en: activerecord: models: basket: Basket checked_item: Checked item checkout: Checkout checkin: Checkin circulation_status: Circulation status use_restriction: Use restriction checkout_type: Checkout type lending_policy: Lending policy reserve: Reserve item_has_use_restriction: Item has use restriction manifestation_checkout_stat: Manifestation checkout stat user_checkout_stat: User checkout stat manifestation_reserve_stat: Manifestation reserve stat user_reserve_stat: User reserve stat reserve_stat_has_manifestation: Reserve stat to manifestation relationship reserve_stat_has_user: Reserve stat to user relationship checkout_stat_has_manifestation: Checkout stat has manifestation checkout_stat_has_user: Checkout stat has user reserve_stat_has_manifestation: Reserve stat has manifestation reserve_stat_has_user: Reserve stat has user user_group_has_checkout_type: User group has checkout type carrier_type_has_checkout_type: Carrier type and checkout type demand: Demand attributes: basket: user: User note: Note lock_version: Lock version checked_item: due_date: Due date checkin: item_id: Item checkout: due_date: Due date lock_version: Lock version reserve: user: User checked_out_at: Checked out at canceled_at: Canceled at expired_at: Expired at deleted_at: Deleted at created_at: Reserved at retained_at: Retained at postponed_at: Postponed at state: State force_retaining: Force retaining item_identifier: Item identifier pickup_location_id: Pickup location checkout_type: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position circulation_status: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position use_restriction: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position item_has_use_restriction: user_group_has_checkout_type: checkout_limit: Checkout limit checkout_period: Checkout period checkout_renewal_limit: Checkout renewal limit reservation_limit: Reservation limit reservation_expired_period: Reservation expired period set_due_date_before_closing_day: Set due date before the closing day fixed_due_date: Fixed due date note: Note position: Position user_group_id: User group checkout_type_id: Checkout type current_checkout_count: Current checkout count carrier_type_has_checkout_type: note: Note position: Position checkout_type_id: Checkout type manifestation_checkout_stat: start_date: Start date end_date: End date note: Note state: State user_checkout_stat: start_date: Start date end_date: End date note: Note state: State manifestation_reserve_stat: start_date: Start date end_date: End date note: Note state: State user_reserve_stat: start_date: Start date end_date: End date note: Note state: State checkout_stat_has_user: checkouts_count: count by user checkout_stat_has_manifestation: checkouts_count: count by manifestation reserve_stat_has_user: reserves_count: count by user reserve_stat_has_manifestation: reserves_count: count by manifestation lending_policy: loan_period: Loan period fixed_due_date: Fixed due date renewal: Renewal fine: Fine note: Note position: Position item: checkout_type: Checkout type circulation_status: Circulation status profile: checkout_icalendar_token: Checkout iCalendar token save_checkout_history: Save checkout history basket: this_account_is_suspended: "This account is suspended." checkout_completed: "Checkout completed." checked_item: item_not_found: "Item not found." not_available_for_checkout: "This item is not available for checkout." previous_checkout: "Previous checkouts" checkout: "Checkout!" ignore_restriction: "Ignore restriction" already_checked_out: "This item is already checked out." already_checked_out_try_again: "Item already checked out. Try again." checkout: user_checkout: "%{login_name}'s checkouts" library_group_checkout: "Checkouts in %{library_group_name}" renewal: "Renewal" renewal_count: "Renewal count" new_due_date: "New due date" editing_due_date: "Editing due date" this_item_cant_be_renewed: "This item can't be renewed." listing_overdue_item: "Listing overdue items" current_user: "Current user" this_item_is_reserved: "This item is reserved." you_have_overdue_item: "You have overdue items." excessed_renewal_limit: "Excessed checkout renewal limit." all_checkout: "All checkouts" no_checkout: "No checkouts." number_of_day_overdue: "Number of days overdue" extend: "Extend" returned: "Returned" my_checkout: "My checkout" remove_all_history: "Remove all checkout history" reserved: "Reserved" checkin: item_not_found: "Item not found." enter_item_identifier: "Enter item identifier." other_library_item: "This item is other library's item!" already_checked_in: "This item is already checked in." checkin: "Checkin!" successfully_checked_in: "This items was successfully checked in." missing_item_found: "A missing item is found." not_checked_out: "This item is not checked out." reserve: user_reserve: "%{login_name}'s reservations" library_group_reserve: "Reservations in %{library_group_name}" my_reservation: "My reservations" all_reservation: "All reservations" this_manifestation_is_already_reserved: "This manifestation is already reserved." this_manifestation_is_already_checked_out: "This manifestation is already checked out." excessed_reservation_limit: "Excessed reservation limit." this_patron_cannot_reserve: "This patron can't reserve this manifestation." reservation_was_canceled: "Reservation was canceled." this_item_is_not_reserved: "This item is not reserved." invalid_item: "Invalid item." show: "Show reservation" invalid_date: "Invalid date." pending: "Pending" requested: "Requested" retained: "Retained" canceled: "Canceled" expired: "Expired" postponed: "Postponed" completed: "Completed" reserved_from: "From" reserved_to: "To" attempt_to_update_retained_reservation: "You are attemping to update a retained reservation." bibliographic_detail: "Bibliographic details" page: saving: "Saving..." start_counting: "Start counting" statistic: successfully_created: "%{model} task was created successfully. When the task is completed, its status on the list will be updated to 'completed' and you can check the results by following the 'show' link." breakdown: Brakedown by_carrier_type: By carrier type by_checkout_type: By checkout type by_manifestation: By manifestation