module Blogit class Post < ActiveRecord::Base require "acts-as-taggable-on" require "kaminari" include ::ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper acts_as_taggable self.table_name = "blog_posts" self.paginates_per Blogit.configuration.posts_per_page # ============== # = Attributes = # ============== attr_accessible :title, :body, :tag_list, :blogger_type, :blogger_id def short_body truncate(body, length: 400, separator: "\n") end # =============== # = Validations = # =============== validates :title, presence: true, length: { minimum: 10, maximum: 66 } validates :body, presence: true, length: { minimum: 10 } validates :blogger_id, presence: true # ================= # = Assosciations = # ================= belongs_to :blogger, :polymorphic => true has_many :comments, :class_name => "Blogit::Comment" def comments check_comments_config super() end def comments=(value) check_comments_config super(value) end # ========== # = Scopes = # ========== # Returns the blog posts paginated for the index page # @scope class scope :for_index, lambda { |page_no = 1| order("created_at DESC").page(page_no) } # ==================== # = Instance Methods = # ==================== def to_param "#{id}-#{title.parameterize}" end # If there's a current blogger and the display name method is set, returns the blogger's display name # Otherwise, returns an empty string def blogger_display_name if self.blogger and !self.blogger.respond_to?(Blogit.configuration.blogger_display_name_method) raise ConfigurationError, "#{self.blogger.class}##{Blogit.configuration.blogger_display_name_method} is not defined" elsif self.blogger.nil? "" else self.blogger.send Blogit.configuration.blogger_display_name_method end end private def check_comments_config raise"Posts only allow active record comments (check blogit configuration)") unless Blogit.configuration.include_comments == :active_record end end end