class RakeCommander module Patcher module Application module RunMethod include RakeCommander::Patcher::Base class << self def target Rake::Application end def patch_prepend(_invoked_by) return unless target_defined? Rake::Application.prepend Patch end def target_defined? return true if defined?(target) puts "Warning (#{self}): undefined target #{target}" false end end module Patch include RakeCommander::Patcher::Debug # To extend the command line syntax we need to patch `Rake`, provided that # this gem's extended options are not in `argv` when `Rake` processes it. # @note we define an instance variable so we can know if the patch was applied when it started. # @note This patch only works fine if `Rake::Application#run` is **invoked after**** # **`RakeCommander` has been required**. # * So by itself alone it allows to use `raked` executable that this gem provides. def run(argv = ARGV) @rake_commander_run_argv_patch = true unless instance_variable_defined?(:@rake_commander_run_argv_patch) RakeCommander.self_load rake_comm_debug "R U N !", "\n", num: 1, pid: true rake_comm_debug " ---> Command: #{$PROGRAM_NAME}" rake_comm_debug " ---> ARGV: [#{ {|a| "'#{a}'"}.join(', ')}]" argv = RakeCommander.argv_rake_native_arguments(argv) super(argv) end end end end end end