module VagrantPlugins module CommandServe class Mappers module Internal class Graph # Represent given mappers and inputs as # graph. class Mappers include Util::HasLogger # Weight given to root vertex ROOT_WEIGHT = 0 # Weight given to source vertex or initial value SOURCE_WEIGHT = 0 # Weight given to the destination vertex FINAL_WEIGHT = 0 # Weight given to output types matching final DST_WEIGHT = 0 # Weight given to named input value vertices NAMED_VALUE_WEIGHT = 0 # Weight given to input value vertices VALUE_WEIGHT = 10 # Weight given to input vertices INPUT_WEIGHT = 20 # Weight given to output vertices OUTPUT_WEIGHT = 20 # @return [Graph] graph instance representing mappers attr_reader :graph # @return [Object] source input value attr_reader :source # @return [Array] input values attr_reader :inputs # @return [String] named input to prefer attr_reader :named # @return [Mappers] mappers instance executing against attr_reader :mappers # @return [Class] expected return type attr_reader :final # @return [Boolean] graph is fresh (not using cached vertex list) attr_reader :fresh # @return [Array] list of callables used for Method vertices attr_reader :callables @previous = {} class << self # Register a valid path for a given source # and destination # # @param src [Class] source type # @param dst [Class] destination type # @param path [Array] def register(src, dst, path) begin @previous[generate_key(src, dst)] = path rescue KeyError nil end end # Remove an existing path registration # # @param src [Class] source type # @param dst [Class] destination type # @return [NilClass] def unregister(src, dst) @previous.delete(generate_key(src, dst)) nil end # Fetch a path for a given source and destination # if it has been registered # # @param src [Class] source type # @param dst [Class] destination type # @return [Array, NilClass] def previous(src, dst) begin @previous[generate_key(src, dst)] rescue KeyError nil end end # Generate lookup key for given source # and destination # # @param src [Class] source # @param dst [Class] destination # @return [String] def generate_key(src, dst) "#{src} -> #{dst}" end end # Wrap a mappers instance into a graph with input values # and determine and execute required path for desired output # # @param output_type [Class] Expected return type # @param input_values [Array] Values provided for execution # @param mappers [Mappers] Mappers instance to use # @param named [String] Named input to prefer # @param source [Object] Source value for conversion (optional) def initialize(output_type:, input_values:, mappers:, named: nil, source: nil) if !output_type.nil? && !output_type.is_a?(Class) && !output_type.is_a?(Module) raise TypeError, "Expected output type to be `Class', got `#{output_type.class}' (#{output_type})" end @final = output_type @source = source @inputs = Array(input_values) if !mappers.is_a?(CommandServe::Mappers) raise TypeError, "Expected mapper to be `Mappers', got `#{mappers.class}'" end @mappers = mappers @callables = mappers.mappers @named = named.to_s @fresh = true # If we have a valid source type (and are not generating a value) check # if a path has already been registered for this source/destination # pair. If it has, we can fetch the callables out of the registered # path and build our graph only using that subset of callables if source != GENERATE_CLASS && self.class.previous(source, final) @callables = self.class.previous(source, final).find_all { |v| v.is_a?(Vertex::Method) }.map(&:callable) # Since we built the graph using a registered path lookup, mark # this as non-fresh @fresh = false end setup! logger.debug { "new graph mappers instance created #{self}" } logger.debug { "graph: #{graph.inspect}" } end # Generate path and execute required mappers # # @return [Object] result def execute # Generate list of vertices to reach destination # from root, if possible search = graph) logger.debug { "searching for conversion path #{source ? source : inputs.first.class} -> #{final}" } p = search.path(@root, @dst) logger.debug { sp ={ |v| v = v.to_s.slice(0, 100) + "...>" if v.to_s.length > 100 v }.join(" ->\n ") "found execution path:\n #{sp}" } # Call root first and validate it was # actually root. The value is a stub, # so it's not saved. result = if result != :root raise "Initial vertex is not root. Expected `:root', got `#{result}'" end # If we were not generating a value and the graph was fresh, # register this path lookup for future use. if source != GENERATE_CLASS && fresh self.class.register(source, final, p) end # Execute each vertex in the path p.each do |v| # The argument list required by the current # vertex will be defined by its incoming edges args = search.graph.in_vertices(v).map(&:value)*args) end # The resultant value will be stored within the # destination vertex @dst.value rescue => err # If a failure was encountered and the graph was fresh # allow the error to continue bubbling up raise if fresh # If the graph is not fresh, unregister the cached path # and retry the mapping with the full graph logger.trace("search execution using cached path failed, retrying with full graph (#{err})") self.class.unregister(source, final) output_type: final, input_values: inputs, mappers: mappers, named: named, source: source ).execute end def to_s "" end def inspect "<#{}:#{object_id} output_type=#{final} input_values=#{inputs} graph=#{graph}>" end protected # Setup the graph using the provided Mappers instance def setup! @graph = # Create a root vertex to provide a single starting point @root = graph.add_vertex( :root)) @root.weight = ROOT_WEIGHT # Add the provided input values input_vertices = [] initial_value = true input_vertices += do |input_value| if input_value == GENERATE initial_value = false next end if input_value.is_a?(Type::NamedArgument) iv = graph.add_vertex( name:, value: input_value.value ) ) iv.weight = == named ? NAMED_VALUE_WEIGHT : VALUE_WEIGHT else iv = graph.add_vertex( input_value)) iv.weight = initial_value ? SOURCE_WEIGHT : VALUE_WEIGHT end # If this is the initial value and we are not generating a result, # then mark it as the origin value if initial_value @origin = iv"origin vertex has been set: #{@origin}") end initial_value = false graph.add_edge(@root, iv) iv end.compact # Also add the known values from the mappers instance input_vertices += do |input_value| iv = graph.add_vertex( input_value)) iv.weight = VALUE_WEIGHT graph.add_edge(@root, iv) iv end fn_inputs = fn_outputs = # Create vertices for all our registered mappers, # as well as their inputs and outputs callables.each do |mapper| fn = graph.add_vertex( mapper)) fn_inputs += do |i| iv = graph.add_vertex( i.type, origin_restricted: i.origin_restricted)) iv.weight = INPUT_WEIGHT + fn.extra_weight graph.add_edge(iv, fn) iv end ov = graph.add_vertex( mapper.output)) ov.weight = (mapper.output == final ? DST_WEIGHT : OUTPUT_WEIGHT) + fn.extra_weight graph.add_edge(fn, ov) fn_outputs << ov end # Create an output vertex for our expected # result type @dst = graph.add_vertex( final)) @dst.weight = FINAL_WEIGHT # Add an edge from all our value vertices to # matching input vertices input_vertices.each do |iv| fn_inputs.each do |f_iv| if f_iv.origin_value_only? && iv != @origin next end if iv.type == f_iv.type || iv.type.ancestors.include?(f_iv.type) graph.add_edge(iv, f_iv) end end # If a value vertex matches the desired # output value, connect it directly if @dst.type == iv.type # || iv.type.ancestors.include?(@dst.type) graph.add_edge(iv, @dst) end end # Add an edge from all our output vertices to # matching input vertices fn_outputs.each do |f_ov| fn_inputs.each do |f_iv| next if f_iv.origin_value_only? if f_ov.type == f_iv.type || f_ov.type.ancestors.include?(f_iv.type) graph.add_edge(f_ov, f_iv) end end # If an output value matches the desired # output value, connect it directly if @dst.type == f_ov.type || f_ov.type.ancestors.include?(@dst) if @dst.type != f_ov.type f_ov.weight += 1000 end graph.add_edge(f_ov, @dst) end end # The output attached to our destination should be # terminated at the destiation. If it has any out # edges, remove those vertices (which has the bonus # of helping to prevent cycles) graph.each_in_vertex(@dst) do |vrt| graph.each_out_vertex(vrt) do |ov| next if ov == @dst graph.remove_edge(vrt, ov) end end end end end end end end end