# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. module Buildr #:nodoc: module IntellijIdea def self.new_document(value) REXML::Document.new(value, :attribute_quote => :quote) end # Abstract base class for IdeaModule and IdeaProject class IdeaFile DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "" DEFAULT_LOCAL_REPOSITORY_ENV_OVERRIDE = "MAVEN_REPOSITORY" attr_reader :buildr_project attr_writer :suffix attr_writer :id attr_accessor :template attr_accessor :local_repository_env_override def initialize @local_repository_env_override = DEFAULT_LOCAL_REPOSITORY_ENV_OVERRIDE end def suffix @suffix ||= DEFAULT_SUFFIX end def filename buildr_project.path_to("#{name}.#{extension}") end def id @id ||= buildr_project.name.split(':').last end def add_component(name, attrs = {}, &xml) self.components << create_component(name, attrs, &xml) end # IDEA can not handle text content with indents so need to removing indenting # Can not pass true as third argument as the ruby library seems broken def write(f) document.write(f, -1, false, true) end def name "#{self.id}#{suffix}" end protected def relative(path) ::Buildr::Util.relative_path(File.expand_path(path.to_s), self.base_directory) end def base_directory buildr_project.path_to end def resolve_path_from_base(path, base_variable) m2repo = Buildr::Repositories.instance.local if path.to_s.index(m2repo) == 0 && !self.local_repository_env_override.nil? return path.sub(m2repo, "$#{self.local_repository_env_override}$") else begin return "#{base_variable}/#{relative(path)}" rescue ArgumentError # ArgumentError happens on windows when self.base_directory and path are on different drives return path end end end def file_path(path) "file://#{resolve_path(path)}" end def create_component(name, attrs = {}) target = StringIO.new Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target => target, :indent => 2).component({:name => name}.merge(attrs)) do |xml| yield xml if block_given? end Buildr::IntellijIdea.new_document(target.string).root end def components @components ||= [] end def create_composite_component(name, attrs, components) return nil if components.empty? component = self.create_component(name, attrs) components.each do |element| element = element.call if element.is_a?(Proc) component.add_element element end component end def add_to_composite_component(components) components << lambda do target = StringIO.new yield Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target => target, :indent => 2) Buildr::IntellijIdea.new_document(target.string).root end end def load_document(filename) Buildr::IntellijIdea.new_document(File.read(filename)) end def document if File.exist?(self.filename) doc = load_document(self.filename) else doc = base_document inject_components(doc, self.initial_components) end if self.template template_doc = load_document(self.template) REXML::XPath.each(template_doc, "//component") do |element| inject_component(doc, element) end end inject_components(doc, self.default_components.compact + self.components) # Sort the components in the same order the idea sorts them sorted = doc.root.get_elements('//component').sort { |s1, s2| s1.attribute('name').value <=> s2.attribute('name').value } doc = base_document sorted.each do |element| doc.root.add_element element end doc end def inject_components(doc, components) components.each do |component| # execute deferred components component = component.call if Proc === component inject_component(doc, component) if component end end # replace overridden component (if any) with specified component def inject_component(doc, component) doc.root.delete_element("//component[@name='#{component.attributes['name']}']") doc.root.add_element component end end # IdeaModule represents an .iml file class IdeaModule < IdeaFile DEFAULT_TYPE = "JAVA_MODULE" attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :group attr_reader :facets attr_writer :jdk_version def initialize super() @type = DEFAULT_TYPE end def buildr_project=(buildr_project) @id = nil @facets = [] @skip_content = false @buildr_project = buildr_project end def jdk_version @jdk_version || buildr_project.compile.options.source || "1.6" end def extension "iml" end def main_source_directories @main_source_directories ||= [ buildr_project.compile.sources, buildr_project.resources.sources ].flatten.compact end def test_source_directories @test_source_directories ||= [ buildr_project.test.compile.sources, buildr_project.test.resources.sources ].flatten.compact end def excluded_directories @excluded_directories ||= [ buildr_project.resources.target, buildr_project.test.resources.target, buildr_project.path_to(:target, :main), buildr_project.path_to(:target, :test), buildr_project.path_to(:reports) ].flatten.compact end attr_writer :main_output_dir def main_output_dir @main_output_dir ||= buildr_project._(:target, :main, :idea, :classes) end attr_writer :test_output_dir def test_output_dir @test_output_dir ||= buildr_project._(:target, :test, :idea, :classes) end def main_dependencies @main_dependencies ||= buildr_project.compile.dependencies end def test_dependencies @test_dependencies ||= buildr_project.test.compile.dependencies end def add_facet(name, type) add_to_composite_component(self.facets) do |xml| xml.facet(:name => name, :type => type) do |xml| yield xml if block_given? end end end def skip_content? !!@skip_content end def skip_content! @skip_content = true end def add_gwt_facet(modules = {}, options = {}) name = options[:name] || "GWT" detected_gwt_version = nil if options[:gwt_dev_artifact] a = Buildr.artifact(options[:gwt_dev_artifact]) a.invoke detected_gwt_version = a.to_s end settings = { :webFacet => "Web", :compilerMaxHeapSize => "512", :compilerParameters => "-draftCompile -localWorkers 2 -strict", :gwtScriptOutputStyle => "PRETTY" }.merge(options[:settings] || {}) buildr_project.compile.dependencies.each do |d| if d.to_s =~ /\/com\/google\/gwt\/gwt-dev\/(.*)\// detected_gwt_version = d.to_s break end end unless detected_gwt_version if detected_gwt_version settings[:gwtSdkUrl] = resolve_path(File.dirname(detected_gwt_version)) settings[:gwtSdkType] = "maven" else settings[:gwtSdkUrl] = "file://$GWT_TOOLS$" end add_facet(name, "gwt") do |f| f.configuration do |c| settings.each_pair do |k, v| c.setting :name => k.to_s, :value => v.to_s end c.packaging do |d| modules.each_pair do |k, v| d.module :name => k, :enabled => v end end end end end def add_web_facet(options = {}) name = options[:name] || "Web" default_webroots = {} default_webroots[buildr_project._(:source, :main, :webapp)] = "/" if File.exist?(buildr_project._(:source, :main, :webapp)) buildr_project.assets.paths.each {|p| default_webroots[p] = "/" } webroots = options[:webroots] || default_webroots default_deployment_descriptors = [] ['web.xml', 'sun-web.xml', 'glassfish-web.xml', 'jetty-web.xml', 'geronimo-web.xml', 'context.xml', 'weblogic.xml', 'jboss-deployment-structure.xml', 'jboss-web.xml', 'ibm-web-bnd.xml', 'ibm-web-ext.xml', 'ibm-web-ext-pme.xml']. each do |descriptor| webroots.each_pair do |path, relative_url| next unless relative_url == "/" d = "#{path}/WEB-INF/#{descriptor}" default_deployment_descriptors << d if File.exist?(d) end end deployment_descriptors = options[:deployment_descriptors] || default_deployment_descriptors add_facet(name, "web") do |f| f.configuration do |c| c.descriptors do |d| deployment_descriptors.each do |deployment_descriptor| d.deploymentDescriptor :name => File.basename(deployment_descriptor), :url => file_path(deployment_descriptor) end end c.webroots do |w| webroots.each_pair do |webroot, relative_url| w.root :url => file_path(webroot), :relative => relative_url end end end default_enable_jsf = webroots.keys.any?{|webroot| File.exist?("#{webroot}/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml")} enable_jsf = options[:enable_jsf].nil? ? default_enable_jsf : options[:enable_jsf] enable_jsf = false if root_project.ipr? && root_project.ipr.version >= '13' f.facet(:type => 'jsf', :name => 'JSF') do |jsf| jsf.configuration end if enable_jsf end end def add_jruby_facet(options = {}) name = options[:name] || "JRuby" ruby_version_file = buildr_project._('.ruby-version') default_jruby_version = File.exist?(ruby_version_file) ? "rbenv: #{IO.read(ruby_version_file).strip}" : 'jruby-' jruby_version = options[:jruby_version] || default_jruby_version add_facet(name, "JRUBY") do |f| f.configuration do |c| c.JRUBY_FACET_CONFIG_ID :NAME => "JRUBY_SDK_NAME", :VALUE => jruby_version c.LOAD_PATH :number => "0" c.I18N_FOLDERS :number => "0" end end end def add_jpa_facet(options = {}) name = options[:name] || "JPA" source_roots = [buildr_project.iml.main_source_directories, buildr_project.compile.sources, buildr_project.resources.sources].flatten.compact default_deployment_descriptors = [] ['orm.xml', 'persistence.xml']. each do |descriptor| source_roots.each do |path| d = "#{path}/META-INF/#{descriptor}" default_deployment_descriptors << d if File.exist?(d) end end deployment_descriptors = options[:deployment_descriptors] || default_deployment_descriptors factory_entry = options[:factory_entry] || buildr_project.name.to_s validation_enabled = options[:validation_enabled].nil? ? true : options[:validation_enabled] if options[:provider_enabled] provider = options[:provider_enabled] else provider = nil {'org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence' => 'Hibernate', 'org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider' => 'EclipseLink'}. each_pair do |match, candidate_provider| deployment_descriptors.each do |descriptor| if File.exist?(descriptor) && /#{Regexp.escape(match)}/ =~ IO.read(descriptor) provider = candidate_provider end end end end add_facet(name, "jpa") do |f| f.configuration do |c| if provider c.setting :name => "validation-enabled", :value => validation_enabled c.setting :name => "provider-name", :value => provider end c.tag!('datasource-mapping') do |ds| ds.tag!('factory-entry', :name => factory_entry) end deployment_descriptors.each do |descriptor| c.deploymentDescriptor :name => File.basename(descriptor), :url => file_path(descriptor) end end end end def add_ejb_facet(options = {}) name = options[:name] || "EJB" default_ejb_roots = [buildr_project.iml.main_source_directories, buildr_project.compile.sources, buildr_project.resources.sources].flatten.compact ejb_roots = options[:ejb_roots] || default_ejb_roots default_deployment_descriptors = [] ['ejb-jar.xml', 'glassfish-ejb-jar.xml', 'ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml', 'ibm-ejb-jar-ext-pme.xml', 'ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xml', 'jboss.xml', 'jbosscmp-jdbc.xml', 'openejb-jar.xml', 'sun-cmp-mapping.xml', 'sun-ejb-jar.xml', 'weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml', 'weblogic-ejb-jar.xml']. each do |descriptor| ejb_roots.each do |path| d = "#{path}/WEB-INF/#{descriptor}" default_deployment_descriptors << d if File.exist?(d) d = "#{path}/META-INF/#{descriptor}" default_deployment_descriptors << d if File.exist?(d) end end deployment_descriptors = options[:deployment_descriptors] || default_deployment_descriptors add_facet(name, "ejb") do |facet| facet.configuration do |c| c.descriptors do |d| deployment_descriptors.each do |deployment_descriptor| d.deploymentDescriptor :name => File.basename(deployment_descriptor), :url => file_path(deployment_descriptor) end end c.ejbRoots do |e| ejb_roots.each do |ejb_root| e.root :url => file_path(ejb_root) end end end end end protected def root_project p = buildr_project while p.parent p = p.parent end p end def test_dependency_details main_dependencies_paths = main_dependencies.map(&:to_s) target_dir = buildr_project.compile.target.to_s test_dependencies.select { |d| d.to_s != target_dir }.collect do |d| dependency_path = d.to_s export = main_dependencies_paths.include?(dependency_path) source_path = nil if d.respond_to?(:to_spec_hash) source_spec = d.to_spec_hash.merge(:classifier => 'sources') source_path = Buildr.artifact(source_spec).to_s source_path = nil unless File.exist?(source_path) end [dependency_path, export, source_path] end end def base_document target = StringIO.new Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target => target).module(:version => "4", :relativePaths => "true", :type => self.type) Buildr::IntellijIdea.new_document(target.string) end def initial_components [] end def default_components [ lambda { module_root_component }, lambda { facet_component } ] end def facet_component create_composite_component("FacetManager", {}, self.facets) end def module_root_component create_component("NewModuleRootManager", "inherit-compiler-output" => "false") do |xml| generate_compile_output(xml) generate_content(xml) unless skip_content? generate_initial_order_entries(xml) project_dependencies = [] self.test_dependency_details.each do |dependency_path, export, source_path| next unless export generate_lib(xml, dependency_path, export, source_path, project_dependencies) end self.test_dependency_details.each do |dependency_path, export, source_path| next if export generate_lib(xml, dependency_path, export, source_path, project_dependencies) end xml.orderEntryProperties end end def generate_lib(xml, dependency_path, export, source_path, project_dependencies) project_for_dependency = Buildr.projects.detect do |project| [project.packages, project.compile.target, project.resources.target, project.test.compile.target, project.test.resources.target].flatten. detect { |artifact| artifact.to_s == dependency_path } end if project_for_dependency if project_for_dependency.iml? && !project_dependencies.include?(project_for_dependency) && project_for_dependency != self.buildr_project generate_project_dependency(xml, project_for_dependency.iml.name, export, !export) end project_dependencies << project_for_dependency else generate_module_lib(xml, url_for_path(dependency_path), export, (source_path ? url_for_path(source_path) : nil), !export) end end def jar_path(path) "jar://#{resolve_path(path)}!/" end def url_for_path(path) if path =~ /jar$/i jar_path(path) else file_path(path) end end def resolve_path(path) resolve_path_from_base(path, "$MODULE_DIR$") end def generate_compile_output(xml) xml.output(:url => file_path(self.main_output_dir.to_s)) xml.tag!("output-test", :url => file_path(self.test_output_dir.to_s)) xml.tag!("exclude-output") end def generate_content(xml) xml.content(:url => "file://$MODULE_DIR$") do # Source folders { :main => self.main_source_directories, :test => self.test_source_directories }.each do |kind, directories| directories.map { |dir| dir.to_s }.compact.sort.uniq.each do |dir| xml.sourceFolder :url => file_path(dir), :isTestSource => (kind == :test ? 'true' : 'false') end end # Exclude target directories self.net_excluded_directories. collect { |dir| file_path(dir) }. select { |dir| relative_dir_inside_dir?(dir) }. sort.each do |dir| xml.excludeFolder :url => dir end end end def relative_dir_inside_dir?(dir) !dir.include?("../") end def generate_initial_order_entries(xml) xml.orderEntry :type => "sourceFolder", :forTests => "false" xml.orderEntry :type => "jdk", :jdkName => jdk_version, :jdkType => "JavaSDK" end def generate_project_dependency(xml, other_project, export, test = false) attribs = {:type => 'module', "module-name" => other_project} attribs[:exported] = '' if export attribs[:scope] = 'TEST' if test xml.orderEntry attribs end def generate_module_lib(xml, path, export, source_path, test = false) attribs = {:type => 'module-library'} attribs[:exported] = '' if export attribs[:scope] = 'TEST' if test xml.orderEntry attribs do xml.library do xml.CLASSES do xml.root :url => path end xml.JAVADOC xml.SOURCES do if source_path xml.root :url => source_path end end end end end # Don't exclude things that are subdirectories of other excluded things def net_excluded_directories net = [] all = self.excluded_directories.map { |dir| buildr_project._(dir.to_s) }.sort_by { |d| d.size } all.each_with_index do |dir, i| unless all[0 ... i].find { |other| dir =~ /^#{other}/ } net << dir end end net end end # IdeaModule represents an .ipr file class IdeaProject < IdeaFile attr_accessor :extra_modules attr_accessor :artifacts attr_accessor :data_sources attr_accessor :configurations attr_writer :jdk_version attr_writer :version def initialize(buildr_project) super() @buildr_project = buildr_project @extra_modules = [] @artifacts = [] @data_sources = [] @configurations = [] end def version @version || "12" end def jdk_version @jdk_version ||= buildr_project.compile.options.source || "1.6" end def add_artifact(name, type, build_on_make = false) add_to_composite_component(self.artifacts) do |xml| xml.artifact(:name => name, :type => type, :"build-on-make" => build_on_make) do |xml| yield xml if block_given? end end end def add_configuration(name, type, factory_name, default = false) add_to_composite_component(self.configurations) do |xml| options = {:type => type, :factoryName => factory_name} options[:name] = name unless default options[:default] = true if default xml.configuration(options) do |xml| yield xml if block_given? end end end def add_default_configuration(type, factory_name) add_configuration(nil, type, factory_name, true) do |xml| yield xml if block_given? end end def add_postgres_data_source(name, options = {}) if options[:url].nil? && options[:database] default_url = "jdbc:postgresql://#{(options[:host] || "")}:#{(options[:port] || "5432")}/#{options[:database]}" end params = { :driver => 'org.postgresql.Driver', :url => default_url, :username => ENV["USER"], :dialect => 'PostgreSQL', :classpath => ["org.postgresql:postgresql:jar:9.2-1003-jdbc4"] }.merge(options) add_data_source(name, params) end def add_sql_server_data_source(name, options = {}) default_url = nil if options[:url].nil? && options[:database] default_url = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://#{(options[:host] || "")}:#{(options[:port] || "1433")}/#{options[:database]}" end params = { :driver => 'net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver', :url => default_url, :username => ENV["USER"], :dialect => 'TSQL', :classpath => ['net.sourceforge.jtds:jtds:jar:1.2.7'] }.merge(options) if params[:url] if /jdbc\:jtds\:sqlserver\:\/\/[^:\\]+(\:\d+)?\/([^;]*)(\;.*)?/ =~ params[:url] database_name = $2 params[:schema_pattern] = "#{database_name}.*" params[:default_schemas] = "#{database_name}.*" end end add_data_source(name, params) end def add_data_source(name, options = {}) add_to_composite_component(self.data_sources) do |xml| data_source_options = { :source => "LOCAL", :name => name, :uuid => Buildr::Util.uuid } classpath = options[:classpath] || [] xml.tag!("data-source", data_source_options) do |xml| xml.tag!("synchronize", (options[:synchronize]||"true")) xml.tag!("jdbc-driver", options[:driver]) if options[:driver] xml.tag!("jdbc-url", options[:url]) if options[:url] xml.tag!("user-name", options[:username]) if options[:username] xml.tag!("user-password", encrypt(options[:password])) if options[:password] xml.tag!("schema-pattern", options[:schema_pattern]) if options[:schema_pattern] xml.tag!("default-schemas", options[:default_schemas]) if options[:default_schemas] xml.tag!("table-pattern", options[:table_pattern]) if options[:table_pattern] xml.tag!("default-dialect", options[:dialect]) if options[:dialect] xml.libraries do |xml| classpath.each do |classpath_element| a = Buildr.artifact(classpath_element) a.invoke xml.library do |xml| xml.tag!("url", resolve_path(a.to_s)) end end end if classpath.size > 0 end end end def add_exploded_war_artifact(project, options = {}) artifact_name = to_artifact_name(project, options) artifacts = options[:artifacts] || [] add_artifact(artifact_name, "exploded-war", build_on_make(options)) do |xml| dependencies = (options[:dependencies] || ([project] + project.compile.dependencies)).flatten libraries, projects = partition_dependencies(dependencies) emit_output_path(xml, artifact_name, options) xml.root :id => "root" do xml.element :id => "directory", :name => "WEB-INF" do xml.element :id => "directory", :name => "classes" do artifact_content(xml, project, projects, options) end xml.element :id => "directory", :name => "lib" do emit_libraries(xml, libraries) emit_jar_artifacts(xml, artifacts) end end if options[:enable_war].nil? || options[:enable_war] || (options[:war_module_names] && options[:war_module_names].size > 0) module_names = options[:war_module_names] || [project.iml.id] module_names.each do |module_name| facet_name = options[:war_facet_name] || "Web" xml.element :id => "javaee-facet-resources", :facet => "#{module_name}/web/#{facet_name}" end end if options[:enable_gwt] || (options[:gwt_module_names] && options[:gwt_module_names].size > 0) module_names = options[:gwt_module_names] || [project.iml.id] module_names.each do |module_name| facet_name = options[:gwt_facet_name] || "GWT" xml.element :id => "gwt-compiler-output", :facet => "#{module_name}/gwt/#{facet_name}" end end end end end def add_exploded_ear_artifact(project, options ={}) artifact_name = to_artifact_name(project, options) add_artifact(artifact_name, "exploded-ear", build_on_make(options)) do |xml| dependencies = (options[:dependencies] || ([project] + project.compile.dependencies)).flatten libraries, projects = partition_dependencies(dependencies) emit_output_path(xml, artifact_name, options) xml.root :id => "root" do emit_module_output(xml, projects) xml.element :id => "directory", :name => "lib" do emit_libraries(xml, libraries) end end end end def add_jar_artifact(project, options = {}) artifact_name = to_artifact_name(project, options) dependencies = (options[:dependencies] || [project]).flatten libraries, projects = partition_dependencies(dependencies) raise "Unable to add non-project dependencies (#{libraries.inspect}) to jar artifact" if libraries.size > 0 jar_name = "#{artifact_name}.jar" add_artifact(jar_name, "jar", build_on_make(options)) do |xml| emit_output_path(xml, artifact_name, options) xml.root(:id => "archive", :name => jar_name) do artifact_content(xml, project, projects, options) end end end def add_exploded_ejb_artifact(project, options = {}) artifact_name = to_artifact_name(project, options) add_artifact(artifact_name, "exploded-ejb", build_on_make(options)) do |xml| dependencies = (options[:dependencies] || [project]).flatten libraries, projects = partition_dependencies(dependencies) raise "Unable to add non-project dependencies (#{libraries.inspect}) to ejb artifact" if libraries.size > 0 emit_output_path(xml, artifact_name, options) xml.root :id => "root" do artifact_content(xml, project, projects, options) end end end def add_java_configuration(project, classname, options = {}) args = options[:args] || '' dir = options[:dir] || "file://$PROJECT_DIR$/" debug_port = options[:debug_port] || 2599 module_name = options[:module_name] || project.iml.id jvm_args = options[:jvm_args] || '' name = options[:name] || classname add_to_composite_component(self.configurations) do |xml| xml.configuration(:name => name, :type => 'Application', :factoryName => 'Application', :default => !!options[:default]) do |xml| xml.extension(:name => 'coverage', :enabled => 'false', :merge => 'false', :sample_coverage => 'true', :runner => 'idea') xml.option(:name => 'MAIN_CLASS_NAME', :value => classname) xml.option(:name => 'VM_PARAMETERS', :value => jvm_args) xml.option(:name => 'PROGRAM_PARAMETERS', :value => args) xml.option(:name => 'WORKING_DIRECTORY', :value => dir) xml.option(:name => 'ALTERNATIVE_JRE_PATH_ENABLED', :value => 'false') xml.option(:name => 'ALTERNATIVE_JRE_PATH', :value => '') xml.option(:name => 'ENABLE_SWING_INSPECTOR', :value => 'false') xml.option(:name => 'ENV_VARIABLES') xml.option(:name => 'PASS_PARENT_ENVS', :value => 'true') xml.module(:name => module_name) xml.envs xml.RunnerSettings(:RunnerId => 'Debug') do |xml| xml.option(:name => 'DEBUG_PORT', :value => debug_port.to_s) xml.option(:name => 'TRANSPORT', :value => '0') xml.option(:name => 'LOCAL', :value => 'true') end xml.RunnerSettings(:RunnerId => 'Run') xml.ConfigurationWrapper(:RunnerId => 'Debug') xml.ConfigurationWrapper(:RunnerId => 'Run') xml.method end end end def add_ruby_script_configuration(project, script, options = {}) args = options[:args] || '' path = ::Buildr::Util.relative_path(File.expand_path(script), project.base_dir) name = options[:name] || File.basename(script) dir = options[:dir] || "$MODULE_DIR$/#{path}" sdk = options[:sdk] || 'rbenv: ' + (IO.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../.ruby-version').trim rescue "jruby-#{RUBY_VERSION}") add_to_composite_component(self.configurations) do |xml| xml.configuration(:name => name, :type => 'RubyRunConfigurationType', :factoryName => 'Ruby', :default => !!options[:default]) do |xml| xml.module(:name => project.iml.id) xml.RUBY_RUN_CONFIG(:NAME => 'RUBY_ARGS', :VALUE => '-e STDOUT.sync=true;STDERR.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift)') xml.RUBY_RUN_CONFIG(:NAME => 'WORK DIR', :VALUE => dir) xml.RUBY_RUN_CONFIG(:NAME => 'SHOULD_USE_SDK', :VALUE => 'true') xml.RUBY_RUN_CONFIG(:NAME => 'ALTERN_SDK_NAME', :VALUE => sdk) xml.RUBY_RUN_CONFIG(:NAME => 'myPassParentEnvs', :VALUE => 'true') xml.envs xml.EXTENSION(:ID => 'BundlerRunConfigurationExtension', :bundleExecEnabled => 'false') xml.EXTENSION(:ID => 'JRubyRunConfigurationExtension') xml.RUBY_RUN_CONFIG(:NAME => 'SCRIPT_PATH', :VALUE => script) xml.RUBY_RUN_CONFIG(:NAME => 'SCRIPT_ARGS', :VALUE => args) xml.RunnerSettings(:RunnerId => 'RubyDebugRunner') xml.ConfigurationWrapper(:RunnerId => 'RubyDebugRunner') end end end def add_gwt_configuration(launch_page, project, options = {}) name = options[:name] || "Run #{launch_page}" shell_parameters = options[:shell_parameters] || "" vm_parameters = options[:vm_parameters] || "-Xmx512m" add_configuration(name, "GWT.ConfigurationType", "GWT Configuration") do |xml| xml.module(:name => project.iml.id) xml.option(:name => "RUN_PAGE", :value => launch_page) xml.option(:name => "SHELL_PARAMETERS", :value => shell_parameters) xml.option(:name => "VM_PARAMETERS", :value => vm_parameters) xml.RunnerSettings(:RunnerId => "Run") xml.ConfigurationWrapper(:RunnerId => "Run") xml.method() end end def add_glassfish_configuration(project, options = {}) artifact_name = options[:name] || project.iml.id server_name = options[:server_name] || 'Glassfish 4.0.0' domain_name = options[:domain] || project.iml.id domain_port = options[:port] || '9009' packaged = options[:packaged] || {} exploded = options[:exploded] || {} add_to_composite_component(self.configurations) do |xml| xml.configuration(:name => server_name, :type => 'GlassfishConfiguration', :factoryName => 'Local', :default => false, :APPLICATION_SERVER_NAME => server_name) do |xml| xml.option(:name => 'OPEN_IN_BROWSER', :value => 'false') xml.option(:name => 'UPDATING_POLICY', :value => 'restart-server') xml.deployment do |deployment| packaged.each do |name, deployable| artifact = Buildr.artifact(deployable) artifact.invoke deployment.file(:path => resolve_path(artifact.to_s)) do |file| file.settings do |settings| settings.option(:name => 'contextRoot', :value => "/#{name}") settings.option(:name => 'defaultContextRoot', :value => 'false') end end end exploded.each do |deployable_name| deployment.artifact(:name => deployable_name) do |artifact| artifact.settings end end end xml.tag! 'server-settings' do |server_settings| server_settings.option(:name => 'VIRTUAL_SERVER') server_settings.option(:name => 'DOMAIN', :value => domain_name.to_s) server_settings.option(:name => 'PRESERVE', :value => 'false') server_settings.option(:name => 'USERNAME', :value => 'admin') server_settings.option(:name => 'PASSWORD', :value => '') end xml.predefined_log_file(:id => 'GlassFish', :enabled => 'true') xml.extension(:name => 'coverage', :enabled => 'false', :merge => 'false', :sample_coverage => 'true', :runner => 'idea') xml.RunnerSettings(:RunnerId => 'Cover') add_glassfish_runner_settings(xml, 'Cover') add_glassfish_configuration_wrapper(xml, 'Cover') add_glassfish_runner_settings(xml, 'Debug', { :DEBUG_PORT => domain_port.to_s, :TRANSPORT => '0', :LOCAL => 'true', }) add_glassfish_configuration_wrapper(xml, 'Debug') add_glassfish_runner_settings(xml, 'Run') add_glassfish_configuration_wrapper(xml, 'Run') xml.method do |method| method.option(:name => 'BuildArtifacts', :enabled => 'true') do |option| option.artifact(:name => artifact_name) end end end end end def add_default_testng_configuration(options = {}) jvm_args = options[:jvm_args] || '-ea' dir = options[:dir] || '$PROJECT_DIR$' add_default_configuration('TestNG', 'TestNG') do |xml| xml.extension(:name => 'coverage', :enabled => 'false', :merge => 'false', :sample_coverage => 'true', :runner => 'idea') xml.module(:name => '') xml.option(:name => 'ALTERNATIVE_JRE_PATH_ENABLED', :value => 'false') xml.option(:name => 'ALTERNATIVE_JRE_PATH') xml.option(:name => 'SUITE_NAME') xml.option(:name => 'PACKAGE_NAME') xml.option(:name => 'MAIN_CLASS_NAME') xml.option(:name => 'METHOD_NAME') xml.option(:name => 'GROUP_NAME') xml.option(:name => 'TEST_OBJECT', :value => 'CLASS') xml.option(:name => 'VM_PARAMETERS', :value => jvm_args) xml.option(:name => 'PARAMETERS') xml.option(:name => 'WORKING_DIRECTORY', :value => dir) xml.option(:name => 'OUTPUT_DIRECTORY') xml.option(:name => 'ANNOTATION_TYPE') xml.option(:name => 'ENV_VARIABLES') xml.option(:name => 'PASS_PARENT_ENVS', :value => 'true') xml.option(:name => 'TEST_SEARCH_SCOPE') do |opt| opt.value(:defaultName => 'moduleWithDependencies') end xml.option(:name => 'USE_DEFAULT_REPORTERS', :value => 'false') xml.option(:name => 'PROPERTIES_FILE') xml.envs xml.properties xml.listeners xml.method end end protected def add_glassfish_runner_settings(xml, name, options = {}) xml.RunnerSettings(:RunnerId => name.to_s) do |runner_settings| options.each do |key, value| runner_settings.option(:name => key.to_s, :value => value.to_s) end end end def add_glassfish_configuration_wrapper(xml, name) xml.ConfigurationWrapper(:VM_VAR => 'JAVA_OPTS', :RunnerId => name.to_s) do |configuration_wrapper| configuration_wrapper.option(:name => 'USE_ENV_VARIABLES', :value => 'true') configuration_wrapper.STARTUP do |startup| startup.option(:name => 'USE_DEFAULT', :value => 'true') startup.option(:name => 'SCRIPT', :value => '') startup.option(:name => 'VM_PARAMETERS', :value => '') startup.option(:name => 'PROGRAM_PARAMETERS', :value => '') end configuration_wrapper.SHUTDOWN do |shutdown| shutdown.option(:name => 'USE_DEFAULT', :value => 'true') shutdown.option(:name => 'SCRIPT', :value => '') shutdown.option(:name => 'VM_PARAMETERS', :value => '') shutdown.option(:name => 'PROGRAM_PARAMETERS', :value => '') end end end def artifact_content(xml, project, projects, options) emit_module_output(xml, projects) emit_jpa_descriptors(xml, project, options) emit_ejb_descriptors(xml, project, options) end def extension "ipr" end def base_document target = StringIO.new Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target => target).project(:version => "4") Buildr::IntellijIdea.new_document(target.string) end def default_components [ lambda { modules_component }, vcs_component, artifacts_component, lambda { data_sources_component }, configurations_component, lambda { framework_detection_exclusion_component } ] end def framework_detection_exclusion_component create_component('FrameworkDetectionExcludesConfiguration') do |xml| xml.file :url => file_path(buildr_project._(:artifacts)) end end def initial_components [ lambda { project_root_manager_component }, lambda { project_details_component } ] end def project_root_manager_component attribs = {} attribs["version"] = "2" attribs["languageLevel"] = "JDK_#{self.jdk_version.gsub('.', '_')}" attribs["assert-keyword"] = "true" attribs["jdk-15"] = (jdk_version >= "1.5").to_s attribs["project-jdk-name"] = self.jdk_version attribs["project-jdk-type"] = "JavaSDK" create_component("ProjectRootManager", attribs) do |xml| xml.output("url" => file_path(buildr_project._(:target, :idea, :project_out))) end end def project_details_component create_component("ProjectDetails") do |xml| xml.option("name" => "projectName", "value" => self.name) end end def modules_component create_component("ProjectModuleManager") do |xml| xml.modules do buildr_project.projects.select { |subp| subp.iml? }.each do |subproject| module_path = subproject.base_dir.gsub(/^#{buildr_project.base_dir}\//, '') path = "#{module_path}/#{subproject.iml.name}.iml" attribs = {:fileurl => "file://$PROJECT_DIR$/#{path}", :filepath => "$PROJECT_DIR$/#{path}"} if subproject.iml.group == true attribs[:group] = subproject.parent.name.gsub(':', '/') elsif !subproject.iml.group.nil? attribs[:group] = subproject.iml.group.to_s end xml.module attribs end self.extra_modules.each do |iml_file| xml.module :fileurl => "file://$PROJECT_DIR$/#{iml_file}", :filepath => "$PROJECT_DIR$/#{iml_file}" end if buildr_project.iml? xml.module :fileurl => "file://$PROJECT_DIR$/#{buildr_project.iml.name}.iml", :filepath => "$PROJECT_DIR$/#{buildr_project.iml.name}.iml" end end end end def vcs_component project_directories = buildr_project.projects.select { |p| p.iml? }.collect { |p| p.base_dir } project_directories << buildr_project.base_dir # Guess the iml file is in the same dir as base dir project_directories += self.extra_modules.collect { |p| File.dirname(p) } project_directories = project_directories.sort.uniq mappings = {} project_directories.each do |dir| if File.directory?("#{dir}/.git") mappings[dir] = "Git" elsif File.directory?("#{dir}/.svn") mappings[dir] = "svn" end end return nil if 0 == mappings.size create_component("VcsDirectoryMappings") do |xml| mappings.each_pair do |dir, vcs_type| resolved_dir = resolve_path(dir) mapped_dir = resolved_dir == '$PROJECT_DIR$/.' ? buildr_project.base_dir : resolved_dir xml.mapping :directory => mapped_dir, :vcs => vcs_type end end end def data_sources_component create_composite_component("DataSourceManagerImpl", {:format => "xml", :hash => "3208837817"}, self.data_sources) end def artifacts_component create_composite_component("ArtifactManager", {}, self.artifacts) end def configurations_component create_composite_component("ProjectRunConfigurationManager", {}, self.configurations) end def resolve_path(path) resolve_path_from_base(path, "$PROJECT_DIR$") end private def to_artifact_name(project, options) options[:name] || project.iml.id end def build_on_make(options) options[:build_on_make].nil? ? false : options[:build_on_make] end def emit_jar_artifacts(xml, artifacts) artifacts.each do |p| xml.element :id => "artifact", 'artifact-name' => "#{p}.jar" end end def emit_libraries(xml, libraries) libraries.each(&:invoke).map(&:to_s).each do |dependency_path| xml.element :id => "file-copy", :path => resolve_path(dependency_path) end end def emit_module_output(xml, projects) projects.each do |p| xml.element :id => "module-output", :name => p.iml.id end end def emit_output_path(xml, artifact_name, options) ## The content here can not be indented output_dir = options[:output_dir] || buildr_project._(:artifacts, artifact_name) xml.tag!('output-path', resolve_path(output_dir)) end def emit_ejb_descriptors(xml, project, options) if options[:enable_ejb] || (options[:ejb_module_names] && options[:ejb_module_names].size > 0) module_names = options[:ejb_module_names] || [project.iml.id] module_names.each do |module_name| facet_name = options[:ejb_facet_name] || "EJB" xml.element :id => "javaee-facet-resources", :facet => "#{module_name}/ejb/#{facet_name}" end end end def emit_jpa_descriptors(xml, project, options) if options[:enable_jpa] || (options[:jpa_module_names] && options[:jpa_module_names].size > 0) module_names = options[:jpa_module_names] || [project.iml.id] module_names.each do |module_name| facet_name = options[:jpa_facet_name] || "JPA" xml.element :id => "jpa-descriptors", :facet => "#{module_name}/jpa/#{facet_name}" end end end def encrypt(password) password.bytes.inject("") { |x, y| x + (y ^ 0xdfaa).to_s(16) } end def partition_dependencies(dependencies) libraries = [] projects = [] dependencies.each do |dependency| artifacts = Buildr.artifacts(dependency) artifacts_as_strings = artifacts.map(&:to_s) all_projects = Buildr::Project.instance_variable_get("@projects").keys project = Buildr.projects(all_projects).detect do |project| [project.packages, project.compile.target, project.resources.target, project.test.compile.target, project.test.resources.target].flatten. detect { |component| artifacts_as_strings.include?(component.to_s) } end if project projects << project else libraries += artifacts end end return libraries.uniq, projects.uniq end end module ProjectExtension include Extension first_time do desc "Generate Intellij IDEA artifacts for all projects" Project.local_task "idea" => "artifacts" desc "Delete the generated Intellij IDEA artifacts" Project.local_task "idea:clean" end before_define do |project| project.recursive_task("idea") project.recursive_task("idea:clean") end after_define do |project| idea = project.task("idea") files = [ (project.iml if project.iml?), (project.ipr if project.ipr?) ].compact files.each do |ideafile| module_dir = File.dirname(ideafile.filename) idea.enhance do |task| mkdir_p module_dir info "Writing #{ideafile.filename}" t = Tempfile.open("buildr-idea") temp_filename = t.path t.close! File.open(temp_filename, "w") do |f| ideafile.write f end mv temp_filename, ideafile.filename end if project.ipr? filename = project._("#{project.ipr.name}.ids") rm_rf filename if File.exists?(filename) end end project.task("idea:clean") do files.each do |f| info "Removing #{f.filename}" if File.exist?(f.filename) rm_rf f.filename end end end def ipr if ipr? @ipr ||= IdeaProject.new(self) else raise "Only the root project has an IPR" end end def ipr? !@no_ipr && self.parent.nil? end def iml if iml? unless @iml inheritable_iml_source = self.parent while inheritable_iml_source && !inheritable_iml_source.iml? inheritable_iml_source = inheritable_iml_source.parent; end @iml = inheritable_iml_source ? inheritable_iml_source.iml.clone : IdeaModule.new @iml.buildr_project = self end return @iml else raise "IML generation is disabled for #{self.name}" end end def no_ipr @no_ipr = true end def no_iml @has_iml = false end def iml? @has_iml = @has_iml.nil? ? true : @has_iml end end end end class Buildr::Project include Buildr::IntellijIdea::ProjectExtension end