"use strict"; const http = require("http"); const https = require("https"); const { Writable } = require("stream"); const zlib = require("zlib"); const ver = process.version.replace("v", "").split("."); const majorNodeVersion = Number.parseInt(ver[0]); function abortRequest(clientRequest) { // clientRequest.destroy breaks the test suite for versions 10 and 12, // hence the version check if (majorNodeVersion > 13) { clientRequest.destroy(); } else { clientRequest.abort(); } clientRequest.removeAllListeners(); clientRequest.on("error", () => {}); } module.exports = class Request extends Writable { constructor(url, clientOptions, requestOptions) { super(); Object.assign(this, clientOptions); this.currentURL = url; this._requestOptions = requestOptions; this.headers = requestOptions.headers; this._ended = false; this._redirectCount = 0; this._requestBodyBuffers = []; this._bufferIndex = 0; this._performRequest(); } abort() { abortRequest(this._currentRequest); this.emit("abort"); this.removeAllListeners(); } pipeRequest(form) { form.pipe(this._currentRequest); } write(data, encoding) { if (data.length > 0) { this._requestBodyBuffers.push({ data, encoding }); this._currentRequest.write(data, encoding); } } end() { this.emit("request", this._currentRequest); this._ended = true; this._currentRequest.end(); } setHeader(name, value) { this.headers[name] = value; this._currentRequest.setHeader(name, value); } removeHeader(name) { delete this.headers[name]; this._currentRequest.removeHeader(name); } // Without this method, the test send-redirect-infinite-sync will halt the test suite // TODO: investigate this further and ideally remove toJSON() { const { method, headers } = this._requestOptions; return { uri: new URL(this.currentURL), method, headers }; } _writeNext(error) { if (this._currentRequest) { if (error) { this.emit("error", error); } else if (this._bufferIndex < this._requestBodyBuffers.length) { const buffer = this._requestBodyBuffers[this._bufferIndex++]; if (!this._currentRequest.writableEnded) { this._currentRequest.write( buffer.data, buffer.encoding, this._writeNext.bind(this) ); } } else if (this._ended) { this._currentRequest.end(); } } } _performRequest() { const urlOptions = new URL(this.currentURL); const scheme = urlOptions.protocol; this._requestOptions.agent = this.agents[scheme.substring(0, scheme.length - 1)]; const { request } = scheme === "https:" ? https : http; this._currentRequest = request(this.currentURL, this._requestOptions, response => { this._processResponse(response); }); let cookies; if (this._redirectCount === 0) { this.originalCookieHeader = this.getHeader("Cookie"); } if (this.cookieJar) { cookies = this.cookieJar.getCookieStringSync(this.currentURL); } if (cookies && cookies.length) { if (this.originalCookieHeader) { this.setHeader("Cookie", this.originalCookieHeader + "; " + cookies); } else { this.setHeader("Cookie", cookies); } } for (const event of ["connect", "error", "socket", "timeout"]) { this._currentRequest.on(event, (...args) => { this.emit(event, ...args); }); } if (this._isRedirect) { this._bufferIndex = 0; this._writeNext(); } } _processResponse(response) { const cookies = response.headers["set-cookie"]; if (this.cookieJar && Array.isArray(cookies)) { try { cookies.forEach(cookie => { this.cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie, this.currentURL, { ignoreError: true }); }); } catch (e) { this.emit("error", e); } } const { statusCode } = response; const { location } = response.headers; // In Node v15, aborting a message with remaining data causes an error to be thrown, // hence the version check const catchResErrors = err => { if (!(majorNodeVersion >= 15 && err.message === "aborted")) { this.emit("error", err); } }; response.on("error", catchResErrors); let redirectAddress = null; let resendWithAuth = false; if (typeof location === "string" && location.length && this.followRedirects && statusCode >= 300 && statusCode < 400) { redirectAddress = location; } else if (statusCode === 401 && /^Basic /i.test(response.headers["www-authenticate"] || "") && (this.user && this.user.length)) { this._requestOptions.auth = `${this.user}:${this.pass}`; resendWithAuth = true; } if (redirectAddress || resendWithAuth) { if (++this._redirectCount > 21) { const redirectError = new Error("Maximum number of redirects exceeded"); redirectError.code = "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"; this.emit("error", redirectError); return; } abortRequest(this._currentRequest); response.destroy(); this._isRedirect = true; if (((statusCode === 301 || statusCode === 302) && this._requestOptions.method === "POST") || (statusCode === 303 && !/^(?:GET|HEAD)$/.test(this._requestOptions.method))) { this._requestOptions.method = "GET"; this._requestBodyBuffers = []; } let previousHostName = this._removeMatchingHeaders(/^host$/i); if (!previousHostName) { previousHostName = new URL(this.currentURL).hostname; } const previousURL = this.currentURL; if (!resendWithAuth) { const nextURL = redirectAddress.startsWith("https:") ? new URL(redirectAddress) : new URL(redirectAddress, this.currentURL); if (nextURL.hostname !== previousHostName) { this._removeMatchingHeaders(/^authorization$/i); } this.currentURL = nextURL.toString(); } this.headers.Referer = previousURL; this.emit("redirect", response, this.headers, this.currentURL); try { this._performRequest(); } catch (cause) { this.emit("error", cause); } } else { let pipeline = response; const acceptEncoding = this.headers["Accept-Encoding"]; const requestCompressed = typeof acceptEncoding === "string" && (acceptEncoding.includes("gzip") || acceptEncoding.includes("deflate")); if ( requestCompressed && this._requestOptions.method !== "HEAD" && statusCode >= 200 && statusCode !== 204 && statusCode !== 304 ) { const zlibOptions = { flush: zlib.constants.Z_SYNC_FLUSH, finishFlush: zlib.constants.Z_SYNC_FLUSH }; const contentEncoding = (response.headers["content-encoding"] || "identity").trim().toLowerCase(); if (contentEncoding === "gzip") { pipeline = zlib.createGunzip(zlibOptions); response.pipe(pipeline); } else if (contentEncoding === "deflate") { pipeline = zlib.createInflate(zlibOptions); response.pipe(pipeline); } } pipeline.removeAllListeners("error"); this.emit("response", response, this.currentURL); pipeline.on("data", bytes => this.emit("data", bytes)); pipeline.once("end", bytes => this.emit("end", bytes)); pipeline.on("error", catchResErrors); pipeline.on("close", () => this.emit("close")); this._requestBodyBuffers = []; } } getHeader(key, value) { if (this._currentRequest) { return this._currentRequest.getHeader(key, value); } return null; } _removeMatchingHeaders(regex) { let lastValue; for (const header in this.headers) { if (regex.test(header)) { lastValue = this.headers[header]; delete this.headers[header]; } } return lastValue; } };