task :package => :ui desc "Update ChangeLog from the SVN log" task :changelog do |t| ARGV.shift exec "svn2cl --break-before-msg -o ChangeLog #{ARGV.join(' ')}" end # generate a _ui.rb filename from a .ui filename def ui_rb_file( ui_file ) ui_file.gsub( /\.ui$/, '_ui.rb' ) end # list of .ui files UI_FILES = FileList.new( 'lib/clevic/ui/*.ui' ) CLEAN.include( 'ChangeLog', 'coverage', 'profiling' ) CLOBBER.include( 'ChangeLog', 'pkg', 'lib/clevic/ui/*_ui.rb' ) UI_FILES.each do |ui_file| # make tasks to generate _ui.rb files file ui_rb_file( ui_file ) => [ ui_file ] do |t| sh "rbuic4 #{t.prerequisites} -o #{t.name}" end # make tasks to start designer when the ui file is named desc "Start Qt designer with #{ui_file}" namespace :ui do |n| task Pathname.new(ui_file).basename.to_s.ext do |t| sh "designer #{ui_file}" end end end desc 'Generate all _ui.rb files' task :ui => UI_FILES.map{|x| ui_rb_file( x ) } namespace :ui do desc 'Start Qt designer with the argument, or all .ui files.' task :design do |t| ARGV.shift() if ARGV.size == 0 # start designer with all ui files sh "designer #{UI_FILES.join(' ')}" else # start designer with all files that match an argument sh "designer #{ ARGV.map{|x| UI_FILES.grep( /\/#{x}/ ) }.join(' ') }" end true end end desc "Runs Clevic in normal mode, with live database." task :run => :ui do |t| ARGV.shift() exec "ruby -Ilib bin/clevic #{ARGV.join(' ')}" end desc "Runs Clevic in debug mode, with test databases" task :debug => :ui do |t| ARGV.shift() exec "ruby -w -rdebug -Ilib bin/clevic -D #{ARGV.join(' ')}" end desc "irb in this project's context" task :irb do |t| ARGV.shift() ENV['RUBYLIB'] ||= '' ENV['RUBYLIB'] += ":#{File.expand_path('.')}/lib" exec "irb -Ilib -rclevic" end # generate tasks for all model definition files MODELS_LIST = FileList.new( '**/*models.rb' ) def short_model( model_file ) Pathname.new( model_file ).basename.to_s.gsub( /_models.rb/, '' ) end MODELS_LIST.each do |model_file| # generate irb contexts desc "irb with #{model_file}" namespace :irb do task short_model( model_file ) do |t| ARGV.shift() ARGV.shift() if ARGV[0] == '--' ENV['RUBYLIB'] ||= '.' ENV['RUBYLIB'] += ":#{File.expand_path('.')}/lib" exec "irb -Ilib -rclevic -r#{model_file} -rclevic/db_options.rb" end end # generate runs namespace :run do desc "run clevic with #{model_file}" task short_model( model_file ) => :ui do |t| ARGV.shift() ARGV.shift() if ARGV[0] == '--' cmd = "ruby -Ilib bin/clevic -D #{model_file} #{ARGV.join(' ')}" puts "cmd: #{cmd.inspect}" exec cmd end end namespace :warn do desc "run clevic with #{model_file} and warnings on" task short_model( model_file ) => :ui do |t| ARGV.shift() exec "ruby -w -Ilib bin/clevic -D #{model_file} #{ARGV.join(' ')}" end end end