# frozen_string_literal: true class Pry class Command class ShellCommand < Pry::ClassCommand match(/\.(.*)/) group 'Input and Output' description "All text following a '.' is forwarded to the shell." command_options listing: '.', use_prefix: false, takes_block: true banner <<-'BANNER' Usage: .COMMAND_NAME All text following a "." is forwarded to the shell. .ls -aF .uname BANNER def process(cmd) if cmd =~ /^cd\s*(.*)/i process_cd parse_destination(Regexp.last_match(1)) else pass_block(cmd) if command_block command_block.call `#{cmd}` else pry_instance.config.system.call(output, cmd, pry_instance) end end end private def parse_destination(dest) return "~" if dest.empty? return dest unless dest == "-" state.old_pwd || raise(CommandError, "No prior directory available") end def process_cd(dest) state.old_pwd = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(File.expand_path(path_from_cd_path(dest) || dest)) rescue Errno::ENOENT raise CommandError, "No such directory: #{dest}" end def cd_path_env Pry::Env['CDPATH'] end def cd_path_exists? cd_path_env && cd_path_env.length.nonzero? end def path_from_cd_path(dest) return if !(dest && cd_path_exists?) || special_case_path?(dest) cd_path_env.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| return path if File.directory?(path) && path.split(File::SEPARATOR).last == dest end nil end def special_case_path?(dest) ['.', '..', '-'].include?(dest) || dest =~ /\A[#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}~]/ end end Pry::Commands.add_command(Pry::Command::ShellCommand) end end