Feature: Managing ey hudson server I want to install a Hudson CI server hosted on Engine Yard AppCloud Background: Given I have setup my engineyard email/password for API access And I have "two accounts, two apps, two environments, ambiguous" And I want to fake out the boot sequence of Hudson Scenario: Install new Hudson CI server on AppCloud When I run local executable "ey-hudson" with arguments "install_server . --account account_2 --environment giblets" Then file "cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb" is created And file "cookbooks/hudson_master/recipes/default.rb" is created And file "cookbooks/hudson_master/attributes/default.rb" contains ":plugins => %w[git github rake ruby greenballs envfile]" And I should see exactly """ create cookbooks create cookbooks/hudson_master/recipes/default.rb create cookbooks/hudson_master/templates/default/init.sh.erb create cookbooks/hudson_master/templates/default/proxy.conf.erb create cookbooks/main/attributes/recipe.rb create cookbooks/main/definitions/ey_cloud_report.rb create cookbooks/main/libraries/ruby_block.rb create cookbooks/main/libraries/run_for_app.rb create cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb create cookbooks/hudson_master/attributes/default.rb Uploading to 'giblets' environment on 'account_2' account... Environment is rebuilding... .. Hudson is starting... Done! Hudson CI hosted at http://app-master-hostname.compute-1.amazonaws.com """ @wip Scenario: Install Hudson CI server with additional Hudson plugins When I run local executable "ey-hudson" with arguments "install_server . -p ' chucknorris , googleanalytics ' -c account_2 -e giblets" Then file "cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb" is created And file "cookbooks/hudson_master/recipes/default.rb" is created And file "cookbooks/hudson_master/attributes/default.rb" contains ":plugins => %w[git github rake ruby greenballs envfile chucknorris googleanalytics]" Scenario: Display example explicit calls if multiple accounts/options When I run local executable "ey-hudson" with arguments "install_server . -e giblets" Then file "cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb" is not created And I should see exactly """ Multiple environments possible, please be more specific: ey-hudson install_server --environment 'giblets' --account 'main' ey-hudson install_server --environment 'giblets' --account 'account_2' """ Scenario: Ask for environment/account details if no obvious hudson environment on AppCloud When I run local executable "ey-hudson" with arguments "install_server ." Then file "cookbooks/main/recipes/default.rb" is not created And I should see exactly """ No environments with name hudson, hudson_server, hudson_production, hudson_server_production. Either: * Create an AppCloud environment called hudson, hudson_server, hudson_production, hudson_server_production * Use --environment/--account flags to select AppCloud environment """