require 'spec_helper' module Berkshelf describe Berksfile do let(:content) do <<-EOF cookbook 'ntp', '<= 1.0.0' cookbook 'mysql' cookbook 'nginx', '< 0.101.2' cookbook 'ssh_known_hosts2', :git => '' EOF end describe "ClassMethods" do subject { Berksfile } describe "::from_file" do let(:cookbook_file) { fixtures_path.join('lockfile_spec', 'with_lock', 'Berksfile') } it "reads a Berksfile and returns an instance Berksfile" do subject.from_file(cookbook_file).should be_a(Berksfile) end context "when Berksfile does not exist at given path" do let(:bad_path) { tmp_path.join("thisdoesnotexist") } it "raises BerksfileNotFound" do lambda { subject.from_file(bad_path) }.should raise_error(BerksfileNotFound) end end end describe "::vendor" do let(:cached_cookbooks) { [] } let(:tmpdir) { Dir.mktmpdir(nil, tmp_path) } it "returns the expanded filepath of the vendor directory" do subject.vendor(cached_cookbooks, tmpdir).should eql(tmpdir) end context "with a chefignore" do before(:each) do File.stub(:exists?).and_return(true) ::Chef::Cookbook::Chefignore.any_instance.stub(:remove_ignores_from).and_return(['metadata.rb']) end it "finds a chefignore file" do ::Chef::Cookbook::Chefignore.should_receive(:new).with(File.expand_path('chefignore')) subject.vendor(cached_cookbooks, tmpdir) end it "removes files in chefignore" do cached_cookbooks = [ CachedCookbook.from_path(fixtures_path.join('cookbooks/example_cookbook')) ] FileUtils.should_receive(:cp_r).with(['metadata.rb'], anything()).exactly(1).times FileUtils.should_receive(:cp_r).with(anything(), anything(), anything()).once subject.vendor(cached_cookbooks, tmpdir) end end end end let(:source_one) { double('source_one', name: "nginx") } let(:source_two) { double('source_two', name: "mysql") } subject {"Berksfile")) } describe "#cookbook" do let(:name) { "artifact" } let(:constraint) { double('constraint') } let(:default_options) { { group: [] } } it "sends the add_source message with the name, constraint, and options to the instance of the includer" do subject.should_receive(:add_source).with(name, constraint, default_options) subject.cookbook name, constraint, default_options end it "merges the default options into specified options" do subject.should_receive(:add_source).with(name, constraint, path: "/Users/reset", group: []) subject.cookbook name, constraint, path: "/Users/reset" end it "converts a single specified group option into an array of groups" do subject.should_receive(:add_source).with(name, constraint, group: [:production]) subject.cookbook name, constraint, group: :production end context "when no constraint specified" do it "sends the add_source message with a nil value for constraint" do subject.should_receive(:add_source).with(name, nil, default_options) subject.cookbook name, default_options end end context "when no options specified" do it "sends the add_source message with an empty Hash for the value of options" do subject.should_receive(:add_source).with(name, constraint, default_options) subject.cookbook name, constraint end end end describe '#group' do let(:name) { "artifact" } let(:group) { "production" } it "sends the add_source message with an array of groups determined by the parameter passed to the group block" do subject.should_receive(:add_source).with(name, nil, group: [group]) group do subject.cookbook name end end end describe "#metadata" do let(:cb_path) { fixtures_path.join('cookbooks/example_cookbook') } subject {"Berksfile")) } before(:each) { Dir.chdir(cb_path) } it "sends the add_source message with an explicit version constraint and the path to the cookbook" do subject.should_receive(:add_source).with("example_cookbook", "= 0.5.0", path: cb_path.to_s) subject.metadata end end describe "#site" do let(:uri) { "http://opscode/v1" } it "sends the add_location to the instance of the implementing class with a SiteLocation" do subject.should_receive(:add_location).with(:site, uri) end context "given the symbol :opscode" do it "sends an add_location message with the default Opscode Community API as the first parameter" do subject.should_receive(:add_location).with(:site, :opscode) end end end describe "#chef_api" do let(:uri) { "http://chef:8080/" } it "sends and add_location message with the type :chef_api and the given URI" do subject.should_receive(:add_location).with(:chef_api, uri, {}) subject.chef_api(uri) end it "also sends any options passed" do options = { node_name: "reset", client_key: "/Users/reset/.chef/reset.pem" } subject.should_receive(:add_location).with(:chef_api, uri, options) subject.chef_api(uri, options) end context "given the symbol :config" do it "sends an add_location message with the the type :chef_api and the URI :config" do subject.should_receive(:add_location).with(:chef_api, :config, {}) subject.chef_api(:config) end end end describe "#sources" do let(:groups) do [ :nautilus, :skarner ] end it "returns all CookbookSources added to the instance of Berksfile" do subject.add_source( subject.add_source( subject.sources.should have(2).items subject.should have_source( subject.should have_source( end context "given the option :except" do before(:each) do source_one.stub(:groups) { [:default, :skarner] } source_two.stub(:groups) { [:default, :nautilus] } end it "returns all of the sources except the ones in the given groups" do subject.add_source(, nil, group: [:default, :skarner]) subject.add_source(, nil, group: [:default, :nautilus]) filtered = subject.sources(except: :nautilus) filtered.should have(1).item eql( end end context "given the option :only" do before(:each) do source_one.stub(:groups) { [:default, :skarner] } source_two.stub(:groups) { [:default, :nautilus] } end it "returns only the sources in the givne groups" do subject.add_source(, nil, group: [:default, :skarner]) subject.add_source(, nil, group: [:default, :nautilus]) filtered = subject.sources(only: :nautilus) filtered.should have(1).item eql( end end context "when a value for :only and :except is given" do it "raises an ArgumentError" do lambda { subject.sources(only: [:default], except: [:other]) }.should raise_error(Berkshelf::ArgumentError, "Cannot specify both :except and :only") end end end describe "#groups" do before(:each) do subject.stub(:sources) { [source_one, source_two] } source_one.stub(:groups) { [:nautilus, :skarner] } source_two.stub(:groups) { [:nautilus, :riven] } end it "returns a hash containing keys for every group a source is a member of" do subject.groups.keys.should have(3).items subject.groups.should have_key(:nautilus) subject.groups.should have_key(:skarner) subject.groups.should have_key(:riven) end it "returns an Array of CookbookSources who are members of the group for value" do subject.groups[:nautilus].should have(2).items subject.groups[:riven].should have(1).item end end describe "#resolve" do let(:resolver) { double('resolver') } before(:each) { Berkshelf::Resolver.stub(:new) { resolver } } it "resolves the Berksfile" do resolver.should_receive(:resolve).and_return([double('cached_cookbook_one'), double('cached_cookbook_two')]) solution = subject.resolve solution.should have(2).items end end describe "#install" do let(:resolver) { double('resolver') } before(:each) { Berkshelf::Resolver.stub(:new) { resolver } } context "when a lockfile is not present" do before(:each) do subject.should_receive(:lockfile_present?).and_return(false) resolver.should_receive(:sources).and_return([]) end let(:cached_cookbooks) do [ double('cached_one'), double('cached_two') ] end it "returns the result from sending the message resolve to resolver" do resolver.should_receive(:resolve).and_return(cached_cookbooks) subject.install.should eql(cached_cookbooks) end it "sets a value for self.cached_cookbooks equivalent to the return value" do resolver.should_receive(:resolve).and_return(cached_cookbooks) subject.install subject.cached_cookbooks.should eql(cached_cookbooks) end it "creates a new resolver and finds a solution by calling resolve on the resolver" do resolver.should_receive(:resolve) subject.install end it "writes a lockfile with the resolvers sources" do resolver.should_receive(:resolve) subject.should_receive(:write_lockfile).with([]) subject.install end end context "when a lockfile is present" do before(:each) { subject.should_receive(:lockfile_present?).and_return(true) } it "does not write a new lock file" do resolver.should_receive(:resolve) subject.should_not_receive(:write_lockfile) subject.install end end context "when a value for :path is given" do before(:each) { resolver.should_receive(:resolve) } it "sends the message 'vendor' to Berksfile with the value for :path" do path = double('path') subject.class.should_receive(:vendor).with(subject.cached_cookbooks, path) subject.install(path: path) end end context "when a value for :except is given" do before(:each) { resolver.should_receive(:resolve) } it "filters the sources and gives the results to the Resolver initializer" do filtered = double('sources') subject.should_receive(:sources).with(except: [:skip_me]).and_return(filtered) Resolver.should_receive(:new).with(anything, sources: filtered) subject.install(except: [:skip_me]) end end context "when a value for :only is given" do before(:each) { resolver.should_receive(:resolve) } it "filters the sources and gives the results to the Resolver initializer" do filtered = double('sources') subject.should_receive(:sources).with(only: [:skip_me]).and_return(filtered) subject.install(only: [:skip_me]) end end end describe "#load" do it "reads the content of a Berksfile and adds the sources to the Shelf" do subject.load(content) ['ntp', 'mysql', 'nginx', 'ssh_known_hosts2'].each do |name| subject.should have_source(name) end end it "returns an instance of Berksfile" do subject.load(content).should be_a(Berksfile) end end describe "#add_source" do let(:name) { "cookbook_one" } let(:constraint) { "= 1.2.0" } let(:location) { { site: "http://site" } } before(:each) do subject.add_source(name, constraint, location) end it "adds new cookbook source to the list of sources" do subject.sources.should have(1).source end it "adds a cookbook source with a 'name' of the given name" do eql(name) end it "adds a cookbook source with a 'version_constraint' of the given constraint" do subject.sources.first.version_constraint.to_s.should eql(constraint) end it "raises DuplicateSourceDefined if multiple sources of the same name are found" do lambda { subject.add_source(name) }.should raise_error(DuplicateSourceDefined) end end describe "#add_location" do let(:type) { :site } let(:value) { double('value') } let(:options) { double('options') } it "delegates 'add_location' to the downloader" do subject.downloader.should_receive(:add_location).with(type, value, options) subject.add_location(type, value, options) end end end end