# daru Lite - Data Analysis in RUby Lite

Simple, straightforward DataFrames for Ruby

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## Introduction

daru Lite is a library for data analysis and manipulation in Ruby.

This project started as fork of [Daru](https://github.com/SciRuby/daru) with the objective to provide :
- a simple and yet powerfull interface to manipulate data using DataFrames
- a API consistent with the one historically provided by daru
- a focus on the core features around data manipulation, droped several cumbersome daru dependencies and the associated features : notably N-Matrix, GSL, R, imagemagick and all plotting libraries. The current project has no major dependencies
- build a future-proof library that can safely be used in production

## Installation

$ gem install daru_lite

or add daru Lite to your Gemfile:
$ bundle add daru_lite

## Basic Usage

daru Lite exposes two major data structures: `DataFrame` and `Vector`. The Vector is a basic 1-D structure corresponding to a labelled Array, while the `DataFrame` - daru's primary data structure - is 2-D spreadsheet-like structure for manipulating and storing data sets.

Basic DataFrame intitialization.

``` ruby
data_frame = DaruLite::DataFrame.new(
    'Beer' => ['Kingfisher', 'Snow', 'Bud Light', 'Tiger Beer', 'Budweiser'],
    'Gallons sold' => [500, 400, 450, 200, 250]
  index: ['India', 'China', 'USA', 'Malaysia', 'Canada']

Load data from CSV files.
``` ruby
df = DaruLite::DataFrame.from_csv('TradeoffData.csv')

*Basic Data Manipulation*

Selecting rows.
``` ruby

Selecting columns.
``` ruby

A range of rows.
``` ruby

The first 2 rows.
``` ruby

The last 2 rows.
``` ruby

Adding a new column.
``` ruby
data_frame['Gallons produced'] = [550, 500, 600, 210, 240]

Creating a new column based on data in other columns.
``` ruby
data_frame['Demand supply gap'] = data_frame['Gallons produced'] - data_frame['Gallons sold']

*Condition based selection*

Selecting countries based on the number of gallons sold in each. We use a syntax similar to that defined by [Arel](https://github.com/rails/arel), i.e. by using the `where` clause.
``` ruby
data_frame.where(data_frame['Gallons sold'].lt(300))

You can pass a combination of boolean operations into the `#where` method and it should work fine:
``` ruby
  .in(['Snow', 'Kingfisher','Tiger Beer'])
    data_frame['Gallons produced'].gt(520).or(data_frame['Gallons produced'].lt(250))

## Documentation

Docs can be found [here](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/daru_lite).