require "active_support/core_ext/hash/slice" require "rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator" require "date" module Rails # The plugin builder allows you to override elements of the plugin # generator without being forced to reverse the operations of the default # generator. # # This allows you to override entire operations, like the creation of the # Gemfile, \README, or JavaScript files, without needing to know exactly # what those operations do so you can create another template action. class PluginBuilder def rakefile template "Rakefile" end def app if mountable? if api? directory "app", exclude_pattern: %r{app/(views|helpers)} else directory "app" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/assets/images/#{namespaced_name}" end elsif full? empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/models" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/controllers" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/mailers" unless api? empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/assets/images/#{namespaced_name}" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/helpers" empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/views" end end end def readme template "" end def gemfile template "Gemfile" end def license template "MIT-LICENSE" end def gemspec template "%name%.gemspec" end def gitignore template "gitignore", ".gitignore" end def lib template "lib/%namespaced_name%.rb" template "lib/tasks/%namespaced_name%_tasks.rake" template "lib/%namespaced_name%/version.rb" template "lib/%namespaced_name%/engine.rb" if engine? end def config template "config/routes.rb" if engine? end def test template "test/test_helper.rb" template "test/%namespaced_name%_test.rb" append_file "Rakefile", <<-EOF #{rakefile_test_tasks} task default: :test EOF if engine? template "test/integration/navigation_test.rb" end end PASSTHROUGH_OPTIONS = [ :skip_active_record, :skip_action_mailer, :skip_javascript, :skip_sprockets, :database, :javascript, :quiet, :pretend, :force, :skip ] def generate_test_dummy(force = false) opts = (options || {}).slice(*PASSTHROUGH_OPTIONS) opts[:force] = force opts[:skip_bundle] = true opts[:api] = options.api? opts[:skip_listen] = true opts[:skip_git] = true opts[:skip_turbolinks] = true invoke Rails::Generators::AppGenerator, [ File.expand_path(dummy_path, destination_root) ], opts end def test_dummy_config template "rails/boot.rb", "#{dummy_path}/config/boot.rb", force: true template "rails/application.rb", "#{dummy_path}/config/application.rb", force: true if mountable? template "rails/routes.rb", "#{dummy_path}/config/routes.rb", force: true end end def test_dummy_assets template "rails/javascripts.js", "#{dummy_path}/app/assets/javascripts/application.js", force: true template "rails/stylesheets.css", "#{dummy_path}/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css", force: true template "rails/dummy_manifest.js", "#{dummy_path}/app/assets/config/manifest.js", force: true end def test_dummy_clean inside dummy_path do remove_file "db/seeds.rb" remove_file "doc" remove_file "Gemfile" remove_file "lib/tasks" remove_file "public/robots.txt" remove_file "" remove_file "test" remove_file "vendor" end end def assets_manifest template "rails/engine_manifest.js", "app/assets/config/#{underscored_name}_manifest.js" end def stylesheets if mountable? copy_file "rails/stylesheets.css", "app/assets/stylesheets/#{namespaced_name}/application.css" elsif full? empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/assets/stylesheets/#{namespaced_name}" end end def javascripts return if options.skip_javascript? if mountable? template "rails/javascripts.js", "app/assets/javascripts/#{namespaced_name}/application.js" elsif full? empty_directory_with_keep_file "app/assets/javascripts/#{namespaced_name}" end end def bin(force = false) bin_file = engine? ? "bin/" : "bin/" template bin_file, force: force do |content| "#{shebang}\n" + content end chmod "bin", 0755, verbose: false end def gemfile_entry return unless inside_application? gemfile_in_app_path = File.join(rails_app_path, "Gemfile") if File.exist? gemfile_in_app_path entry = "gem '#{name}', path: '#{relative_path}'" append_file gemfile_in_app_path, entry end end end module Generators class PluginGenerator < AppBase # :nodoc: add_shared_options_for "plugin" alias_method :plugin_path, :app_path class_option :dummy_path, type: :string, default: "test/dummy", desc: "Create dummy application at given path" class_option :full, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Generate a rails engine with bundled Rails application for testing" class_option :mountable, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Generate mountable isolated application" class_option :skip_gemspec, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Skip gemspec file" class_option :skip_gemfile_entry, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "If creating plugin in application's directory " \ "skip adding entry to Gemfile" class_option :api, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: "Generate a smaller stack for API application plugins" def initialize(*args) @dummy_path = nil super end public_task :set_default_accessors! public_task :create_root def create_root_files build(:readme) build(:rakefile) build(:gemspec) unless options[:skip_gemspec] build(:license) build(:gitignore) unless options[:skip_git] build(:gemfile) unless options[:skip_gemfile] end def create_app_files build(:app) end def create_config_files build(:config) end def create_lib_files build(:lib) end def create_assets_manifest_file build(:assets_manifest) if !api? && engine? end def create_public_stylesheets_files build(:stylesheets) unless api? end def create_javascript_files build(:javascripts) unless api? end def create_bin_files build(:bin) end def create_test_files build(:test) unless options[:skip_test] end def create_test_dummy_files return unless with_dummy_app? create_dummy_app end def update_gemfile build(:gemfile_entry) unless options[:skip_gemfile_entry] end def finish_template build(:leftovers) end public_task :apply_rails_template def run_after_bundle_callbacks @after_bundle_callbacks.each do |callback| end end def name @name ||= begin # same as ActiveSupport::Inflector#underscore except not replacing '-' underscored = original_name.dup underscored.gsub!(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2') underscored.gsub!(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2') underscored.downcase! underscored end end def underscored_name @underscored_name ||= original_name.underscore end def namespaced_name @namespaced_name ||="-", "/") end private def create_dummy_app(path = nil) dummy_path(path) if path say_status :vendor_app, dummy_path mute do build(:generate_test_dummy) store_application_definition! build(:test_dummy_config) build(:test_dummy_assets) build(:test_dummy_clean) # ensure that bin/rails has proper dummy_path build(:bin, true) end end def engine? full? || mountable? || options[:engine] end def full? options[:full] end def mountable? options[:mountable] end def skip_git? options[:skip_git] end def with_dummy_app? options[:skip_test].blank? || options[:dummy_path] != "test/dummy" end def api? options[:api] end def self.banner "rails plugin new #{' ')} [options]" end def original_name @original_name ||= File.basename(destination_root) end def modules @modules ||= namespaced_name.camelize.split("::") end def wrap_in_modules(unwrapped_code) unwrapped_code = "#{unwrapped_code}".strip.gsub(/\s$\n/, "") modules.reverse.inject(unwrapped_code) do |content, mod| str = "module #{mod}\n" str += { |line| " #{line}" }.join str += content.present? ? "\nend" : "end" end end def camelized_modules @camelized_modules ||= namespaced_name.camelize end def humanized @humanized ||= original_name.underscore.humanize end def camelized @camelized ||= name.gsub(/\W/, "_").squeeze("_").camelize end def author default = "TODO: Write your name" if skip_git? @author = default else @author = `git config`.chomp rescue default end end def email default = "TODO: Write your email address" if skip_git? @email = default else @email = `git config`.chomp rescue default end end def valid_const? if original_name =~ /-\d/ raise Error, "Invalid plugin name #{original_name}. Please give a name which does not contain a namespace starting with numeric characters." elsif original_name =~ /[^\w-]+/ raise Error, "Invalid plugin name #{original_name}. Please give a name which uses only alphabetic, numeric, \"_\" or \"-\" characters." elsif camelized =~ /^\d/ raise Error, "Invalid plugin name #{original_name}. Please give a name which does not start with numbers." elsif RESERVED_NAMES.include?(name) raise Error, "Invalid plugin name #{original_name}. Please give a " \ "name which does not match one of the reserved rails " \ "words: #{RESERVED_NAMES.join(", ")}" elsif Object.const_defined?(camelized) raise Error, "Invalid plugin name #{original_name}, constant #{camelized} is already in use. Please choose another plugin name." end end def application_definition @application_definition ||= begin dummy_application_path = File.expand_path("#{dummy_path}/config/application.rb", destination_root) unless options[:pretend] || !File.exist?(dummy_application_path) contents = contents[(contents.index(/module ([\w]+)\n(.*)class Application/m))..-1] end end end alias :store_application_definition! :application_definition def get_builder_class defined?(::PluginBuilder) ? ::PluginBuilder : Rails::PluginBuilder end def rakefile_test_tasks <<-RUBY require 'rake/testtask' do |t| t.libs << 'test' t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb' t.verbose = false end RUBY end def dummy_path(path = nil) @dummy_path = path if path @dummy_path || options[:dummy_path] end def mute(&block) shell.mute(&block) end def rails_app_path APP_PATH.sub("/config/application", "") if defined?(APP_PATH) end def inside_application? rails_app_path && destination_root.start_with?(rails_app_path.to_s) end def relative_path return unless inside_application? app_path.sub(/^#{rails_app_path}\//, "") end end end end