- :name: "*guide" :type: :setting :codename: guide - :name: "*help" :type: :setting :codename: help :fields: :right: :fields: :create: Help Desk :update: Help Desk :delete: Help Desk - :name: - :all - :guide :type: :markdown :content: "#### Editing Guide\n\nThis default guide will appear in the full editor view of any card \nwithout more specific guidance. You can use it to put forward principles of style, \nrules of conduct, or any other help text you think may be of use to persons editing \ncontent.\n\nGuide content can be edited in [[*guide|*guide rules]].\n" - :name: - :cardtype - :type - :guide :type: :markdown :content: "Every Decko card has one and only one __type__.\n\n[[RichText]], [[List]], [[Image]], [[Search]], [[JavaScript]], [[User]]... All of these are types. \nTo see a given card's type, click its ellipses icon ({{\\_|bridge_link}})\nto go to the card dashboard (or \"cardboard\").\n\nTypes are defined with [[Cardtype]] cards. For example, the Cardtype card named [[Image]] defines the image\ntype. You can create a new type by creating a [[/new/Cardtype|new Cardtype]] card.\n\nTypes are a core tool for organizing cards. To decide whether you need\na new type for a group of cards, consider whether you want to:\n\n1. ...think up a name for each card?\n2. ...create a patterned structure for the group?\n\nAs a rule of thumb, if the answer to both is yes, you probably want a new type. There are exceptions, of\ncourse: [[\\*autoname|autonaming]], casual [[\\*structure|structures]], etc.\n\nBy convention, Cardtype names are usually singular, capitalized nouns. \n\nTo configure the structure for a Cardtype, click the \"Configure\" button on a Cardtype cards or edit\nthe type's structure rule in the cardboard of _either_ the Cardtype card _or_ of any of the cards of that type.\n\nA Cardtype card cannot be deleted as long as there are instances of that type." - :name: - :structure - :right - :guide :type: :markdown :content: "[[*structure]] rules govern the type and content of cards in a given set. The content of\nevery card in the set is a copy of the structure rule's content.\n\nYou can create powerful card structures using [[http://decko.org/contextual_names|contextual names]].\nSuppose a structure rule for City cards nests a card named \"+Country\". This establishes a pattern in\nwhich every City has a Country field. For example, the City card \"Moscow\" would nest a field card\nnamed \"Moscow+Country\" with the content \"Russia\". and the card \"Berlin+Country\" could contain \"Germany.\n\nNests are easy to create and manage using the nest editor, which can be opened using the curly bracket\nicon (\\{{}}). This tool will help you create and configure nested fields, both through nest syntax \noptions (which only apply to the fields when presented within the structure) and through rules \n(which apply in any context)."