# backtick_javascript: true require 'corelib/numeric' require 'corelib/complex/base' class ::Complex < ::Numeric def self.rect(real, imag = 0) unless ::Numeric === real && real.real? && ::Numeric === imag && imag.real? ::Kernel.raise ::TypeError, 'not a real' end new(real, imag) end def self.polar(r, theta = 0) unless ::Numeric === r && r.real? && ::Numeric === theta && theta.real? ::Kernel.raise ::TypeError, 'not a real' end new(r * ::Math.cos(theta), r * ::Math.sin(theta)) end attr_reader :real, :imag def initialize(real, imag = 0) @real = real @imag = imag freeze end def coerce(other) if ::Complex === other [other, self] elsif ::Numeric === other && other.real? [::Complex.new(other, 0), self] else ::Kernel.raise ::TypeError, "#{other.class} can't be coerced into Complex" end end def ==(other) if ::Complex === other @real == other.real && @imag == other.imag elsif ::Numeric === other && other.real? @real == other && @imag == 0 else other == self end end def -@ ::Kernel.Complex(-@real, -@imag) end def +(other) if ::Complex === other ::Kernel.Complex(@real + other.real, @imag + other.imag) elsif ::Numeric === other && other.real? ::Kernel.Complex(@real + other, @imag) else __coerced__ :+, other end end def -(other) if ::Complex === other ::Kernel.Complex(@real - other.real, @imag - other.imag) elsif ::Numeric === other && other.real? ::Kernel.Complex(@real - other, @imag) else __coerced__ :-, other end end def *(other) if ::Complex === other ::Kernel.Complex(@real * other.real - @imag * other.imag, @real * other.imag + @imag * other.real, ) elsif ::Numeric === other && other.real? ::Kernel.Complex(@real * other, @imag * other) else __coerced__ :*, other end end def /(other) if ::Complex === other if (::Number === @real && @real.nan?) || (::Number === @imag && @imag.nan?) || (::Number === other.real && other.real.nan?) || (::Number === other.imag && other.imag.nan?) ::Complex.new(::Float::NAN, ::Float::NAN) else self * other.conj / other.abs2 end elsif ::Numeric === other && other.real? ::Kernel.Complex(@real.quo(other), @imag.quo(other)) else __coerced__ :/, other end end def **(other) if other == 0 return ::Complex.new(1, 0) end if ::Complex === other r, theta = polar ore = other.real oim = other.imag nr = ::Math.exp(ore * ::Math.log(r) - oim * theta) ntheta = theta * ore + oim * ::Math.log(r) ::Complex.polar(nr, ntheta) elsif ::Integer === other if other > 0 x = self z = x n = other - 1 while n != 0 div, mod = n.divmod(2) while mod == 0 x = ::Kernel.Complex(x.real * x.real - x.imag * x.imag, 2 * x.real * x.imag) n = div div, mod = n.divmod(2) end z *= x n -= 1 end z else (::Rational.new(1, 1) / self)**-other end elsif ::Float === other || ::Rational === other r, theta = polar ::Complex.polar(r**other, theta * other) else __coerced__ :**, other end end def abs ::Math.hypot(@real, @imag) end def abs2 @real * @real + @imag * @imag end def angle ::Math.atan2(@imag, @real) end def conj ::Kernel.Complex(@real, -@imag) end def denominator @real.denominator.lcm(@imag.denominator) end def eql?(other) Complex === other && @real.class == @imag.class && self == other end def fdiv(other) unless ::Numeric === other ::Kernel.raise ::TypeError, "#{other.class} can't be coerced into Complex" end self / other end def finite? @real.finite? && @imag.finite? end def hash [::Complex, @real, @imag].hash end def infinite? @real.infinite? || @imag.infinite? end def inspect "(#{self})" end def numerator d = denominator ::Kernel.Complex(@real.numerator * (d / @real.denominator), @imag.numerator * (d / @imag.denominator), ) end def polar [abs, arg] end def rationalize(eps = undefined) %x{ if (arguments.length > 1) { #{::Kernel.raise ::ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{`arguments.length`} for 0..1)"}; } } if @imag != 0 ::Kernel.raise ::RangeError, "can't convert #{self} into Rational" end real.rationalize(eps) end def real? false end def rect [@real, @imag] end def to_f unless @imag == 0 ::Kernel.raise ::RangeError, "can't convert #{self} into Float" end @real.to_f end def to_i unless @imag == 0 ::Kernel.raise ::RangeError, "can't convert #{self} into Integer" end @real.to_i end def to_r unless @imag == 0 ::Kernel.raise ::RangeError, "can't convert #{self} into Rational" end @real.to_r end def to_s result = @real.inspect result += if (::Number === @imag && @imag.nan?) || @imag.positive? || @imag.zero? '+' else '-' end result += @imag.abs.inspect if ::Number === @imag && (@imag.nan? || @imag.infinite?) result += '*' end result + 'i' end I = new(0, 1) def self.from_string(str) %x{ var re = /[+-]?[\d_]+(\.[\d_]+)?(e\d+)?/, match = str.match(re), real, imag, denominator; function isFloat() { return re.test(str); } function cutFloat() { var match = str.match(re); var number = match[0]; str = str.slice(number.length); return number.replace(/_/g, ''); } // handles both floats and rationals function cutNumber() { if (isFloat()) { var numerator = parseFloat(cutFloat()); if (str[0] === '/') { // rational real part str = str.slice(1); if (isFloat()) { var denominator = parseFloat(cutFloat()); return #{::Kernel.Rational(`numerator`, `denominator`)}; } else { // reverting '/' str = '/' + str; return numerator; } } else { // float real part, no denominator return numerator; } } else { return null; } } real = cutNumber(); if (!real) { if (str[0] === 'i') { // i => Complex(0, 1) return #{::Kernel.Complex(0, 1)}; } if (str[0] === '-' && str[1] === 'i') { // -i => Complex(0, -1) return #{::Kernel.Complex(0, -1)}; } if (str[0] === '+' && str[1] === 'i') { // +i => Complex(0, 1) return #{::Kernel.Complex(0, 1)}; } // anything => Complex(0, 0) return #{::Kernel.Complex(0, 0)}; } imag = cutNumber(); if (!imag) { if (str[0] === 'i') { // 3i => Complex(0, 3) return #{::Kernel.Complex(0, `real`)}; } else { // 3 => Complex(3, 0) return #{::Kernel.Complex(`real`, 0)}; } } else { // 3+2i => Complex(3, 2) return #{::Kernel.Complex(`real`, `imag`)}; } } end class << self alias rectangular rect end alias arg angle alias conjugate conj alias divide / alias imaginary imag alias magnitude abs alias phase arg alias quo / alias rectangular rect undef negative? undef positive? undef step end