require 'spec_helper_integration' module ControllerActions def index render text: 'index' end def show render text: 'show' end def doorkeeper_unauthorized_render_options(*) end def doorkeeper_forbidden_render_options(*) end end describe 'doorkeeper authorize filter' do context 'accepts token code specified as' do controller do before_action :doorkeeper_authorize! def index render text: 'index' end end let(:token_string) { '1A2BC3' } let(:token) do double(Doorkeeper::AccessToken, acceptable?: true, previous_refresh_token: "", revoke_previous_refresh_token!: true) end it 'access_token param' do expect(Doorkeeper::AccessToken).to receive(:by_token).with(token_string).and_return(token) get :index, access_token: token_string end it 'bearer_token param' do expect(Doorkeeper::AccessToken).to receive(:by_token).with(token_string).and_return(token) get :index, bearer_token: token_string end it 'Authorization header' do expect(Doorkeeper::AccessToken).to receive(:by_token).with(token_string).and_return(token) request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = "Bearer #{token_string}" get :index end it 'different kind of Authorization header' do expect(Doorkeeper::AccessToken).not_to receive(:by_token) request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = "MAC #{token_string}" get :index end it 'does not change Authorization header value' do expect(Doorkeeper::AccessToken).to receive(:by_token).exactly(2).times.and_return(token) request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = "Bearer #{token_string}" get :index controller.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@_doorkeeper_token) get :index end end context 'defined for all actions' do controller do before_action :doorkeeper_authorize! include ControllerActions end context 'with valid token', token: :valid do it 'allows into index action' do get :index, access_token: token_string expect(response).to be_success end it 'allows into show action' do get :show, id: '4', access_token: token_string expect(response).to be_success end end context 'with invalid token', token: :invalid do it 'does not allow into index action' do get :index, access_token: token_string expect(response.status).to eq 401 expect(response.header['WWW-Authenticate']).to match(/^Bearer/) end it 'does not allow into show action' do get :show, id: '4', access_token: token_string expect(response.status).to eq 401 expect(response.header['WWW-Authenticate']).to match(/^Bearer/) end end end context 'defined with scopes' do controller do before_filter -> { doorkeeper_authorize! :write } include ControllerActions end let(:token_string) { '1A2DUWE' } it 'allows if the token has particular scopes' do token = double(Doorkeeper::AccessToken, accessible?: true, scopes: %w(write public), previous_refresh_token: "", revoke_previous_refresh_token!: true) expect(token).to receive(:acceptable?).with([:write]).and_return(true) expect( Doorkeeper::AccessToken ).to receive(:by_token).with(token_string).and_return(token) get :index, access_token: token_string expect(response).to be_success end it 'does not allow if the token does not include given scope' do token = double(Doorkeeper::AccessToken, accessible?: true, scopes: ['public'], revoked?: false, expired?: false, previous_refresh_token: "", revoke_previous_refresh_token!: true) expect( Doorkeeper::AccessToken ).to receive(:by_token).with(token_string).and_return(token) expect(token).to receive(:acceptable?).with([:write]).and_return(false) get :index, access_token: token_string expect(response.status).to eq 403 expect(response.header).to_not include('WWW-Authenticate') end end context 'when custom unauthorized render options are configured' do controller do before_filter :doorkeeper_authorize! include ControllerActions end context 'with a JSON custom render', token: :invalid do before do module ControllerActions remove_method :doorkeeper_unauthorized_render_options def doorkeeper_unauthorized_render_options(error: nil) { json: ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(error_message: error.description) } end end end after do module ControllerActions remove_method :doorkeeper_unauthorized_render_options def doorkeeper_unauthorized_render_options(error: nil) end end end it 'it renders a custom JSON response', token: :invalid do get :index, access_token: token_string expect(response.status).to eq 401 expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json') expect(response.header['WWW-Authenticate']).to match(/^Bearer/) parsed_body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(parsed_body).not_to be_nil expect(parsed_body['error_message']).to match('token is invalid') end end context 'with a text custom render', token: :invalid do before do module ControllerActions remove_method :doorkeeper_unauthorized_render_options def doorkeeper_unauthorized_render_options(error: nil) { text: 'Unauthorized' } end end end after do module ControllerActions remove_method :doorkeeper_unauthorized_render_options def doorkeeper_unauthorized_render_options(error: nil) end end end it 'it renders a custom text response', token: :invalid do get :index, access_token: token_string expect(response.status).to eq 401 expect(response.content_type).to eq('text/html') expect(response.header['WWW-Authenticate']).to match(/^Bearer/) expect(response.body).to eq('Unauthorized') end end end context 'when custom forbidden render options are configured' do before do expect(Doorkeeper::AccessToken).to receive(:by_token).with(token_string).and_return(token) expect(token).to receive(:acceptable?).with([:write]).and_return(false) end after do module ControllerActions remove_method :doorkeeper_forbidden_render_options def doorkeeper_forbidden_render_options(*) end end end controller do before_filter -> { doorkeeper_authorize! :write } include ControllerActions end let(:token) do double(Doorkeeper::AccessToken, accessible?: true, scopes: ['public'], revoked?: false, expired?: false, previous_refresh_token: "", revoke_previous_refresh_token!: true) end let(:token_string) { '1A2DUWE' } context 'with a JSON custom render' do before do module ControllerActions remove_method :doorkeeper_forbidden_render_options def doorkeeper_forbidden_render_options(*) { json: { error_message: 'Forbidden' } } end end end it 'renders a custom JSON response' do get :index, access_token: token_string expect(response.header).to_not include('WWW-Authenticate') expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json') expect(response.status).to eq 403 parsed_body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(parsed_body).not_to be_nil expect(parsed_body['error_message']).to match('Forbidden') end end context 'with a status and JSON custom render' do before do module ControllerActions remove_method :doorkeeper_forbidden_render_options def doorkeeper_forbidden_render_options(*) { json: { error_message: 'Not Found' }, respond_not_found_when_forbidden: true } end end end it 'overrides the default status code' do get :index, access_token: token_string expect(response.status).to eq 404 end end context 'with a text custom render' do before do module ControllerActions remove_method :doorkeeper_forbidden_render_options def doorkeeper_forbidden_render_options(*) { text: 'Forbidden' } end end end it 'renders a custom status code and text response' do get :index, access_token: token_string expect(response.header).to_not include('WWW-Authenticate') expect(response.status).to eq 403 expect(response.body).to eq('Forbidden') end end context 'with a status and text custom render' do before do module ControllerActions remove_method :doorkeeper_forbidden_render_options def doorkeeper_forbidden_render_options(*) { respond_not_found_when_forbidden: true, text: 'Not Found' } end end end it 'overrides the default status code' do get :index, access_token: token_string expect(response.status).to eq 404 end end end end