define("dojox/mobile/Pane", [ "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/_Contained", "dijit/_WidgetBase" ], function(array, declare, Contained, WidgetBase){ // module: // dojox/mobile/Pane return declare("", [WidgetBase, Contained], { // summary: // A simple pane widget. // description: // Pane is a simple general-purpose pane widget. // It is a widget, but can be regarded as a simple `
` element. // baseClass: String // The name of the CSS class of this widget. baseClass: "mblPane", buildRendering: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); if(!this.containerNode){ // set containerNode so that getChildren() works this.containerNode = this.domNode; } }, resize: function(){ // summary: // Calls resize() of each child widget. array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){ if(child.resize){ child.resize(); } }); } }); });