# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2024 [Ribose Inc](https://www.ribose.com). # All rights reserved. # This file is a part of tebako # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. require "fileutils" require "find" require_relative "error" require_relative "build_helpers" require_relative "packager/patch_helpers" # Tebako - an executable packager module Tebako # Magic version numbers used to ensure compatibility for Ruby 2.7.x, 3.0.x # These are the minimal versions required to provide linux-gnu / linux-musl differentiation by bundler # Ruby 3.1+ default rubygems versions work correctly out of the box BUNDLER_VERSION = "2.4.22" RUBYGEMS_VERSION = "3.4.22" # Tebako packaging support (deployer) class DeployHelper # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength def initialize(fs_root, fs_entrance, fs_mount_point, target_dir, pre_dir) @fs_root = fs_root @fs_entrance = fs_entrance @fs_mount_point = fs_mount_point @target_dir = target_dir @pre_dir = pre_dir @verbose = ENV["VERBOSE"] == "yes" || ENV["VERBOSE"] == "true" @ncores = BuildHelpers.ncores end attr_reader :bundler_command, :gem_command, :gem_home def config(os_type, ruby_ver, cwd) @ruby_ver = ruby_ver @os_type = os_type @cwd = cwd @tbd = File.join(@target_dir, "bin") @tgd = @gem_home = File.join(@target_dir, "lib", "ruby", "gems", @ruby_ver.api_version) @tld = File.join(@target_dir, "local") lookup_files configure_scenario configure_commands end def deploy BuildHelpers.with_env(deploy_env) do update_rubygems system("#{gem_command} env") install_gem("tebako-runtime") install_gem("bundler", BUNDLER_VERSION) if needs_bundler? deploy_solution check_cwd end end def deploy_env { "GEM_HOME" => gem_home, "GEM_PATH" => gem_home, "GEM_SPEC_CACHE" => File.join(@target_dir, "spec_cache"), "TEBAKO_PASS_THROUGH" => "1" } end def install_gem(name, ver = nil) puts " ... installing #{name} gem#{" version #{ver}" if ver}" params = [@gem_command, "install", name.to_s] params.push("-v", ver.to_s) if ver ["--no-document", "--install-dir", @tgd].each do |param| params.push(param) end BuildHelpers.run_with_capture_v(params) end def needs_bundler? @gf_length.positive? && !@ruby_ver.ruby31? end def update_rubygems return if @ruby_ver.ruby31? puts " ... updating rubygems to #{Tebako::RUBYGEMS_VERSION}" BuildHelpers.run_with_capture_v([@gem_command, "update", "--no-doc", "--system", Tebako::RUBYGEMS_VERSION]) patch_after_rubygems_update(@target_dir, @ruby_ver.api_version) end private def bundle_config BuildHelpers.run_with_capture_v([@bundler_command, "config", "set", "--local", "build.ffi", "--disable-system-libffi"]) BuildHelpers.run_with_capture_v([@bundler_command, "config", "set", "--local", "build.nokogiri", @nokogiri_option]) BuildHelpers.run_with_capture_v([@bundler_command, "config", "set", "--local", "force_ruby_platform", @force_ruby_platform]) end def check_entry_point(entry_point_root) fs_entry_point = File.join(entry_point_root, @fs_entrance) puts " ... target entry point will be at #{File.join(@fs_mount_point, fs_entry_point)}" return if File.exist?(File.join(@target_dir, fs_entry_point)) raise Tebako::Error.new("Entry point #{fs_entry_point} does not exist or is not accessible", 106) end def check_cwd return if @cwd.nil? cwd_full = File.join(@target_dir, @cwd) return if File.directory?(cwd_full) raise Tebako::Error.new("Package working directory #{@cwd} does not exist", 108) end def collect_and_deploy_gem(gemspec) puts " ... Collecting gem from gemspec #{gemspec}" copy_files(@pre_dir) Dir.chdir(@pre_dir) do BuildHelpers.run_with_capture_v([@gem_command, "build", gemspec]) install_all_gems_or_fail end check_entry_point("bin") end def collect_and_deploy_gem_and_gemfile(gemspec) puts " ... collecting gem from gemspec #{gemspec} and Gemfile" copy_files(@pre_dir) Dir.chdir(@pre_dir) do bundle_config puts " *** It may take a long time for a big project. It takes REALLY long time on Windows ***" BuildHelpers.run_with_capture_v([@bundler_command, "install", "--jobs=#{@ncores}"]) BuildHelpers.run_with_capture_v([@bundler_command, "exec", @gem_command, "build", gemspec]) install_all_gems_or_fail end check_entry_point("bin") end def configure_commands if @os_type =~ /msys/ configure_commands_msys else configure_commands_not_msys end @gem_command = File.join(@tbd, "gem#{@cmd_suffix}") @bundler_command = File.join(@tbd, "bundle#{@bat_suffix}") end def configure_commands_msys @cmd_suffix = ".cmd" @bat_suffix = ".bat" @force_ruby_platform = "true" @nokogiri_option = "--use-system-libraries" end def configure_commands_not_msys @cmd_suffix = "" @bat_suffix = "" @force_ruby_platform = "false" @nokogiri_option = "--no-use-system-libraries" end def configure_scenario case @gs_length when 0 configure_scenario_no_gemspec when 1 @scenario = @gf_length.positive? ? :gemspec_and_gemfile : :gemspec else raise Tebako::Error, "Multiple Ruby gemspecs found in #{@fs_root}" end end def configure_scenario_no_gemspec @scenario = if @gf_length.positive? :gemfile elsif @g_length.positive? :gem else :simple_script end end def copy_files(dest) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest) if Dir.exist?(@fs_root) && File.readable?(@fs_root) begin FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(@fs_root, "."), dest) rescue StandardError raise Tebako::Error.new("#{@fs_root} is not accessible or does not exist.", 107) end return end raise Tebako::Error.new("#{@fs_root} is not accessible or is not a directory.", 107) end def deploy_gem(gem) puts " ... installing Ruby gem from #{gem}" copy_files(@pre_dir) Dir.chdir(@pre_dir) { install_gem(gem) } check_entry_point("bin") end def deploy_gemfile puts " ... deploying Gemfile" copy_files(@tld) Dir.chdir(@tld) do bundle_config puts " *** It may take a long time for a big project. It takes REALLY long time on Windows ***" BuildHelpers.run_with_capture_v([@bundler_command, "install", "--jobs=#{@ncores}"]) end check_entry_point("local") end def deploy_simple_script puts " ... collecting simple Ruby script from #{@fs_root}" copy_files(@tld) check_entry_point("local") end def deploy_solution # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength case @scenario when :simple_script deploy_simple_script when :gem deploy_gem(Dir.glob(File.join(@fs_root, "*.gem")).first) when :gemfile deploy_gemfile when :gemspec collect_and_deploy_gem(Dir.glob(File.join(@fs_root, "*.gemspec")).first) when :gemspec_and_gemfile collect_and_deploy_gem_and_gemfile(Dir.glob(File.join(@fs_root, "*.gemspec")).first) end end def install_all_gems_or_fail gem_files = Dir.glob("*.gem").map { |file| File.expand_path(file) } raise Tebako::Error, "No gem files found after build" if gem_files.empty? gem_files.each { |gem_file| install_gem(gem_file) } end def lookup_files @gs_length = Dir.glob(File.join(@fs_root, "*.gemspec")).length @gf_length = Dir.glob(File.join(@fs_root, "Gemfile")).length @g_length = Dir.glob(File.join(@fs_root, "*.gem")).length end def patch_after_rubygems_update(target_dir, ruby_api_ver) # Autoload cannot handle statically linked openssl extension # Changing it to require seems to be the simplest solution Packager::PatchHelpers.patch_file("#{target_dir}/lib/ruby/site_ruby/#{ruby_api_ver}/rubygems/openssl.rb", { "autoload :OpenSSL, \"openssl\"" => "require \"openssl\"" }) end end end