# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'jldrill/spec/StoryMemento' require 'jldrill/contexts/EditVocabularyContext' require 'jldrill/model/items/Vocabulary' require 'jldrill/model/items/JEDictionary' # This story discusses the input and output of data in # Vocabulary. As I slowly removed my assumptions about # what a Vocabulary could store, I discovered that I # had to be more and more tricky about storing it. I decided # I needed a separate story to ensure that it works in # all cases. # Note: I noticed that I never wrote any tests for EditVocabularyContext # originally. I suspect that the lack of functionality I'm experiencing # is directly related to that failure. # Background: # Some characters must have special processing and must be tested. # These characters are: # # Character Stored as Entered as Reason # " " " ruby string delimeter # return \n return or \n end of line delimeter # , \, , or \, definition/marker delimeter # / \/ \/ or / field delimeter # # Comma *must* be entered as \, in definitions and markers at the present # time, but can be entered as , in the other fields. # # Programatically, the fields have 2 accessors: # plain -- i.e., kanji reading definitions markers hint # raw -- i.e., kanjiRaw readingRaw definitionsRaw markersRaw hintRaw # # Plain accessors access the information in human readable way. # In other words \" becomes ", etc. Raw accessors access the information # as they are stored (with \", \n, \,). However definitionsRaw and # markersRaw are still a single string with array values joined with ", ". # definitions and markers arrays can be accessed with definitionsArray # and markersArray respectively. # # Note that the above is all completely insane and due to a lack of # proper testing/refactoring. Unfortunately, it is the 11th hour # for version 0.3.0 and I don't want to introduce a major file format # change. Please expect this to change for version 0.4.0. module JLDrill::VocabularyIO Story = JLDrill::StoryMemento.new("Can Input and Output Vocabularies") def Story.setup(type) super(type) @context = @mainContext.editVocabularyContext @view = @context.peekAtView end ########################################### describe Story.stepName("Special characters should be entered properly.") do def testInput(vocab, field, string, raw, plain) eval "vocab.#{field} = string" eval "vocab.#{field}Raw.should eql(raw)" eval "vocab.#{field}.should eql(plain)" end def testQuotes(vocab, field) testInput(vocab, field, "\"hello\"", "\"hello\"", "\"hello\"") end it "should handle quotes" do vocab = JLDrill::Vocabulary.new testQuotes(vocab, "kanji") testQuotes(vocab, "reading") testQuotes(vocab, "hint") testQuotes(vocab, "definitions") testQuotes(vocab, "markers") end def testListQuotes(vocab, field, list) rawJoinedList = "\"" + list.join(",") + "\"" outJoinedList = "\"" + list.join(", ") + "\"" eval "vocab.#{field} = #{rawJoinedList}" eval "vocab.#{field}Array.size.should be(3)" 0.upto(2) do |i| listItem = "\"" + list[i] + "\"" eval "vocab.#{field}Array[#{i}].should eql(#{listItem})" end eval "vocab.#{field}Raw.should eql(#{rawJoinedList})" eval "vocab.#{field}.should eql(#{outJoinedList})" end it "should handle definition and marker lists with quotes" do vocab = JLDrill::Vocabulary.new list = ["hello", "\\\"hello\\\"", "he\\\"llo"] testListQuotes(vocab, "definitions", list) testListQuotes(vocab, "markers", list) end def testReturns(vocab, field) testInput(vocab, field, "\nhello\n", "\\nhello\\n", "\nhello\n") testInput(vocab, field, "\\nhello\\n", "\\nhello\\n", "\nhello\n") end it "should handle returns" do vocab = JLDrill::Vocabulary.new testReturns(vocab, "kanji") testReturns(vocab, "reading") testReturns(vocab, "hint") testReturns(vocab, "definitions") testReturns(vocab, "markers") end def testList(vocab, field, list, rawList) rawJoinedList = rawList.join(",") outJoinedList = list.join(", ") eval "vocab.#{field} = rawJoinedList" eval "vocab.#{field}Array.size.should be(3)" eval "vocab.#{field}Array.should eql(rawList)" eval "vocab.#{field}Raw.should eql(rawJoinedList)" eval "vocab.#{field}.should eql(outJoinedList)" end it "should handle definition and marker lists with returns" do vocab = JLDrill::Vocabulary.new list = ["hello", "\nhello\n", "he\nllo"] rawList = ["hello", "\\nhello\\n", "he\\nllo"] testList(vocab, "definitions", list, rawList) testList(vocab, "markers", list, rawList) end def testCommas(vocab, field) testInput(vocab, field, "hello\\, world", "hello\\, world", "hello, world") end it "should handle commas" do vocab = JLDrill::Vocabulary.new testCommas(vocab, "kanji") testCommas(vocab, "reading") testCommas(vocab, "hint") testCommas(vocab, "definitions") testCommas(vocab, "markers") end it "should be able to handle akeru" do v = JLDrill::Vocabulary.create("/Kanji: 開ける/Reading: あける/Definitions: (1) to open,(2) to unwrap (e.g.\\, parcel\\, package)/Markers: v1,P/Position: 0/Score: 0/Level: 0/Consecutive: 0/Difficulty:0") v.kanji.should eql("開ける") v.reading.should eql("あける") v.definitions.should eql("(1) to open, (2) to unwrap (e.g., parcel, package)") v.markers.should eql("v1, P") end it "should be able to handle tojiru" do edictString = "閉じる [とじる] " + "/(v1) to close (e.g., book, eyes, meeting, etc.)" + "/to shut/(P)/\n" edict = JLDrill::JEDictionary.new edict.lines = [edictString] edict.parseLine(0).should_not be_nil v = JLDrill::Vocabulary.create("/Kanji: 閉じる" + "/Reading: とじる" + "/Definitions: to close (e.g.\\, book\\, eyes\\, meeting\\, etc.)," + "to shut" + "/Markers: v1,P/Position: 0" + "/Score: 0/Level: 0" + "/Consecutive: 0/Difficulty: 0") edict.vocab(0).should eql(v) end def testSlashes(vocab, field) testInput(vocab, field, "\\/home\\/mike\\/", "\\/home\\/mike\\/", "/home/mike/") end it "should handle slashes" do vocab = JLDrill::Vocabulary.new testSlashes(vocab, "kanji") testSlashes(vocab, "reading") testSlashes(vocab, "hint") testSlashes(vocab, "definitions") testSlashes(vocab, "markers") vocab.kanji = "\\/home\\/mike\\/" vocab.reading = "\\/home\\/mike\\/" vocab.hint = "\\/home\\/mike\\/" vocab.definitions = "\\/home\\/mike\\/" vocab.markers = "\\/home\\/mike\\/" vocab2 = JLDrill::Vocabulary.create(vocab.to_s) vocab2.should eql(vocab) end end ########################################### describe Story.stepName("EditVocabularyContext") do before(:each) do Story.setup(JLDrill) Story.start end after(:each) do Story.shutdown end # it "should test the data through EditVocabularyContext" end end