module Conveyor # Handle the incoming watch requests and assign the workers class Foreman include Singleton include Conveyor::Output attr_accessor :workers, :channel, :config def initialize loglvl(:debug) read_configs @listeners = {} @belts = {} end def logfile @config[:logfile] end def name 'Foreman' end def channel @channel ||= end def read_configs @config = { "worker_defs" => File.expand_path('.workers', Dir.pwd), "logfile" => File.expand_path('log/conveyor.log', Dir.pwd), "threadpool" => 5, "websocket" => { "disabled" => false, "host" => "", "port" => 9876 } } @config_file = '.conveyor' if File.exists? @config_file @config.merge! YAML.load( elsif File.exists?('~/.conveyor') @config_file = '~/.conveyor' @config.merge! YAML.load( else write_config(@config) end # New version of conveyor update config file with new params if !@config['version'] || @config['version'] != Conveyor::VERSION @config['version'] = Conveyor::VERSION write_config(@config) end @config.symbolize_keys! @config[:websocket].symbolize_keys! end def write_config(config), 'w') { |fp| fp << config.to_yaml } end def watch(*args, &block) @listener_opts = args.extract_options! @listener_dir = File.expand_path(args.first) raise "Directory #{@listener_dir} not found" unless @listener_dir @listener_opts[:latency] ||= 1 # Set a large latency if we force polling, prevents high cpu usage @listener_opts[:latency] = 1 if @listener_opts[:latency] < 1 and @listener_opts[:force_polling] yield end def match(*args, &block) opts = args.extract_options! debug "Filters: #{args.inspect}" listener = if @listener_opts[:latency] listener.latency(@listener_opts[:latency]) else listener.latency(0.5) end listener.ignore(opts[:ignore]) if @listener_opts[:ignore] if @listener_opts[:force_polling] debug "Force polling" listener.force_polling(true) end listener.filter(*args) b = @belts[@listener_dir] =, @current_worker) callback = lambda do |modified, added, removed| begin files = modified + added b.touch(files) unless files.empty? rescue => e puts "Error: " + e.message puts e.backtrace end end listener.change(&callback) @listeners[@listener_dir] = listener rescue => e error "ERROR: #{e.message}" error e.backtrace end def file(glob) /#{glob}$/ end def extension(glob) /\.#{glob}$/ end def any '*' end def notify_list @notify_list.flatten! @notify_list.uniq! @notify_list end def stop! @listeners.each { |dir,l| info "Stopping #{dir} listener"; l.stop } @listeners = {} @notify_list = [] end def start load! @listeners.each do |k, listener| info "Watching #{k}" listener.start(false) end end def output_status status = @belts.collect { |dir, b| "#{}: #{b.count}" } print "\r#{status.join(', ')}" end def check @belts.each do |dir, b| EM.defer do b.check end end end def load! stop! info "Loading workers from #{@config[:worker_defs]}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(@config[:worker_defs]) Dir.glob(File.join(@config[:worker_defs], '*.worker')) do |file| begin @current_worker = File.expand_path(file) instance_eval rescue => e error [ "Error loading #{@current_worker}, skipping", e.message, e.backtrace ].flatten end end end def method_missing(method, value = nil) return method.to_s end end end