stream-ruby =========== [![Build Status](]( [![Gem Version](]( stream-ruby is the official Ruby client for [Stream](, a web service for building scalable newsfeeds and activity streams. The full documentation is available on []( Note that there is also a [higher level Rails integration]( which hooks into your ORM. ### Installation ```bash gem install "stream-ruby" ``` ### Usage ```ruby # Instantiate a new client to connect to us east API endpoint require 'stream' client ='YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET', :location => 'us-east') # Find your API keys here # Instantiate a feed object user_feed_1 = client.feed('user', '1') # Get activities from 5 to 10 (slow pagination) result = user_feed_1.get(:limit=>5, :offset=>5) # (Recommended & faster) Filter on an id less than the given UUID result = user_feed_1.get(:limit=>5, :id_lt=>'e561de8f-00f1-11e4-b400-0cc47a024be0') # Create a new activity activity_data = {:actor => 1, :verb => 'tweet', :object => 1, :foreign_id => 'tweet:1'} activity_response = user_feed_1.add_activity(activity_data) # Create a bit more complex activity activity_data = {:actor => 1, :verb => 'tweet', :object => 1, :foreign_id => 'tweet:1', :course => {:name => 'Golden Gate park', :distance => 10}, :participants => ['Thierry', 'Tommaso'], :started_at => } activity_response = user_feed_1.add_activity(activity_data) # Update an existing activity (requires both :foreign_id and :time fields) activity_data = {:actor => 1, :verb => 'tweet', :object => 1, :foreign_id => 'tweet:1', :popularity => 100, :time => '2016-05-13T16:12:30'} client.update_activity(activity_data) # Update activities client.update_activities([activity_data]) # Remove an activity by its id user_feed_1.remove_activity('e561de8f-00f1-11e4-b400-0cc47a024be0') # Remove activities by their foreign_id user_feed_1.remove_activity('tweet:1', foreign_id=true) # Follow another feed user_feed_1.follow('flat', '42') # Stop following another feed user_feed_1.unfollow('flat', '42') # Batch adding activities activities = [ [:actor => '1', :verb => 'tweet', :object => '1'], [:actor => '2', :verb => 'like', :object => '3'] ] user_feed_1.add_activities(activities) # Batch following many feeds (requires ruby 2.1 or later) follows = [{ :source => 'flat:1', :target => 'user:1', :source => 'flat:1', :target => 'user:2', :source => 'flat:1', :target => 'user:3' }] client.follow_many(follows) # Add an activity and push it to other feeds too using the `to` field data = [ :actor_id => "1", :verb => "like", :object_id => "3", :to => ["user:44", "user:45"] ] user_feed_1.add_activity(data) # Remove a feed and its content user_feed_1.delete # Generating tokens for client side usage token = user_feed_1.readonly_token # Javascript client side feed initialization user1 = client.feed('user', '1', '{{ token }}'); # Retrieve first 10 followers of a feed user_feed_1.followers(0, 10) # Retrieve followers from 10 to 20 user_feed_1.followers(10, 10) # Retrieve 10 feeds followed by user_feed_1 user_feed_1.following(10) # Retrieve 10 feeds followed by user_feed_1 starting from the 11th user_feed_1.following(10, 10) # Check if user_feed_1 follows specific feeds user_feed_1.following(0, 2, filter=['user:42', 'user:43']) # Add one activity to many feeds in one request feeds = ['flat:1', 'flat:2', 'flat:3', 'flat:4'] activity = {:actor => "User:2", :verb => "pin", :object => "Place:42", :target => "Board:1"} client.add_to_many(activity, feeds) ``` Docs are available on [](