require 'chef_fs/knife' require 'chef_fs/command_line' class Chef class Knife remove_const(:Diff) if const_defined?(:Diff) && == 'Chef::Knife::Diff' # override Chef's version class Diff < ::ChefFS::Knife ChefFS = ::ChefFS banner "knife diff PATTERNS" common_options option :recurse, :long => '--[no-]recurse', :boolean => true, :default => true, :description => "List directories recursively." option :name_only, :long => '--name-only', :boolean => true, :description => "Only show names of modified files." option :name_status, :long => '--name-status', :boolean => true, :description => "Only show names and statuses of modified files: Added, Deleted, Modified, and Type Changed." option :diff_filter, :long => '--diff-filter=[(A|D|M|T)...[*]]', :description => "Select only files that are Added (A), Deleted (D), Modified (M), or have their type (i.e. regular file, directory) changed (T). Any combination of the filter characters (including none) can be used. When * (All-or-none) is added to the combination, all paths are selected if there is any file that matches other criteria in the comparison; if there is no file that matches other criteria, nothing is selected." def run if config[:name_only] output_mode = :name_only end if config[:name_status] output_mode = :name_status end patterns = pattern_args_from(name_args.length > 0 ? name_args : [ "" ]) # Get the matches (recursively) error = false patterns.each do |pattern| found_match = ChefFS::CommandLine.diff_print(pattern, chef_fs, local_fs, config[:recurse] ? nil : 1, output_mode, proc { |entry| format_path(entry) }, config[:diff_filter] ) do |diff| stdout.print diff end if !found_match ui.error "#{pattern}: No such file or directory on remote or local" error = true end end if error exit 1 end end end end end