# File: travelling-demo.feature Feature: Show how to define & use macro-steps with data table As a Cuke user So that I enjoy writing scenario. Scenario: Defining a macro that requires a data table # There is a colon : just after the phrase closing ']'. A data table must be used. Given I define the step "* I [fill in the form with]:" to mean: """ When I type "" And I type "" And I type "" And I type "" And I type "" And I type "" """ Scenario: Using a macro-step with a data table When I [fill in the form with]: |firstname| Sherlock| |lastname | Holmes | |street_address| 221B, Baker Street| |city |London | |postcode|NW1 6XE | |country | U.K. | # You should see the output: # Sherlock # Holmes # 221B, Baker Street # London # U.K. When I [fill in the form with]: |firstname| Albert | |lastname | Einstein| |street_address| 22, Mercer Street| |city |Princeton| |country| U.S.A | # You should see the output: # Albert # Einstein # 22, Mercer Street # Princeton # U.S.A # Did you notice the empty line in the previous output. # Guess what? We forgot to specify a value for the postcode argument. Scenario: Demonstrate that it is possible to use a sub-step with a data table Given I define the step "* I [fill in, as a Londonian, the form with]:" to mean: """ When I [fill in the form with]: |firstname| | |lastname | | |street_address| | |postcode| | # The next two lines have hard-coded values |city |London | |country | U.K. | """ # Let's try... When I [fill in, as a Londonian, the form with]: |firstname| Prime| |lastname | Minister | |street_address| 10, Downing Street|