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Dt$D$(D$ D$D$8H8 MtMHt$0LH$[LHcT$2Hp H t|$XtH:t |$@&H:He:H$HE$HL$HHT$HH=8HH.8H'H'HDH8H#HDD$HH=oNHO:MgH'H:yH MLe#Lƒ9H539LEH #HEхH$HE$t$H$L$HL$ HH=nH$$H$HFH=w'HH"H*HEH=6XH$HFH=w'HH"H)HEH=6H=6iH=6cH=u6MH٠8$|$DHc|$DH|$hHHH|$p$0~HHD$hHHHD$pHH$H-!Hߟ:HcHigfffH")Aэ )ȉH.8H$HE$HRIHL$XHT$ HH=lH@H$H|$ H\$hH[H<HHH|$p H-!=H:$ AԉÃ|$(L-!H LD苼$H5lLg6H(!H _9u Lr LH 9H$HE$HATSUAU$XSP$X$P$L$HL$`H= lHP AԉÃ|$(L- HLDH5ݢH:tpL5HX H _9H$HE$HATSUAUP$H$P$L$HL$PH=7kH@YLLL뒃$Hc|$DH|$hHHH|$pH$ L- H,8HcHigfffH")A ɉ)H{:H$HE$HPMHL$XHT$ HH=;j9HH$H|$7L-`Ht8XHcHigfffH")Aލ)Ã|$(L%%HLD|$,u(H-"$tH5ߡ|$,|$,HʡH-L3HgH 9u LLH X9H$HE$HSAVAUATUPD$tP$L$HL$PH=iH@ZH-MF@@"D$\$DŽ$9HZ.ܜHD$hHHHHcT$DHHHHHHHHΚ8i/L-6$l$ l$A=0H8RH=%HCHH 1HHCȾHD$0HHHHH=M%H}QH/8HkH HEH5`HDt$SH8uH}QHH5*OSH >L#!H5*@WDH L!H5WH /LHH=/L9u=fH*YwXwf/wOgH,H=% jl$ l$DŽ$@{H H5VjH H5@ckH H5*kH H5EH=P+H,8Ml$ l$DŽ$H LH5EH=OHۘ8Ml$ l$DŽ$H H5rlH H5\rmH H5FEH=O]H^8Ml$ l$DŽ$H ~H5EH=O H 8Ml$ l$DŽ$H -H5EH=OH8Ml$ l$DŽ$xLH:pnH5HH=%'MMn<Kw8<w=D$,m<#D$,S<ID$,9H ,HHH=,H9u=fH*Y|tXltf/ttH,H=_" >D$P$,D$D$ OH=3,UfE9AH=*6@8@H5=HHH=0+$`$ $H=`A$t$`H=`D$D$ DŽ$ H`,DH=HD$##D$ D$ID"A,A,Hɔ.%/H]|$(tH8u/HGH`FPJ|$(uRHH9S2H5H;$d,|$(+= B+H=+ D ܕD͕=˕5D-ʕL5T$`$T$AALcT$DO0DH LH5 Q@H5S>HH=#Mn鳙H@ D$(D$,驹H8kHAfDŽ$fDŽ$`fDŽ$ fD$`fDŽ$HD$ D$DŽ$ 2HJ8D$D$ DŽ$  ,AVAUATUSHIHAAdH%(H$1HHƄ$.HHHDH5(H߸FE@HHH5|(HcHH5o(tIHH8LH=oHLLLu LSt)HHHH5`H3H86H$dH+%(H[]A\A]A^HHHHHOHH5u_HΑH8$HDHH=e'bHL[LAVAUATUSHIAH8u uA/H='H='҃H|ÁuHjÃPuH[ÃNuHLÃGuH=à uH.à uHÃuHà uADDLHDu[]A\A]A^AWAVAUATUSH(IH5iHO8XHHHD$HHHD$HyH=”H8HHHT 81FHHvH5]HڏH8HH8~Il$\$CM|D$AIID$8-HctҍBUnixDOS->Mac Unix->Mac Mac->Unix Unix->DOS  DOS EOF  EOLan unknown conversion.%s zero length %s%s%s in %s missing mantissa%s%s : invalid zero value(s)%s invalid zero %s value(s) IHDR non-JHDR and 12-bit , progressiveMHDR unspecifiedno feature bits specifiedinvalidPLTE IDAT , preset dictionary and data Z_OKZ_STREAM_ERRORIEND bKGD cHRM gAMA gIFg gIFt gIFx hIST iesiCCP private: warning deflateiTXt oFFs pixelsmicrometerspCAL pHYs sBIT sCAL radianssPLT sRGB sTER divergent (parallel)cross-eyedzTXt : tIME tRNS JSEP DHDR FRAM absolute pixel valuesSAVE SEEK DEFI concreteabstractBACK advisorymandatorydo not MOVE CLON same concreteness as parentSHOW CLIP relative change inabsoluteLOOP ENDL PROM RGBAgray+alphazero fillleft bit replicationfPRI delta eXPI BASI IPNG PPLT +fewmanydeltaPAST (delta from previous PAST)TERM DISC except those before SAVEpHYg (no effect)DROP DBYK all butonly,, ORDR ORDR: MAGN MEND ancillarycritical Mn I+trns%sFile: %s%s%s (%ld bytes) chunk lengthIHDRMHDRJHDR%s invalid %slength %s JHDR not defined in PNG %s invalid %scolor type %s invalid %sbit depth (%d) %s MHDR not defined in %cNG %lu x %lu frame size, %lu tick%s per second, infinite tick length, %lu layer%s, %s layer count, %lu frame%s, %s frame count, %lu-tick play time (%lu seconds), %s play time, valid profile: simple MNG features%scomplex MNG features%scritical transparency%s%sJNG%s%sdelta-PNG%s%svalid transparency info%s%sreserved bits are set%s (MNG-VLC) (MNG-LC)%s simplicity profile PLTE%s PLTE not defined in JNG %s %smust precede IDAT %s %smust precede bKGD PLTE chunk: %d palette entr%s IDAT zlib: rows per pass%s: %s%s%ld%s [%1d] %d %1d%s %s| |%s %s EOF while reading %s data %s (%ld out of %ld) IEND%s no JDAT chunks %s no IDAT chunks %s not enough IDAT data bKGD%s %smust precede %cDAT gray = 0x%04x index = %u cHRM%s %smust precede PLTE eXIf%s eXIf not defined in JNG fRAcgAMA%s invalid %svalue (0.0000) : %#0.5g gIFg%s gIFg not defined in JNG gIFt%s %sDEPRECATED CHUNK %s gIFt not defined in JNG gIFx%s gIFx not defined in JNG hIST%s hIST not defined in JNG %s %smust follow PLTE hIST chunk: %ld histogram entr%s %s%3d: %5u iCCP%s %snot allowed with sRGB profile name profile name = iTXtkeyword, keyword: oFFs: %ldx%ld %s offset pCAL%s pCAL not defined in JNG calibration name: equation type %d calibration name = x0 = %ld x1 = %ld %s %smissing NULL separator p%d = pHYs (%lu dpi)sBIT%s sBIT not defined in JNG gray = %u = 0x%02x sCAL%s missing %snull separator %s missing %spixel height : image size %s x %s %s sPLT%s sPLT not defined in JNG palette name sPLT chunksRGB%s %snot allowed with iCCP rendering intent = %s sTER%s invalid %slayout mode tEXtzTXt%s(compressed %s text)tIME%s invalid %syear (%d) %s invalid %smonth (%d) %s invalid %sday (%d) %s invalid %shour (%d) %s invalid %sminute (%d) %s invalid %ssecond (%d) tRNS%s tRNS not defined in JNG tRNS chunk: %ld transparency entr%s %s%3d: %3d = 0x%02x cmODcmPPcpIpmkBFmkBSmkBTmkTSpcLbprVWspALJDAT%s JDAT not defined in PNG JSEP%s JSEP not defined in PNG DHDR%s DHDR not defined in %cNG FRAM%s FRAM not defined in %cNG : empty: mode %d %s frame name = invalid length invalid change flags new delay = %lu tick%s new timeout = infinite %lu [empty list]%s SAVE not defined in %cNG offset size = %u bytes entry type = %s, offset = 0x%08lx 0x%08lx%08lx %08lx name = SEEK%s SEEK not defined in %cNG nEED%s nEED not defined in %cNG : DEFI%s DEFI not defined in %cNG BACK%s BACK not defined in %cNG MOVE%s MOVE not defined in %cNG CLON%s CLON not defined in %cNG clone type = %s, %s, %s SHOW%s SHOW not defined in %cNG CLIP%s CLIP not defined in %cNG LOOP%s LOOP not defined in %cNG iteration min = %lu, max = %lu, signal number%s = %lu, %luENDL%s ENDL not defined in %cNG : nest level = %u PROM%s PROM not defined in %cNG fPRI%s fPRI not defined in %cNG : %spriority = %u eXPI%s eXPI not defined in %cNG BASI%s BASI not defined in %cNG gray = 0x%04x, alpha = 0x%04lx, %sviewableIPNG%s IPNG not defined in %cNG PPLT%s PPLT not defined in %cNG PPLT chunkPAST%s PAST not defined in %cNG %s invalid %ssource ID orientation = %s, %s TERM not defined in %cNG action = %s DISC%s DISC not defined in %cNG : %ld objects discard ID = %u pHYg%s pHYg not defined in %cNG DROP%s DROP not defined in %cNG %s%.*sDBYK%s DBYK not defined in %cNG %s invalid %spolarity (%u) %.*s: drop %s%s unterminated %skeyword %s "%.*s"ORDR%s ORDR not defined in %cNG %s invalid %sordering value %.*s: %s MAGN%s MAGN not defined in %cNG s = %u to %u method = %s MEND%s MEND not defined in %cNG privateCRC value%s in %s (%ld chunks). , VLC, LC, %lu layer%s, %lu frame%s).unit: %lux%lu pixels/%s (%lu:%lu)meter magnified object ID-%d.pngwb%s: contains %s PNG %d Scanning: %s Extracting PNGs from %s stdinerror: unknown option %c %s in %s %s: %s%s%s rbFailed to open %s: %s Failed to save stdout: %s [memory buffer]JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecNo errors detectedWARNINGS DETECTEDERRORS DETECTEDERRORS DETECTEDOKWARNWARNERRORno magnificationanywheresame as source imageflipped left-rightflipped up-downtiled with source imagecomposite overreplacecomposite underreplacement RGB samplesdelta RGB samplesreplacement alpha samplesdelta alpha samplesreplacement RGBA samplesdelta RGBA samplessegment with full infosegmentsubframeexported imagemake objects invisiblepotentially visibledo not showsame visibility as parentfullpartialrenumberno change in sync ID listno change in interframe delayno change in framing modeshow last frame indefinitelycease displaying anythingshow first frame after TERMdeterministicdecoder discretionuser discretionexternal signalfull image replacementblock pixel additionblock alpha additionblock pixel replacementblock alpha replacementno changegrayscaleYCbCrgrayscale+alphaYCbCr+alphaperceptualrelative colorimetricsaturation-preservingabsolute colorimetricfilesystem errorstream errordata errormemory errorbuffering errorversion errorsuperfastdefaultmaximumpaletteRGB+alpha by Alexander Lehmann, Andreas Dilger and Greg Roelofs. Compiled with zlib %s; using zlib %s. Test PNG, JNG or MNG image files for corruption, and print size/type info. Usage: pngcheck [-7cpqtv] file.{png|jng|mng} [file2.{png|jng|mng} [...]] or: ... | pngcheck [-7cpqstvx] or: pngcheck [-7cpqstvx] file-containing-PNGs... Options: -7 print contents of tEXt chunks, escape chars >=128 (for 7-bit terminals) -c colorize output (for ANSI terminals) -p print contents of PLTE, tRNS, hIST, sPLT and PPLT (can be used with -q) -q test quietly (output only errors) -s search for PNGs within another file -t print contents of tEXt chunks (can be used with -q) -v test verbosely (print most chunk data) -vv test very verbosely (decode & print line filters) -w suppress windowBits test (a more-stringent compression check) -x search for PNGs within another file and extract them when found Note: MNG support is more informational than conformance-oriented. %s %s chunk contains both CR and LF as line terminators %s %s chunk contains only CR as line terminator %s %s chunk contains null bytes %s %s chunk contains one or more control characters%s %s: CORRUPTED by text conversion File is CORRUPTED. It seems to have suffered It was probably transmitted through a 7-bit channel. It was probably transmitted in text mode.%s%s invalid chunk name "%.*s" (%02x %02x %02x %02x) %s %s %s is longer than 79 characters %s %s %s has leading space(s) %s %s %s has trailing space(s) %s %s %s has consecutive spaces %s %s %s has control character(s) (%u) %s %s text contains NULL character(s) : text has control character(s) (%u) (discouraged) %s invalid sign character%s%s (buf[%td]) %s invalid decimal point%s%s (buf[%td]) %s invalid exponent before mantissa%s%s (buf[%td]) %s invalid character ('%c' = 0x%02x)%s%s %s invalid digits%s%s (buf[%td]) (assuming Adam7-like interlacing)differences from previous values (delta from previous PAST, same ID)nullifies previous pHYg valuesnullifies previous MAGN values%s cannot read PNG or MNG signature %s (trying to skip MacBinary header) cannot read past MacBinary header this PNG seems to be contained in a MacBinary file this MNG seems to be contained in a MacBinary file this JNG seems to be contained in a MacBinary file this is neither a PNG nor JNG image nor a MNG stream%s this is neither a PNG or JNG image nor a MNG stream %s additional data after %cEND chunk %s invalid chunk length (too large) %s EOF while reading chunk type chunk %s%s%s at offset 0x%05lx, length %ld%s first chunk must be %cHDR %s EOF while reading %s%sdata %s multiple IHDR not allowed %s invalid %simage dimensions (%ldx%ld) %s invalid %simage type (%d) %s invalid %ssample depth (%d) for %s image %s invalid %ssample depth (%d) %s private (invalid?) %scompression method (%d) (warning) %s invalid %scompression method (%d) %s private (invalid?) %sfilter method (%d) (warning) %s invalid %sfilter method (%d) %s private (invalid?) %sinterlace method (%d) (warning) %s invalid %sinterlace method (%d) %ld x %ld image, %d-bit %s, %sinterlaced %s multiple JHDR not allowed %s invalid %sJPEG compression method (%d) %s invalid %salpha-channel compression method (%d) %s invalid %salpha-channel filter method (%d) %s invalid %salpha-channel interlace method (%d) %s invalid %sJPEG interlace method (%d) %s invalid %salpha-channel bit depth (%d) for %s image %ld x %ld image, %d-bit %s%s%s %ld x %ld image, %d-bit %s%s + %d-bit alpha%s %s multiple MHDR not allowed %s%smay have bkgd transparency%s%smay have semi-transparency%s%sobject buffers must be stored%s%sprivate/experimental bits are set%s multiple PLTE not allowed %s PLTE not allowed in %s image %s invalid number of %sentries (%g) %s invalid number of %sentries (%d) for %d-bit image %s%3d: (%3d,%3d,%3d) = (0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x) %s IDAT chunks must be consecutive %s %smust follow PLTE in %s image compression header fails checksumdeflated, %dK window, %s compression%s deflated, %d-byte window, %s compression%s non-deflate compression method (%d) zlib: oops! can't initialize (error = %d) row filters (0 none, 1 sub, 2 up, 3 avg, 4 paeth)%s: %s%s zlib: inflate error = %d (%s) %s extra data beyond end of image: possible exploit attempt %s private (invalid?) %srow-filter type (%d) (warning) %s invalid %srow-filter type (%d) %s invalid interlacing state (zero xskip) in image data %td bytes remaining in buffer before inflateEnd() inflateEnd() returns %s inflateEnd() returns %d %s multiple IEND not allowed %s missing JSEP in 20-bit JNG %s multiple bKGD not allowed red = 0x%04x, green = 0x%04x, blue = 0x%04x %s %sindex (%u) falls outside PLTE (%u) %s multiple cHRM not allowed %s invalid %swhite point %0g %0g %s invalid %sred point %0g %0g %s invalid %sgreen point %0g %0g %s invalid %sblue point %0g %0g White x = %0g y = %0g, Red x = %0g y = %0g Green x = %0g y = %0g, Blue x = %0g y = %0g %s multiple eXIf not allowed : EXIF metadata, big-endian (MM) format: EXIF metadata, little-endian (II) format: EXIF metadata, unrecognized format: 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x undefined fractal parameters (ancillary, safe to copy) [contact Tim Wegner, twegner@phoenix.net, for specification]%s multiple gAMA not allowed disposal method = %d, user input flag = %d, display time = %lf seconds application ID = %.*s, authentication code = 0x%02x%02x%02x %ld bytes of application data %s multiple hIST not allowed %s multiple iCCP not allowed %s missing NULL after %sprofile name %scompression method = %d (%s)%scompressed profile = %ld bytes %s invalid %scompression flag (%d) %scompressed, language tag = %scompressed, no language tag no translated keyword, %ld bytes of UTF-8 text %ld bytes of translated keyword and UTF-8 text (no translated keyword, %ld bytes of UTF-8 text) (%ld bytes of translated keyword and UTF-8 text) %s multiple oFFs not allowed %s invalid %sunit specifier (%u) %s multiple pCAL not allowed %s invalid %s equation type (%d) %s invalid number of parameters (%d) for %s equation type %d pngcheck INTERNAL LOGIC ERROR: toread (%d) != sz (%ld) no physical_value unit name physical_value unit name = %s multiple pHYs not allowed %s multiple sBIT not allowed %s %d %sgrey bits invalid for %d-bit/sample image %s %d %sred bits invalid for %d-bit/sample image %s %d %sgreen bits invalid for %d-bit/sample image %s %d %sblue bits invalid for %d-bit/sample image red = %u = 0x%02x, green = %u = 0x%02x, blue = %u = 0x%02x %s %d %salpha bits invalid for %d-bit/sample image gray = %u = 0x%02x, alpha = %u = 0x%02x red = %u = 0x%02x, green = %u = 0x%02x, blue = %u = 0x%02x, alpha = %u = 0x%02x %s multiple sCAL not allowed %s checking large %schunk not currently supported %s invalid %sunit specifier (%d) %s extra %snull separator (warning) %s invalid negative %svalue(s) %s missing NULL after %spalette name %s invalid %ssample depth (%u bits) : %d palette/histogram entr%s sample depth = %u bits, palette name = %s printing truncated %scontents %s%3d: (%3u,%3u,%3u,%3u) = (0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x) freq = %u %s%5d: (%5u,%5u,%5u,%5u) = (%04x,%04x,%04x,%04x) freq = %u %s multiple sRGB not allowed %s %sinvalid rendering intent %s multiple sTER not allowed stereo subimage layout = %s %s private (possibly invalid) %scompression method (%d) (warning) %s multiple tIME not allowed : %2d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC %s multiple tRNS not allowed %s invalid %slength for %s image %s %snot allowed in %s image Microsoft Picture It private, ancillary, unsafe-to-copy chunk Microsoft Picture It(?) private, ancillary, unsafe-to-copy chunk Microsoft Picture It private, ancillary, safe-to-copy chunk Macromedia Fireworks private, ancillary, unsafe-to-copy chunk Macromedia Fireworks(?) private, ancillary, unsafe-to-copy chunk Piclab(?) private, ancillary, safe-to-copy chunk Macromedia Fireworks preview chunk (private, ancillary, unsafe to copy) preliminary/test version of sPLT (private, ancillary, unsafe to copy)%s JDAT chunks must be consecutive or interleaved with IDATs %s JSEP allowed only if 8-bit and 12-bit JDATs present %s multiple JSEP not allowed %s JSEP must appear between JDAT or IDAT chunks object ID = %u, image type = %s, delta type = %s %s invalid %slength for delta type %d block width = %lu, block height = %lu x offset = %lu, y offset = %lu invalid trailing NULL byte new timeout = %lu tick%s new frame clipping boundaries (%s): left = %ld, right = %ld, top = %ld, bottom = %ld %s multiple SAVE not allowed %s invalid %soffset size (%u bytes) nominal start time = 0x%08lx, nominal layer number = %lu, nominal frame number = %lu %s %snot allowed without preceding SAVE chunk : printing large chunk not currently supported object ID = %u, %s, %s, x = %ld, y = %ld clipping: left = %ld, right = %ld, top = %ld, bottom = %ld red = 0x%04x, green = 0x%04x, blue = 0x%04x (%s) background image ID = %u (%s, %stile) first object ID = %u, last object ID = %u relative change in position: delta-x = %ld, delta-y = %ld new position: x = %ld, y = %ld parent object ID = %u, clone object ID = %u difference from parent's position: delta-x = %ld, delta-y = %ld absolute position: x = %ld, y = %ld first object = %u, last object = %u first object = %u, last object = %u; %s clip boundaries: left = %ld, right = %ld, top = %ld, bottom = %ld : nest level = %u count = %lu, termination = %s new color type = %s, new bit depth = %u fill method (if bit depth increased) = %s snapshot ID = %u, snapshot name = %.*s %s invalid %sbit depth (%d) for %s image red = 0x%04x, green = 0x%04x, blue = 0x%04x%s implied sample outside %schunk bounds %3d: %s(%3d,%3d,%3d,%3d) = %s(0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x) %3d: %s(%3d,%3d,%3d) = %s(0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x) %3d: %s(%3d) = %s(0x%02x) %s invalid %slength (too %s bytes) %d %s palette entr%s in %d block%s %s invalid %starget delta type (%u) destination ID = %u, target = {%ld,%ld}%s %s invalid %scomposition mode (%u) %s invalid %sorientation (%u) %s invalid %soffset origin (%u) %s invalid %sboundary origin (%u) source ID = %u: composition mode = %s, offset = {%ld,%ld} measured from {%ld,%ld} in destination image, clipping box = {%ld,%ld} to {%ld,%ld} measured from {%ld,%ld} %s multiple TERM not allowed %s %sinvalid termination action %s %sinvalid termination action-after-iterations action after iterations = %s inter-iteration delay = %lu tick%s, max iterations = discard all nonzero objects%s %s %smust appear at MNG top level %s invalid chunk name to be dropped %s %slisted chunk name is invalid %s %scritical chunk (%.*s) not allowed %s invalid %smagnification method(s) X method = %s Y method = %s X mag = %u, left mag = %u, right mag = %u Y mag = %u, top mag = %u, bottom mag = %u %s multiple MEND not allowed %s illegal critical, safe-to-copy chunk%s%s %s illegal reserved-bit-set chunk%s%s %s illegal (unless recently approved) unknown, public chunk%s%s %s private, critical chunk%s%s (warning) unknown %s, %s, %s%ssafe-to-copy chunk %s CRC error in chunk %s (computed %08lx, expected %08lx) %s file doesn't end with a%sEND chunk %s: %s%s%s (%ldx%ld, %ld chunks%s in %s (%ld chunks, %s%d.%d%% compression). %s: %s%s%s (%ldx%ld, %d-bit %s%s%s, %s%d.%d%%). %s: %s%s%s (%ldx%ld, %d-bit %s%s + %d-bit alpha%s, %s%d.%d%%). %s: %s%s%s (%ldx%ld, %d-bit %s%s, %sinterlaced, %s%d.%d%%). %s: could not write output (ignored) %s: error on output (ignored) zlib error: incompatible version (expected %s, using %s): skipping zlib check zlib warning: different version (expected %s, using %s) Warnings were detected in %d of the %d files tested. No errors were detected in %d of the %d files tested. Errors were detected in %d of the %d files tested. Failed to reassign stdout: %s No errors detectedWARNINGS DETECTEDpixel replication of all sampleslinear interpolation of all samplesreplication of all samples from nearest pixellinear interpolation of color, nearest-pixel replication of alphalinear interpolation of alpha, nearest-pixel replication of colorafter IDAT and/or JDAT or JDAAbefore IDAT and/or JDAT or JDAAbefore IDAT but not before PLTEbefore IDAT but not after PLTEflipped left-right then up-downmake objects potentially visible and displaydisplay potentially visible objectsmake objects potentially visible but do not displaytoggle potentially visible and invisible objects; display visible onestoggle potentially visible and invisible objects but do not display anymake next object potentially visible and display; make rest invisiblemake next object potentially visible but do not display; make rest invisiblechange sync ID list for next subframe:change sync ID list and make default:no change in subframe clipping boundarieschange frame clipping boundaries for next subframechange frame clipping boundaries and make defaultno change in timeout and terminationdeterministic change in timeout and termination for next subframedeterministic change in timeout and termination; make defaultdecoder-discretion change in timeout and termination for next subframedecoder-discretion change in timeout and termination; make defaultuser-discretion change in timeout and termination for next subframeuser-discretion change in timeout and termination; make defaultchange in timeout and termination for next subframe via signalchange in timeout and termination via signal; make defaultchange interframe delay for next subframechange interframe delay and make defaultno background layer; interframe delay before each image displayedno background layer; interframe delay before each FRAM chunkinterframe delay and background layer before each image displayedinterframe delay and background layer after each FRAM chunkrepeat sequence between TERM and MENDphysical_value = p0 + p1 * original_sample / (x1-x0)physical_value = p0 + p1 * exp(p2 * original_sample / (x1-x0))physical_value = p0 + p1 * pow(p2, (original_sample / (x1-x0)))physical_value = p0 + p1 * sinh(p2 * (original_sample - p3) / (x1-x0))9:VrQ22-Qx2ї?TiJNG  MNG  PNG  @j@??{Gz?? 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