require 'travis/cli' require 'highline' require 'forwardable' require 'delegate' require 'yaml' module Travis module CLI class Command extend Parser extend Forwardable def_delegators :terminal, :agree, :ask, :choose HighLine.use_color = ! HighLine.color_scheme = do |cs| cs[:command] = [ :bold ] cs[:error] = [ :red ] cs[:important] = [ :bold, :underline ] cs[:success] = [ :green ] cs[:info] = [ :yellow ] end on('-h', '--help', 'Display help') do |c, _| c.say exit end on('-i', '--[no-]interactive', "be interactive and colorful") do |c, v| c.force_interactive = v end on('-E', '--[no-]explode', "don't rescue exceptions") def self.command_name name[/[^:]*$/].downcase end @@abstract ||= [Command] # ignore the man behind the courtains! def self.abstract? @@abstract.include? self end def self.abstract @@abstract << self end def self.skip(name) define_method(name) {} end attr_accessor :arguments, :config, :terminal, :force_interactive def initialize(options = {}) @output =$stdout) @input =$stdin) @terminal =, @output) options.each do |key, value| public_send("#{key}=", value) if respond_to? "#{key}=" end @arguments ||= [] end def input @input.__getobj__ end def input=(io) @input.__setobj__(io) end def output @output.__getobj__ end def output=(io) @output.__setobj__(io) end def write_to(io) io_was, self.output = output, io yield ensure self.output = io_was if io_was end def parse(args) rest = parser.parse(args) arguments.concat(rest) rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e error e.message end def setup end def execute check_arity(method(:run), *arguments) load_config setup run(*arguments) store_config rescue StandardError => e raise(e) if explode? error e.message end def command_name self.class.command_name end def usage usage = "#$0 #{command_name} [options]" method = method(:run) if method.respond_to? :parameters method.parameters.each do |type, name| name = "[#{name}]" if type == :opt name = "[#{name}..]" if type == :rest usage << " #{name}" end else usage << " ..." end "Usage: " << color(usage, :command) end def help parser.banner = usage parser.to_s end def say(data, format = nil) data = format % color(data, :important) if format and interactive? terminal.say data.gsub(/<\[\[/, '<%=').gsub(/\]\]>/, '%>') end private def template(file)'__END__', 2)[1].strip end def color(line, *args) return line unless interactive? terminal.color(line, *args) end def interactive?(io = output) return io.tty? if force_interactive.nil? force_interactive end def empty_line say "\n" end def error(message) write_to($stderr) do say color(message, :error) yield if block_given? exit 1 end end def command(name) color("#$0 #{name}", :command) end def success(line) say color(line, :success) if interactive? end def asset_path(name) path = ENV.fetch('TRAVIS_CONFIG_PATH') { File.expand_path('.travis', Dir.home) } Dir.mkdir(path, 0700) unless path File.join(path, name) end def load_asset(name, default = nil) path = asset_path(name) File.exist?(path) ? : default end def save_asset(name, content) File.write(asset_path(name), content.to_s) end def load_config @config = YAML.load load_asset('config.yml', '{}') @original_config = @config.dup end def store_config save_asset('config.yml', @config.to_yaml) end def check_arity(method, *args) return unless method.respond_to? :parameters method.parameters.each do |type, name| return if type == :rest wrong_args("few") unless args.shift or type == :opt end wrong_args("many") if args.any? end def wrong_args(quantity) error "too #{quantity} arguments" do say help end end end end end