h1. Automatic Summaries In lib/helpers/default-helpers.rb you will find an AutomaticSummary class. This uses the [[api => api for classes to modify the wiki ]] to watch for changes to the wiki, and if the page that is changed matches a given regexp, adds it to a summary page. You can use it by creating a line in your soks-wiki/start.rb file of the form @AutomaticSummary.new( wiki, settings )@ where settings can be (defaults shown):

	 	:regexp_for_title => /.*/, # These three regexps act as an AND
		:regexp_for_author => nil, 
		:regexp_for_content => nil,
		:max_pages_to_show => nil,
		:pagename => 'Summary',
		:author => 'AutomaticSummary',
		:lines_to_include => nil, # If nil then justs puts a link, otherwise includes X number of lines from the page in the summary
		:only_new_pages => false, # Otherwise includes changes
		:sort_pages_by => :created_on, # Could be :revised_on or :score or :name or :name_for_index, or :author
		:reverse_sort => false,
		:include_metadata => false, # If true includes author and time in summary
		:summarise_revisions => false, # If true, then can contain several revisions for same page
		:remove_deleted_pages => true, # If false will keep references to deleted pages

h2. Examples Two examples of its use, included in the default-helpers.rb file, are the Site Index and the Recent Changes page:

AutomaticSummary.new( wiki, {
 	:regexp_for_title => /.*/ # Match all pages
        :pagename => 'Site Index',
	:author => 'Automatic Site Indexer',
	:only_new_pages => true,
	:sort_pages_by => :name_for_index,
} )

AutomaticSummary.new( wiki, { 
 	:regexp_for_title => /.*/ # Match all pages
        :pagename => 'Recent Changes',
	:author => 'Automatic Recent Changes',
	:only_new_pages => false,
	:sort_pages_by => :revised_on,
	:include_metadata => true,
	:summarise_revisions => true,
	:reverse_sort => true,
	:remove_deleted_pages => false,

You might also use it to construct a basic blog class:

AutomaticSummary.new( wiki, {
 	:regexp_for_title => /^Blog:.*/ # Match all pages starting with blog
        :pagename => 'Recent Blog Entries',
	:author => 'Automatic Blog Watcher',
        :max_pages_to_show => 10 # Only show the ten most recent blogs
        :lines_to_include => 20 # Show the first 20 lines of each blog entry
	:only_new_pages =>true,
	:sort_pages_by => :created_on,
	:include_metadata => true,
	:reverse_sort => true,

If you have any other ideas or examples, please add them here