// console.log('Loading ImageField...') Spontaneous.Field.Image = (function($, S) { var dom = S.Dom; var ImageFieldConflictView = new JS.Class(S.Field.String.ConflictView, { panel: function() { var labels = dom.div('.image-field-conflict.labels.differences'), outer = dom.div(), image_outer = dom.div('.image-field-conflict.changes.differences'), original = dom.div('.original.diff'), edited = dom.div('.final.diff'); var local_label = dom.div('.diff').text("Server version"); var server_label = dom.div('.diff').text("Your version"); original.append(dom.img().attr('src', this.values.server_original)).click(function() { this.useValue(this.values.server_original); edited.add(original).removeClass('selected'); original.addClass('selected'); }.bind(this)); edited.append(dom.img().attr('src', this.values.local_edited)).click(function() { this.useValue(this.values.local_edited); edited.add(original).removeClass('selected'); edited.addClass('selected'); }.bind(this)); labels.append(local_label, server_label); image_outer.append(original, edited) outer.append(labels, image_outer); return outer; } }); var ImageField = new JS.Class(Spontaneous.Field.File, { is_image: function() { return true; }, unload: function() { this.callSuper(); this.image = null; this._progress_bar = null; }, // progress_bar: function() { // if (!this._progress_bar) { // var progress_outer = dom.div('.drop-upload-outer').hide(); // var progress_inner = dom.div('.drop-upload-inner').css('width', 0); // progress_outer.append(progress_inner); // this._progress_bar = progress_inner; // } // return this._progress_bar; // }, upload_progress: function(position, total) { this.spinner().stop(); this.waiting.find(':visible').hide(); this.callSuper(); }, currentValue: function() { var v = this.get('value'); if ((pending = v['__pending__'])) { return pending['value']; } return v['__ui__'] || v['original']; }, /* * HACK: The async nature of image updates means that the version setting * may be out of date not because of the actions of another, but because * the field version has been updated in the background. * The right way to do this would be to use an event to update the field * values at the point where the update is complete, but that's a big change. * * If I do that then I could use it to update all field values across all sessions * and avoid most conflicts by keeping the field values up-to-date automatically * but I'm not ready for that just yet... * * Instead hackily use the pending version and hope it's not going to cause * weird problems with simultaneous updates. */ version: function() { var value = this.get("value"); if ((pending = value["__pending__"])) { return pending["version"]; } return this.data.version; }, preview: function(container) { Spontaneous.UploadManager.register(this); var self = this , value = this.currentValue() , src = value.src , img = null , dim = 45 , container = container.parent('li'); if (src === "") { img = dom.img('.missing-image', {'src':'/@spontaneous/static/px.gif'}); } else { img = dom.img(); img.load(function() { var r = this.width/this.height, $this = $(this), h = $this.height(), dh = 0; if (r >= 1) { // landscape -- fit image vertically // tag for extra css styles applicable to landscape images container.addClass('landscape'); if (h <= dim) { dh = (dim - h)/2; } } $this.css('top', dom.px(dh)); }); img.attr({'src':src}); } img.error(function() { $(this).addClass('missing'); }); this.image = img; var outer = dom.div('.image-outer'); var dropper = dom.div('.image-drop'); var waiting = dom.div('.waiting').hide(); outer.append(img); outer.append(waiting); outer.append(dropper); dropper.append(this.progress_bar().parent()); this.waiting = waiting; var drop = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); dropper.removeClass('drop-active').addClass('uploading'); var files = event.dataTransfer.files; this.waiting.show(); this.spinner().indeterminate(); if (files.length > 0) { this.select_files(files); var file = files[0], url = window.URL.createObjectURL(file) , image = this.image; this._edited_value = url; image.__start_upload = true; image.bind('load', function() { if (this.image.__start_upload) { image.__start_upload = false; S.Ajax.test_field_versions(this.content, [this], this.upload_values.bind(this), this.upload_conflict.bind(this)); } var img = image[0], w = img.width, h = img.height, r = w/h; if (r > 1) { container.addClass('landscape'); } else { container.removeClass('landscape'); } }.bind(this)) image.attr('src', url) // see http://www.htmlfivewow.com/slide25 window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } return false; }.bind(this); var drag_enter = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); $(this).addClass('drop-active'); return false; }.bind(dropper); var drag_over = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); return false; }.bind(dropper); var drag_leave = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); $(this).removeClass('drop-active'); return false; }.bind(dropper); dropper.get(0).addEventListener('drop', drop, true); dropper.bind('dragenter', drag_enter).bind('dragover', drag_over).bind('dragleave', drag_leave); this.value_wrap = outer; this.drop_target = dropper; this.preview_img = img; return outer; }, conflicts_resolved: function(resolution_list) { // console.log('conflicts_resolved', resolution_list) var resolution = resolution_list[0]; this.set_edited_value(resolution.value); this.set_version(resolution.version); if (this.is_modified()) { this.upload_values(); } else { this.disable_progress(); } }, disable_progress: function() { this.spinner().stop(); this.callSuper(); }, spinner: function() { if (!this._spinner) { this._spinner = Spontaneous.Progress(this.waiting[0], 16, { spinner_fg_color: '#fff', period: 800 }); this._spinner.init(); } return this._spinner; }, upload_complete: function(values) { this.mark_unmodified(); this.callSuper(values) if (values) { var value = this.currentValue(); if (this.image) { var img = new Image() img.onload = function() { this.image.attr('src', value.src); }.bind(this); img.src = value.src; } } }, width: function() { if (this.data.values && this.currentValue()) { return this.currentValue().width; } return 0; }, height: function() { if (this.data.values && this.currentValue()) { return this.currentValue().height; } return 0; }, edit: function() { var wrap = dom.div({'style':'position:relative;'}), value = this.currentValue(), src = value.src, img = dom.img({'src':src}), info, sizes, filename_info, filesize_info, dimensions_info; if (value.width >= value.height) { wrap.addClass('landscape'); } else { wrap.removeClass('landscape'); } info = dom.div('.info'); sizes = dom.div('.sizes'); filename_info = dom.div('.filename'); filesize_info = dom.div('.filesize'); dimensions_info = dom.div('.dimensions'); sizes.append(filesize_info, dimensions_info); info.append(filename_info); info.append(sizes); var set_dimensions = function(width, height) { if (width && height) { dimensions_info.text(width + 'x' + height); } else { dimensions_info.text(''); } }; var set_info = function(filename, filesize, width, height) { filename_info.text(filename); if (filesize) { filesize_info.text(parseFloat(filesize, 10).to_filesize()); } set_dimensions(width, height); }; var files_selected = function(files) { if (files.length > 0) { var file = files[0], url = window.URL.createObjectURL(file); img.attr('src', url).removeClass('empty'); this.select_files(files); img.attr('src', url) this._edited_value = url; this.image.attr('src', url) window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); set_info(File.filename(file), file.fileSize, null, null) } }.bind(this); var onchange = function() { var files = this.input[0].files; files_selected(files); }.bind(this); var input = this.get_input().change(onchange); var onclick = function() { input.trigger('click'); return false; }; if (src == '') { img.addClass('empty'); } var dropper = dom.div('.image-drop').click(onclick); var actions = dom.div('.actions'); // var clear = dom.a('.button.clear').text('Clear'); actions.append(input)//.append(clear); wrap.append(dropper); var drop = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); dropper.removeClass('drop-active'); var files = event.dataTransfer.files; files_selected(files); return false; }.bind(this); var drag_enter = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); $(this).addClass('drop-active'); return false; }.bind(dropper); var drag_over = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); return false; }.bind(dropper); var drag_leave = function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); $(this).removeClass('drop-active'); return false; }.bind(dropper); dropper.get(0).addEventListener('drop', drop, true); dropper.bind('dragenter', drag_enter).bind('dragover', drag_over).bind('dragleave', drag_leave); wrap.append(img, actions, info); if (value) { var s = value.src.split('/'), filename = s[s.length - 1]; set_info(filename, value.filesize, value.width, value.height); } this.preview_img = img; return wrap; }, select_files: function(files) { this.selected_files = files; this.mark_modified(); }, is_modified: function() { return this.get_modified_state(); }, get_input: function() { this.input = this.generate_input(); return this.input; }, edited_value: function() { return this.input.val(); }, cancel_edit: function() { this.image.attr('src', this.currentValue().src); }, conflict_view: function(dialogue, conflict) { return new ImageFieldConflictView(dialogue, conflict); }, edited_value: function() { return this._edited_value; }, set_edited_value: function(value) { this.preview_img.attr('src', value); this.callSuper(value); }, accept_mimetype: "image/*", }); ImageField.ConflictView = ImageFieldConflictView; return ImageField; })(jQuery, Spontaneous);