module OrigenTesters module Charz # A Charz Profile # Used to store characterization routines as well as flow control, conditional execution, and test placement meta data class Profile # @!attribute id # @return [Symbol] the id of the current profile, used as a key in OrigenTesters::Charz#charz_profiles hash # @!attribute name # @return [Symbol] the value used (if the user decides) to generate the name of the created charz test. defaults to the value of @id # @!attribute placement # @return [Symbol] placement of the to be created charz tests, defaults to inline, accepts :eof as well. Other placements can be used as well if @valid_placements is altered # @!attribute on_result # @return [Symbol] indicates if the resulting charz tests are depending on the point tests result, valid values include :on_fail, and :on_pass # @!attribute enables # @return [Symbol, String, Array, Hash] enable gates to be wrapped around the resulting charz tests # @!attribute flags # @return [Symbol, String, Array, Hash] flag gates to be wrapped around the resulting charz tests # @!attribute routines # @return [Array] list of charz routines to be called under this profile # @!attribute charz_only # @return [Boolean] indicates if the point tests should or shouldn't be added to the flow attr_accessor :id, :name, :placement, :on_result, :enables, :flags, :routines, :charz_only, :force_keep_parent, :and_enables, :and_flags def initialize(id, options, &block) @id = id @id = @id.symbolize unless id.is_a? Symbol options.each { |k, v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) } (block.arity < 1 ? (instance_eval(&block)) : if block_given? @name ||= id @placement ||= :inline @defined_routines = options.delete(:defined_routines) attrs_ok? massage_gates end def attrs_ok? return if @quality_check == false unless @routines.is_a?(Array) Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: routines is expected to be of type , but is instead of type <#{@routines.class}>!" fail end # allowing a config for empty routines for usecase of # determining routines on the fly dynamically if @routines.empty? && !@allow_empty_routines Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: routines array is empty!" Origen.log.warn "If you'd like to enable profile creation without routines, set the profile's @allow_empty_routines attribute to true" fail end unknown_routines = @routines - @defined_routines unless unknown_routines.empty? Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: unknown routines: #{unknown_routines}" fail end @valid_placements ||= [:inline, :eof] unless @valid_placements.include? @placement Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: invalid placement value, must be one of: #{@valid_placements}" fail end if @on_result @valid_on_results ||= [:on_fail, :fail, :failed, :on_pass, :pass, :passed] unless @valid_on_results.include?(@on_result) Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: invalid on_result value, must be one of: #{@valid_on_results}" fail end end if @charz_only && @on_result Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: @charz_only is set, but @on_result (#{@on_result}) requires the parent test to exist in the flow" fail end unless @gate_checks == false if @and_enables && @and_flags Origen.log.error "@and_enables and @and_flags are both set to true. Please only 'and' one gate type" fail end if @and_enables gate_check(@flags, :flags) if @flags gate_check_and(@enables, :enables, @flags) if @enables elsif @and_flags gate_check(@enables, :enables) if @enables gate_check_and(@flags, :flags, @enables) if @flags else gate_check(@enables, :enable) if @enables gate_check(@flags, :flags) if @flags end end end # convert hash gates to set convert their routines to type array if not already def massage_gates if @enables.is_a?(Hash) @enables = {}.tap do |new_h| @enables.each { |gates, routines| new_h[gates] = [routines].flatten } end end if @flags.is_a?(Hash) @flags = {}.tap do |new_h| @flags.each { |gates, routines| new_h[gates] = [routines].flatten } end end end def gate_check(gates, gate_type) case gates when Symbol, String return when Array unknown_gates = gates.reject { |gate| [String, Symbol].include? gate.class } if unknown_gates.empty? return else Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: Unknown #{gate_type} type(s) in #{gate_type} array." Origen.log.error "Arrays must contain Strings and/or Symbols, but #{ } were found in #{gates}" fail end when Hash gates.each do |gate, gated_routines| if gate.is_a? Hash Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: #{gate_type} Hash keys cannot be of type Hash, but only Symbol, String, or Array" fail end gate_check(gate, gate_type) gated_routines = [gated_routines] unless gated_routines.is_a? Array unknown_routines = gated_routines - @defined_routines unless unknown_routines.empty? Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: unknown routines found in @#{gate_type}[#{gate.is_a?(Symbol) ? ':' : ''}#{gate}]: #{unknown_routines}" fail end end else Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: Unknown #{gate_type} type: #{gates.class}. #{gate_type} must be of type Symbol, String, Array, or Hash" fail end end def gate_check_and(gates, gate_type, other_gate) if other_gate.is_a? Hash Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: #{other_gate} When using &&-ing feature, the non-anded gate can not be of type hash." fail end case gates when Symbol, String return when Array unknown_gates = gates.reject { |gate| [String, Symbol].include? gate.class } if unknown_gates.empty? return else Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: Unknown #{gate_type} type(s) in #{gate_type} array." Origen.log.error "Arrays must contain Strings and/or Symbols, but #{ } were found in #{gates}" fail end when Hash gates.each do |gated_routine, gates| if gated_routine.is_a? Hash Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: #{gate_type} Hash keys cannot be of type Hash, but only Symbol, String, or Array" fail end unless @defined_routines.include?(gated_routine) Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: #{gated_routine} Hash keys for &&-ed gates must be defined routines." fail end gates = [gates] unless gates.is_a? Array unknown_gates = gates.reject { |gate| [String, Symbol].include? gate.class } unless unknown_gates.empty? Origen.log.error "Gate array must contain Strings and/or Symbols, but #{ } were found in #{gates}" fail end end else Origen.log.error "Profile #{id}: Unknown #{gate_type} type: #{gates.class}. #{gate_type} must be of type Symbol, String, Array, or Hash" fail end end def method_missing(m, *args, &block) ivar = "@#{m.to_s.gsub('=', '')}" ivar_sym = ":#{ivar}" if m.to_s =~ /=$/ define_singleton_method(m) do |val| instance_variable_set(ivar, val) end elsif instance_variables.include? ivar_sym instance_variable_get(ivar) else define_singleton_method(m) do instance_variable_get(ivar) end end send(m, *args, &block) end end end end