class RakeCommander module Options # Offers helpers to treat `ARGV` module Arguments include RakeCommander::Options::Name # Options with arguments should not take another option as value. # `OptionParser` can do this even if the the argument is optional. # This method re-arranges the arguments based on options that receive parameters, # provided that an option is not taken as a value of a previous option that accepts arguments. # If an option with argument is missing the argument, but has a `default` value, # that `default` value will be inserted after the option in the array # to prevent the `OptionParser::MissingArgument` error to stop the parsing process. # @note # 1. Any word or letter with _hypen_ -`` or _double hypen_ `--` is interpreted as option(s) # 2. To overcome this limitation, you may enclose in double quotes and argument with # that start (i,e, `"--argument"`). # @example # 1. `-abc ARGUMENT` where only `c` receives the argument becomes `-ab -c ARGUMENT` # 3. `-abc ARGUMENT` where `b` and `c` are argument receivers becomes `-a -b nil -c ARGUMENT` # 2. `-acb ARGUMENT` where only `c` receives the argument becomes `-a -c nil -b ARGUMENT` # 4. `-c --some-option ARGUMENT` where both options receive argument, becomes `-c nil --some-option ARGUMENT` # 5. `-c --some-option -d ARGUMENT` where both options receive argument, becomes `-c nil --some-option nil -d ARGUMENT` # 6. `-cd ARGUMENT` where `c` default is `"yeah"`, becomes `-c yeah -d ARGUMENT` # @param argv [Array] # @param options [Hash] the defined `RakeCommander::Option` to re-arrange `argv` with. # @return [Array] the re-arranged `argv` def pre_parse_arguments(argv = ARGV, options) pre_parsed = explicit_argument_options(argv, options) compact_short = '' pre_parsed.each_with_object([]) do |(opt_ref, args), out| next out.push(*args) unless opt_ref.is_a?(Symbol) is_short = opt_ref.to_s.length == 1 next compact_short << opt_ref.to_s if is_short && args.empty? out.push("-#{compact_short}") unless compact_short.empty? compact_short = '' opt_str = is_short ? "-#{opt_ref}" : name_hyphen(opt_ref) out.push(opt_str, *args) end.tap do |out| out.push("-#{compact_short}") unless compact_short.empty? end end private # @example the output is actually a Hash, keyed by the Symbol of the option (short or name) # 1. `-abc ARGUMENT` where only `c` receives the argument becomes `:a :b :c ARGUMENT` # 3. `-abc ARGUMENT` where `b` and `c` are argument receivers becomes `:a :b nil :c ARGUMENT` # 2. `-acb ARGUMENT` where only `c` receives the argument becomes `:a :c nil :b ARGUMENT` # 4. `-c --some-option ARGUMENT` where both options receive argument, becomes `:c nil :some_option ARGUMENT` # 5. `-c --some-option -d ARGUMENT` where first two options receive argument, becomes `:c nil :some_option nil :d ARGUMENT` # 6. `-cd ARGUMENT` where `c` default is `"yeah"`, becomes `:c yeah :d ARGUMENT` # @return [Hash] def explicit_argument_options(argv, options) decoupled = decluster_shorts_n_names_to_sym(argv) grouped = group_symbols_with_strings(decoupled) normalized = insert_missing_argument_to_groups(grouped, options) normalized.each_with_object({}) do |group, pre_parsed| opt_ref = group.first.is_a?(Symbol)? group.shift : nil pre_parsed[opt_ref] = group end end # It adds the missing argument to options that expect it. # @note it uses `default` if present, and `nil` otherwise. # @param groups [@see #pair_symbols_with_strings] def insert_missing_argument_to_groups(groups, options) groups.each do |group| args = group.dup opt_ref = args.shift next unless args.empty? next unless opt_ref.is_a?(Symbol) next unless opt = options[opt_ref] next unless opt.argument? next group.push(opt.default) if opt.default? group.push(nil) end end # @return [Array] where the first element of each `Array` is a symbol # followed by one or more `String`. def group_symbols_with_strings(argv) [].tap do |out| curr_ary = nil argv.each do |arg| if arg.is_a?(Symbol) out << (curr_ary = [arg]) else # must be `String` out << (curr_ary = []) unless curr_ary curr_ary << arg end end end end # It splits `argv` compacted shorts into their `Symbol` version. # Symbolizes option `names` (long version). # @return [Array] where symbols are options and strings arguments. def decluster_shorts_n_names_to_sym(argv) argv.each_with_object([]) do |arg, out| if single_hyphen?(arg) # short option(s) options = arg.match(SINGLE_HYPHEN_REGEX)[:options] options.split('').each do |short| out << short_sym(short) end elsif double_hyphen?(arg) # name option name = arg.match(DOUBLE_HYPHEN_REGEX)[:option] out << name_sym(name) else # argument out << arg end end end end end end