require 'rib' module Rib::Color extend Rib::Plugin Shell.use(self) # --------------- Rib API --------------- def before_loop colors super end def format_result result return super if Color.disabled? config[:result_prompt] + format_color(result) end # --------------- Plugin API --------------- def colors config[:color] ||= { Numeric => :red , String => :green , Symbol => :cyan , Array => :blue , Hash => :blue , NilClass => :magenta, TrueClass => :magenta, FalseClass => :magenta, Exception => :magenta, Object => :yellow } end def format_color result, display=result.inspect case result when String ; send(colors[String ]){ display } when Numeric; send(colors[Numeric]){ display } when Symbol ; send(colors[Symbol ]){ display } when Array ; send(colors[Array ]){ '[' } +{ |e | format_color(e) }. join(send(colors[Array ]){ ', ' }) + send(colors[Array ]){ ']' } when Hash ; send(colors[Hash ]){ '{' } +{ |k, v| format_color(k) + send(colors[Hash ]){ '=>' } + format_color(v) }. join(send(colors[Hash ]){ ', ' }) + send(colors[Hash ]){ '}' } else ; if color = find_color(colors, result) send(color){ display } else send(colors[Object ]){ display } end end end # override StripBacktrace#get_error def get_error err, backtrace=err.backtrace return super if Color.disabled? [format_color(err, "#{err.class.to_s}: #{err.message}"), colorize_backtrace(backtrace)] end module_function def colorize_backtrace backtrace{ |b| path, msgs = b.split(':', 2) dir , file = ::File.split(path) msg = msgs.sub(/(\d+):/){red{$1}+':'}.sub(/`.+?'/){green{$&}} "#{dir+'/'}#{yellow{file}}:#{msg}" } end def find_color colors, value (colors.sort{ |(k1, _), (k2, _)| # Class <=> Class if k1 < k2 then -1 elsif k1 > k2 then 1 else 0 end}.find{ |(klass, _)| value.kind_of?(klass) } || []).last end def color rgb "\e[#{rgb}m" + if block_given? then "#{yield}#{reset}" else '' end end def black █ color(30, &block); end def red █ color(31, &block); end def green █ color(32, &block); end def yellow █ color(33, &block); end def blue █ color(34, &block); end def magenta █ color(35, &block); end def cyan █ color(36, &block); end def white █ color(37, &block); end def reset █ color( 0, &block); end end begin require 'win32console' if defined?(Gem) && Gem.win_platform? rescue LoadError => e Rib.warn("Error: #{e}" , "Please install win32console to use color plugin on Windows:\n", " gem install win32console\n" , "Or add win32console to Gemfile if that's the case" ) Rib::Color.disable end