module AvaTax
class Client
module Companies
# Checks whether the integration being used to set up this company and run transactions onto this company is compliant to all requirements.
# Examines the most recent 100 transactions or data from the last month when verifying transaction-related integrations.
# For partners who write integrations against AvaTax for many clients, this API is a way to do a quick self testing to verify whether the
# written integrations for a company are sufficient enough to be delivered to the respective customers to start using it.
# This API provides messages specific enough (through predefined checks) to guide the partner on what integrations are still missing from the company to get fully certified.
# The API makes the following checks to conclude if the company is NOT fully certified:
# 1. Any past month items contains generic tax code of P0000000.
# 2. All the companies on the requesting account are test companies.
# 3. No Voided/Cancelled documents in the past 30 days.
# 4. There are less than 2 committed documents.
# 5. Any documentCode is a generic GUID string.
# 6. Any customerCode on document is a generic GUID string.
# 7. No document has more than 1 documentLine.
# 8. All of the documents have missing exemptionNo, customerUsageType, taxDateOverride or negative amount.
# 9. Any document quantity is a negative number.
# 10. Any document have repeated lines.
# 11. No document has shipping charge.
# 12. All documents have same ItemCodes, descriptions and taxCodes.
# 13. Less than 2 addresses used across all documents.
# 14. Whether locationCode was used in documents.
# 15. Account with AvaGlobal subscription and no documents have VATBuyerId.
# 16. Any document has currencyCode not being USD for accounts with AvaGlobal subscription.
# 17. All documents have countryCode used for accounts with AvaGlobal subscription.
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, Compliance Root User, ComplianceAdmin, ComplianceUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, FirmUser, ProStoresOperator, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser, TreasuryAdmin, TreasuryUser.
# @param id [Integer] The ID of the company to check if its integration is certified.
# @return [String]
def certify_integration(id)
path = "/api/v2/companies/#{id}/certify"
# Change the filing status of this company
# Changes the current filing status of this company.
# For customers using Avalara's Managed Returns Service, each company within their account can request
# for Avalara to file tax returns on their behalf. Avalara compliance team members will review all
# requested filing calendars prior to beginning filing tax returns on behalf of this company.
# The following changes may be requested through this API:
# * If a company is in `NotYetFiling` status, the customer may request this be changed to `FilingRequested`.
# * Avalara compliance team members may change a company from `FilingRequested` to `FirstFiling`.
# * Avalara compliance team members may change a company from `FirstFiling` to `Active`.
# All other status changes must be requested through the Avalara customer support team.
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, Compliance Root User, ComplianceAdmin, ComplianceUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, FirmUser, ProStoresOperator, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser, TreasuryAdmin, TreasuryUser.
# @param id [Integer]
# @param model [Object]
# @return [String]
def change_filing_status(id, model)
path = "/api/v2/companies/#{id}/filingstatus"
post(path, model)
# Quick setup for a company with a single physical address
# Shortcut to quickly setup a single-physical-location company with critical information and activate it.
# This API provides quick and simple company setup functionality and does the following things:
# * Create a company object with its own tax profile
# * Add a key contact person for the company
# * Set up one physical location for the main office
# * Declare nexus in all taxing jurisdictions for that main office address
# * Activate the company
# This API only provides a limited subset of functionality compared to the 'Create Company' API call.
# If you need additional features or options not present in this 'Quick Setup' API call, please use the full 'Create Company' call instead.
# Please allow 1 minute before making transactions using the company.
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
# @param model [Object] Information about the company you wish to create.
# @return [Object]
def company_initialize(model)
path = "/api/v2/companies/initialize"
post(path, model)
# Create new companies
# Create one or more new company objects.
# A 'company' represents a single corporation or individual that is registered to handle transactional taxes.
# You may attach nested data objects such as contacts, locations, and nexus with this CREATE call, and those objects will be created with the company.
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
# @param model [CompanyModel[]] Either a single company object or an array of companies to create
# @return [CompanyModel[]]
def create_companies(model)
path = "/api/v2/companies"
post(path, model)
# Request managed returns funding setup for a company
# This API is available by invitation only.
# Companies that use the Avalara Managed Returns or the SST Certified Service Provider services are
# required to setup their funding configuration before Avalara can begin filing tax returns on their
# behalf.
# Funding configuration for each company is set up by submitting a funding setup request, which can
# be sent either via email or via an embedded HTML widget.
# When the funding configuration is submitted to Avalara, it will be reviewed by treasury team members
# before approval.
# This API records that an ambedded HTML funding setup widget was activated.
# This API requires a subscription to Avalara Managed Returns or SST Certified Service Provider.
# ### Security Policies
# * This API depends on the following active services
*Returns* (at least one of): Mrs, MRSComplianceManager, AvaTaxCsp.
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, Compliance Root User, ComplianceAdmin, ComplianceUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, FirmUser, ProStoresOperator, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser, TreasuryAdmin, TreasuryUser.
# @param id [Integer] The unique identifier of the company
# @param model [Object] The funding initialization request
# @return [Object]
def create_funding_request(id, model)
path = "/api/v2/companies/#{id}/funding/setup"
post(path, model)
# Delete a single company
# Deleting a company will delete all child companies, and all users attached to this company.
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
# @param id [Integer] The ID of the company you wish to delete.
# @return [ErrorDetail[]]
def delete_company(id)
path = "/api/v2/companies/#{id}"
# Check the funding configuration of a company
# This API is available by invitation only.
# Requires a subscription to Avalara Managed Returns or SST Certified Service Provider.
# Returns the funding configuration of the requested company.
# .
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, Compliance Root User, ComplianceAdmin, ComplianceUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, FirmUser, ProStoresOperator, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser, TreasuryAdmin, TreasuryUser.
# * This API depends on the following active services
*Returns* (at least one of): Mrs, MRSComplianceManager, AvaTaxCsp.
*Firm Managed* (for accounts managed by a firm): ARA, ARAManaged.
# * This API is available by invitation only.
*Exempt security roles*: ComplianceRootUser, ComplianceAdmin, ComplianceUser, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser.
# @param companyId [Integer] The unique identifier of the company
# @return [Object]
def funding_configuration_by_company(companyId)
path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/funding/configuration"
# Check the funding configuration of a company
# This API is available by invitation only.
# Requires a subscription to Avalara Managed Returns or SST Certified Service Provider.
# Returns the funding configuration of the requested company.
# .
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, Compliance Root User, ComplianceAdmin, ComplianceUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, FirmUser, ProStoresOperator, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser, TreasuryAdmin, TreasuryUser.
# * This API depends on the following active services
*Returns* (at least one of): Mrs, MRSComplianceManager, AvaTaxCsp.
*Firm Managed* (for accounts managed by a firm): ARA, ARAManaged.
# * This API is available by invitation only.
*Exempt security roles*: ComplianceRootUser, ComplianceAdmin, ComplianceUser, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser.
# @param companyId [Integer] The unique identifier of the company
# @param currency [String] The currency of the funding. USD and CAD are the only valid currencies
# @return [FundingConfigurationModel[]]
def funding_configurations_by_company_and_currency(companyId, options={})
path = "/api/v2/companies/#{companyId}/funding/configurations"
get(path, options)
# Retrieve a single company
# Get the company object identified by this URL.
# A 'company' represents a single corporation or individual that is registered to handle transactional taxes.
# You may specify one or more of the following values in the '$include' parameter to fetch additional nested data, using commas to separate multiple values:
# * Contacts
# * Items
# * Locations
# * Nexus
# * Settings
# * TaxCodes
# * TaxRules
# * UPC
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, Compliance Root User, ComplianceAdmin, ComplianceUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, FirmUser, ProStoresOperator, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser, TreasuryAdmin, TreasuryUser.
# @param id [Integer] The ID of the company to retrieve.
# @param include [String] OPTIONAL: A comma separated list of special fetch options. * Child objects - Specify one or more of the following to retrieve objects related to each company: "Contacts", "FilingCalendars", "Items", "Locations", "Nexus", "TaxCodes", "NonReportingChildren" or "TaxRules". * Deleted objects - Specify "FetchDeleted" to retrieve information about previously deleted objects.
# @return [Object]
def get_company(id, options={})
path = "/api/v2/companies/#{id}"
get(path, options)
# Get configuration settings for this company
# Retrieve a list of all configuration settings tied to this company.
# Configuration settings provide you with the ability to control features of your account and of your
# tax software. The category name `AvaCertServiceConfig` is reserved for
# Avalara internal software configuration values; to store your own company-level settings, please
# create a new category name that begins with `X-`, for example, `X-MyCustomCategory`.
# Company settings are permanent settings that cannot be deleted. You can set the value of a
# company setting to null if desired and if the particular setting supports it.
# Avalara-based company settings for `AvaCertServiceConfig` affect your company's exemption certificate
# processing, and should be changed with care.
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser.
# @param id [Integer]
# @return [CompanyConfigurationModel[]]
def get_company_configuration(id)
path = "/api/v2/companies/#{id}/configuration"
# Get this company's filing status
# Retrieve the current filing status of this company.
# For customers using Avalara's Managed Returns Service, each company within their account can request
# for Avalara to file tax returns on their behalf. Avalara compliance team members will review all
# requested filing calendars prior to beginning filing tax returns on behalf of this company.
# A company's filing status can be one of the following values:
# * `NoReporting` - This company is not configured to report tax returns; instead, it reports through a parent company.
# * `NotYetFiling` - This company has not yet begun filing tax returns through Avalara's Managed Returns Service.
# * `FilingRequested` - The company has requested to begin filing tax returns, but Avalara's compliance team has not yet begun filing.
# * `FirstFiling` - The company has recently filing tax returns and is in a new status.
# * `Active` - The company is currently active and is filing tax returns via Avalara Managed Returns.
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, Compliance Root User, ComplianceAdmin, ComplianceUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, FirmUser, ProStoresOperator, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser, TreasuryAdmin, TreasuryUser.
# @param id [Integer]
# @return [String]
def get_filing_status(id)
path = "/api/v2/companies/#{id}/filingstatus"
# Check managed returns funding status for a company
# This API is available by invitation only.
# Requires a subscription to Avalara Managed Returns or SST Certified Service Provider.
# Returns a list of funding setup requests and their current status.
# Each object in the result is a request that was made to setup or adjust funding status for this company.
# ### Security Policies
# * This API depends on the following active services
*Returns* (at least one of): Mrs, MRSComplianceManager, AvaTaxCsp.
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, Compliance Root User, ComplianceAdmin, ComplianceUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, FirmUser, ProStoresOperator, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser, TreasuryAdmin, TreasuryUser.
# @param id [Integer] The unique identifier of the company
# @return [FundingStatusModel[]]
def list_funding_requests_by_company(id)
path = "/api/v2/companies/#{id}/funding"
# Retrieve a list of MRS Companies with account
# This API is available by invitation only.
# Get a list of companies with an active MRS service.
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, Compliance Root User, ComplianceAdmin, ComplianceUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, FirmUser, ProStoresOperator, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser, TreasuryAdmin, TreasuryUser.
# @return [FetchResult]
def list_mrs_companies()
path = "/api/v2/companies/mrs"
# Retrieve all companies
# Get multiple company objects.
# A `company` represents a single corporation or individual that is registered to handle transactional taxes.
# Search for specific objects using the criteria in the `$filter` parameter; full documentation is available on [Filtering in REST]( .
# Paginate your results using the `$top`, `$skip`, and `$orderby` parameters.
# You may specify one or more of the following values in the `$include` parameter to fetch additional nested data, using commas to separate multiple values:
# * Contacts
# * Items
# * Locations
# * Nexus
# * Settings
# * TaxCodes
# * TaxRules
# * UPC
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, AccountOperator, AccountUser, CompanyAdmin, CompanyUser, Compliance Root User, ComplianceAdmin, ComplianceUser, CSPAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, FirmUser, ProStoresOperator, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin, TechnicalSupportUser, TreasuryAdmin, TreasuryUser.
# @param include [String] A comma separated list of objects to fetch underneath this company. Any object with a URL path underneath this company can be fetched by specifying its name.
# @param filter [String] A filter statement to identify specific records to retrieve. For more information on filtering, see [Filtering in REST](
*Not filterable:* IsFein, contacts, items, locations, nexus, settings, taxCodes, taxRules, upcs, nonReportingChildCompanies, exemptCerts
# @param top [Integer] If nonzero, return no more than this number of results. Used with `$skip` to provide pagination for large datasets. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum number of records that can be returned from an API call is 1,000 records.
# @param skip [Integer] If nonzero, skip this number of results before returning data. Used with `$top` to provide pagination for large datasets.
# @param orderBy [String] A comma separated list of sort statements in the format `(fieldname) [ASC|DESC]`, for example `id ASC`.
# @return [FetchResult]
def query_companies(options={})
path = "/api/v2/companies"
get(path, options)
# Change configuration settings for this company
# Update configuration settings tied to this company.
# Configuration settings provide you with the ability to control features of your account and of your
# tax software. The category names `AvaCertServiceConfig` is reserved for
# Avalara internal software configuration values; to store your own company-level settings, please
# create a new category name that begins with `X-`, for example, `X-MyCustomCategory`.
# Company settings are permanent settings that cannot be deleted. You can set the value of a
# company setting to null if desired and if the particular setting supports it.
# Avalara-based company settings for `AvaCertServiceConfig` affect your company's exemption certificate
# processing, and should be changed with care.
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CSPTester, SSTAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
# @param id [Integer]
# @param model [CompanyConfigurationModel[]]
# @return [CompanyConfigurationModel[]]
def set_company_configuration(id, model)
path = "/api/v2/companies/#{id}/configuration"
post(path, model)
# Update a single company
# Replace the existing company object at this URL with an updated object.
# A `CompanyModel` represents a single corporation or individual that is registered to handle transactional taxes.
# All data from the existing object will be replaced with data in the object you PUT.
# When calling `UpdateCompany`, you are permitted to update the company itself. Updates to the nested objects
# such as contacts, locations, or settings are not permitted. To update the nested objects
# To set a field's value to `null`, you may either set its value to `null` or omit that field from the object you PUT.
# ### Security Policies
# * This API requires one of the following user roles: AccountAdmin, CompanyAdmin, CSPTester, FirmAdmin, Registrar, SiteAdmin, SSTAdmin, SystemAdmin, TechnicalSupportAdmin.
# @param id [Integer] The ID of the company you wish to update.
# @param model [Object] The company object you wish to update.
# @return [Object]
def update_company(id, model)
path = "/api/v2/companies/#{id}"
put(path, model)