require "time" # private module Simple::SQL::Helpers::Decoder extend self # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Naming/UncommunicativeMethodParamName def decode_value(type, s) case type when :unknown then s when :"character varying" then s when :integer then Integer(s) when :bigint then Integer(s) when :numeric then Float(s) when :"double precision" then Float(s) when :'integer[]' then s.scan(/-?\d+/).map { |part| Integer(part) } when :"character varying[]" then parse_pg_array(s) when :"text[]" then parse_pg_array(s) when :"timestamp without time zone" then ::Time.parse(s) when :"timestamp with time zone" then ::Time.parse(s) when :hstore then HStore.parse(s) when :json then ::JSON.parse(s) when :jsonb then ::JSON.parse(s) when :boolean then s == "t" else # unknown value, we just return the string here. # STDERR.puts "unknown type: #{type.inspect}" s end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity require "pg_array_parser" extend PgArrayParser # HStore parsing module HStore extend self # thanks to for regexps! QUOTED_LITERAL = /"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"/ UNQUOTED_LITERAL = /[^\s=,][^\s=,\\]*(?:\\.[^\s=,\\]*|=[^,>])*/ LITERAL = /(#{QUOTED_LITERAL}|#{UNQUOTED_LITERAL})/ PAIR = /#{LITERAL}\s*=>\s*#{LITERAL}/ NULL = /\ANULL\z/i DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"'.freeze ESCAPED_CHAR = /\\(.)/ def parse(hstore) hstore.scan(PAIR).each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), memo| k = unpack(k) k = k.to_sym v = v =~ NULL ? nil : unpack(v) memo[k] = v end end def unpack(string) string = string[1..-2] if string[0] == DOUBLE_QUOTE # remove quotes, if any string.gsub ESCAPED_CHAR, '\1' # unescape, if necessary end end end module Simple::SQL::Helpers::Decoder def, into:, column_info:) if into == Hash then elsif result.nfields == 1 then else end end class SingleColumn def initialize(column_info) @field_type = column_info.first.fetch(:pg_type_name) end def decode(row) value = row.first value && Simple::SQL::Helpers::Decoder.decode_value(@field_type, value) end end class MultiColumns H = ::Simple::SQL::Helpers def initialize(column_info) @field_types = H.pluck(column_info, :pg_type_name) end def decode(row) do |field_type, value| value && Simple::SQL::Helpers::Decoder.decode_value(field_type, value) end end end class HashRecord < MultiColumns H = ::Simple::SQL::Helpers def initialize(column_info) super(column_info) @field_names = H.pluck(column_info, :name) end def decode(row) decoded_row = super(row) Hash[] end end end