Skyline Version Migration

General update recipe

After every Skyline update make sure that:

* You have updated your `Gemfile`, or the `config.gem` specifications in your `environment.rb`.
* Run `rake skyline:db:migrate` to update your Skyline tables.
* Run `rake skyline:db:seed` to update roles/rights and other important data updates.
* **Plugin users only!** The assets (`RAILS_ROOT/public/skyline`) are from the new version. If they are symlinked, Skyline will 
  take care of them for you.

Version 3.0.7 -> Version 3.0.8

There are no pressing changes you need to make to your implementation. Keep in mind however
that we deprecated some methods. The deprecated methods will be removed in version 3.1.0

**page\_sections\_per_column** in templates. Use `sections_per_column` instead. The old method
is still available as an alias.

**setting and page\_from\_settings** in templates. These two helpers are deprecated
in favour of `Settings.get` for `setting` and `Settings.get_page` for `page_from_setting`. The
method signatures are identical was merly a restructuring.

First OS release -> Version 3.0.7

**1. Template changes: render.peek_until** Peek until doesn't skip forward in the collection 
anymore. The old behaviour was inconsistent with peek. All peek functions now only look forward.
Replace all occurences of `var = peek_until...` and make sure they manually do `skip!(var.size)`
a better sollution is to use `render_until`.

**2. Template changes: @Page\_class** `@Page_class` is no longer accesible in the renderer. Use
`site.root` if you need to access the root class.

**3. Template changes: Renderer partials** You no longer need to pass the currently rendererd object
to partials. You can access the currently rendered object by using `renderer.object`.

**3. Custom sections: Buttons are no longer images** The helpers `button_image` has been removed
and the syntax of `submit_button` and `submit_button_to` has changed. Search for occurences of one 
of these three helpers and replace them accordingly:


    link_to button_image("small/delete.gif", :alt => :delete), ...

    link_to button_text(:delete), ..., :class => "button small red"

    submit_button_to "small/delete.gif", ..., :value => :delete

    submit_button_to :delete, ..., :class => "small red"

    submit_button "small/delete.gif", ..., :value => :delete


    submit_button :delete, ..., :class => "small red"