# rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength source "https://rubygems.org" ruby "<%= Voyage::RUBY_VERSION %>" #ruby-gemset gem "autoprefixer-rails" gem "delayed_job_active_record" gem "flutie" gem "honeybadger" gem "jquery-rails" gem "normalize-rails", "~> 3.0.0" gem "pg" gem "puma" gem "rack-canonical-host" gem "rails", "<%= Voyage::RAILS_VERSION %>" gem "recipient_interceptor" gem "sass-rails", "~> 5.0" gem "simple_form" gem "skylight" gem "sprockets", ">= 3.0.0" gem 'voyage' gem "title" gem "uglifier" gem 'webpacker', github: 'rails/webpacker' # Customizations gem 'font-awesome-rails' gem 'slim-rails' # Javascript Tweaks gem 'gon' # pass variables betwween rails and javascript. Several examples in the application_controller.rb gem 'jquery-turbolinks' gem 'jquery-ui-rails' gem 'nprogress-rails' # Show request progress when a link is clicked gem 'responders' # respond to json/html/js more easily in controllers gem 'turbolinks' # Authentication / Authorization gem 'canard', git: 'https://github.com/jondkinney/canard.git', branch: 'feature/fixed-generators-and-rails-5' # ties into cancancan, adds roles for the user gem 'cancancan' # authorization library gem 'devise' gem 'pretender' # impersonate users as an admin # Database Tweaks gem 'dynamic_form' # for custom messages without the database column gem 'friendly_id' # slugs in the url auto-generated gem 'nested_form_fields' # Dynamically add and remove nested has_many association fields in a Ruby on Rails form # gem 'nondestructive_migrations' # data migrations go here, not in regular ActiveRecord migrations gem 'nondestructive_migrations', git: 'https://github.com/mfazekas/nondestructive_migrations.git', branch: 'fix-orm-warning' gem 'paper_trail' # version active record models and soft-delete by default gem 'settingslogic' # yaml settings (project wide, non-editable), this is implemented with the model Settings.rb # User Uploads gem 'carrierwave' gem 'fog' gem 'mini_magick' # Cron Jobs gem 'whenever', require: false # provides a clear syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs gem 'whenever-web' # Debugging (need at top level if we want pry-remote to work on a deployed prod server) gem 'pry-awesome_print' # make pry output legible gem 'pry-byebug' # stepwise debugging inside pry gem 'pry-rails' # better REPL than irb gem 'pry-remote' # Production debugging group :development do gem "listen" gem "spring" gem "spring-commands-rspec" gem "web-console" # Customizations gem 'annotate' # annotate models automatically when rake db:migrate is called gem 'better_errors' # A better error page for rails when a local 500 (or similar) is thrown gem 'binding_of_caller' # REPL in better_errors to debug in the browser at the point at which it failed gem 'bitters', '~> 1.3' gem 'fix-db-schema-conflicts' # when working with multiple developers schema order of columns is standardized. gem 'meta_request' # for chrome rails console plugin found here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/railspanel/gjpfobpafnhjhbajcjgccbbdofdckggg?hl=en-US gem 'rails-erd' # auto gen ERD Diagram of models in the app on rake db:migrate gem 'redcarpet' # used to render the readme inside a static welcome page from the high_voltage gem gem 'zenflow', git: 'https://github.com/zencoder/zenflow.git' end group :development, :test do gem "awesome_print" gem "bullet" gem "bundler-audit", ">= 0.5.0", require: false gem "dotenv-rails" gem "factory_girl_rails" <%# gem "pry-byebug" %> <%# gem "pry-rails" %> gem "rspec-rails", "~> 3.5" # Customizations gem 'faker' # provides auto generated names for factories, can be customized gem 'letter_opener' # auto-open emails when they're sent gem 'rubocop' gem 'rubocop-rspec', require: false end group :development, :staging do gem "rack-mini-profiler", require: false end group :test do <%# gem "capybara-webkit" # We don't want this. %> gem "database_cleaner" gem "formulaic" gem "launchy" gem "shoulda-matchers" gem "simplecov", require: false gem "timecop" gem "webmock" # Customizations gem 'cadre' # highlights code coverage in vim gem 'capybara' # DSL for finding elements on a page during integration testing gem 'poltergeist' # Headless browser, used in integration tests gem 'selenium-webdriver' # `brew install chromedriver`, used for acceptance tests in an actual browser. end group :staging, :production do gem "rack-timeout" end group :production do gem 'analytics-ruby', '~> 2.2.2', require: 'segment/analytics' end