# Lock

## Example Lock Object

  "path": "locked_file",
  "timeout": 43200,
  "depth": "infinity",
  "recursive": true,
  "owner": "user",
  "scope": "shared",
  "exclusive": true,
  "token": "17c54824e9931a4688ca032d03f6663c",
  "type": "write",
  "allow_access_by_any_user": true,
  "user_id": 1,
  "username": ""

* `path` (string): Path This must be slash-delimited, but it must neither start nor end with a slash. Maximum of 5000 characters.
* `timeout` (int64): Lock timeout in seconds
* `depth` (string): DEPRECATED: Lock depth
* `recursive` (boolean): Does lock apply to subfolders?
* `owner` (string): Owner of the lock.  This can be any arbitrary string.
* `scope` (string): DEPRECATED: Lock scope
* `exclusive` (boolean): Is lock exclusive?
* `token` (string): Lock token.  Use to release lock.
* `type` (string): DEPRECATED: Lock type
* `allow_access_by_any_user` (boolean): Can lock be modified by users other than its creator?
* `user_id` (int64): Lock creator user ID
* `username` (string): Lock creator username


## List Locks by path

  per_page: 1, 
  include_children: true

### Parameters

* `cursor` (string): Used for pagination.  Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off.  Get a cursor from an existing list via the X-Files-Cursor-Next header.
* `per_page` (int64): Number of records to show per page.  (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended).
* `path` (string): Required - Path to operate on.
* `include_children` (boolean): Include locks from children objects?


## Create Lock

  allow_access_by_any_user: true, 
  exclusive: true, 
  recursive: true, 
  timeout: 1

### Parameters

* `path` (string): Required - Path
* `allow_access_by_any_user` (boolean): Allow lock to be updated by any user?
* `exclusive` (boolean): Is lock exclusive?
* `recursive` (string): Does lock apply to subfolders?
* `timeout` (int64): Lock timeout length


## Delete Lock

  token: "token"

### Parameters

* `path` (string): Required - Path
* `token` (string): Required - Lock token


## Delete Lock

lock = Files::Lock.list.first

  token: "token"

### Parameters

* `path` (string): Required - Path
* `token` (string): Required - Lock token