = (int)strlen(desc[n])) > mmax) mmax = l; nlines = n + 2; ncols = mmax + field + 4; getyx(wbody, oldy, oldx); getmaxyx(wbody, maxy, maxx); winput = mvwinputbox(wbody, (maxy - nlines) / 2, (maxx - ncols) / 2, nlines, ncols); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) mvwprintw(winput, i + 1, 2, "%s", desc[i]); i = 0; while (!stop) { switch (c = mvweditstr(winput, i+1, mmax+3, buf[i], field)) { case KEY_ESC: stop = TRUE; break; #ifdef KEY_A2 case KEY_A2: #endif case KEY_UP: i = (i + n - 1) % n; break; case '\n': case '\t': #ifdef KEY_C2 case KEY_C2: #endif case KEY_DOWN: if (++i == n) stop = TRUE; /* all passed? */ } } delwin(winput); touchwin(wbody); wmove(wbody, oldy, oldx); wrefresh(wbody); return c; }