require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper")) describe "Struct tests" do include FFI StructTypes = { 's8' => :char, 's16' => :short, 's32' => :int, 's64' => :long_long, 'long' => :long, 'f32' => :float, 'f64' => :double } module LibTest extend FFI::Library ffi_lib TestLibrary::PATH attach_function :ptr_ret_pointer, [ :pointer, :int], :string attach_function :ptr_ret_int32_t, [ :pointer, :int ], :int attach_function :ptr_from_address, [ :ulong ], :pointer attach_function :string_equals, [ :string, :string ], :int [ 's8', 's16', 's32', 's64', 'f32', 'f64', 'long' ].each do |t| attach_function "struct_align_#{t}", [ :pointer ], StructTypes[t] end end class PointerMember < FFI::Struct layout :pointer, :pointer end class StringMember < FFI::Struct layout :string, :string end it "Struct#[:pointer]" do magic = 0x12345678 mp = :long mp.put_long(0, magic) smp = :pointer smp.put_pointer(0, mp) s = smp s[:pointer].should == mp end it "Struct#[:pointer].nil? for NULL value" do magic = 0x12345678 mp = :long mp.put_long(0, magic) smp = :pointer smp.put_pointer(0, nil) s = smp s[:pointer].null?.should == true end it "Struct#[:pointer]=" do magic = 0x12345678 mp = :long mp.put_long(0, magic) smp = :pointer s = smp s[:pointer] = mp smp.get_pointer(0).should == mp end it "Struct#[:pointer]=struct" do magic = 0x12345678 smp = :pointer s = smp lambda { s[:pointer] = s }.should_not raise_error end it "Struct#[:pointer]=nil" do smp = :pointer s = smp s[:pointer] = nil smp.get_pointer(0).null?.should == true end it "Struct#[:string]" do magic = "test" mp = 1024 mp.put_string(0, magic) smp = :pointer smp.put_pointer(0, mp) s = smp s[:string].should == magic end it "Struct#[:string].nil? for NULL value" do smp = :pointer smp.put_pointer(0, nil) s = smp s[:string].nil?.should == true end it "Struct#layout works with :name, :type pairs" do class PairLayout < FFI::Struct layout :a, :int, :b, :long_long end ll_off = (FFI::Platform::ADDRESS_SIZE == 32 ? 4 : 8) PairLayout.size.should == (ll_off + 8) mp = s = mp s[:a] = 0x12345678 mp.get_int(0).should == 0x12345678 s[:b] = 0xfee1deadbeef mp.get_int64(ll_off).should == 0xfee1deadbeef end it "Struct#layout works with :name, :type, offset tuples" do class PairLayout < FFI::Struct layout :a, :int, 0, :b, :long_long, 4 end PairLayout.size.should == (FFI::Platform::ADDRESS_SIZE == 32 ? 12 : 16) mp = s = mp s[:a] = 0x12345678 mp.get_int(0).should == 0x12345678 s[:b] = 0xfee1deadbeef mp.get_int64(4).should == 0xfee1deadbeef end it "Struct#layout works with mixed :name,:type and :name,:type,offset" do class MixedLayout < FFI::Struct layout :a, :int, :b, :long_long, 4 end MixedLayout.size.should == (FFI::Platform::ADDRESS_SIZE == 32 ? 12 : 16) mp = s = mp s[:a] = 0x12345678 mp.get_int(0).should == 0x12345678 s[:b] = 0xfee1deadbeef mp.get_int64(4).should == 0xfee1deadbeef end rb_maj, rb_min = RUBY_VERSION.split('.') if rb_maj.to_i >= 1 && rb_min.to_i >= 9 || RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ it "Struct#layout withs with a hash of :name => type" do class HashLayout < FFI::Struct layout :a => :int, :b => :long_long end ll_off = (FFI::Platform::ADDRESS_SIZE == 32 ? 4 : 8) HashLayout.size.should == (ll_off + 8) mp = s = mp s[:a] = 0x12345678 mp.get_int(0).should == 0x12345678 s[:b] = 0xfee1deadbeef mp.get_int64(ll_off).should == 0xfee1deadbeef end end it "Can use Struct subclass as parameter type" do module StructParam extend FFI::Library ffi_lib TestLibrary::PATH class TestStruct < FFI::Struct layout :c, :char end attach_function :struct_field_s8, [ TestStruct ], :char end end it "Can use Struct subclass as IN parameter type" do module StructParam extend FFI::Library ffi_lib TestLibrary::PATH class TestStruct < FFI::Struct layout :c, :char end attach_function :struct_field_s8, [ ], :char end end it "Can use Struct subclass as OUT parameter type" do module StructParam extend FFI::Library ffi_lib TestLibrary::PATH class TestStruct < FFI::Struct layout :c, :char end attach_function :struct_field_s8, [ TestStruct.out ], :char end end it "can be passed directly as a :pointer parameter" do class TestStruct < FFI::Struct layout :i, :int end s = s[:i] = 0x12 LibTest.ptr_ret_int32_t(s, 0).should == 0x12 end it ":char member aligned correctly" do class AlignChar < FFI::Struct layout :c, :char, :v, :char end s = s[:v] = 0x12 LibTest.struct_align_s8(s.pointer).should == 0x12 end it ":short member aligned correctly" do class AlignShort < FFI::Struct layout :c, :char, :v, :short end s = AlignShort.alloc_in s[:v] = 0x1234 LibTest.struct_align_s16(s.pointer).should == 0x1234 end it ":int member aligned correctly" do class AlignInt < FFI::Struct layout :c, :char, :v, :int end s = AlignInt.alloc_in s[:v] = 0x12345678 LibTest.struct_align_s32(s.pointer).should == 0x12345678 end it ":long_long member aligned correctly" do class AlignLongLong < FFI::Struct layout :c, :char, :v, :long_long end s = AlignLongLong.alloc_in s[:v] = 0x123456789abcdef0 LibTest.struct_align_s64(s.pointer).should == 0x123456789abcdef0 end it ":long member aligned correctly" do class AlignLong < FFI::Struct layout :c, :char, :v, :long end s = AlignLong.alloc_in s[:v] = 0x12345678 LibTest.struct_align_long(s.pointer).should == 0x12345678 end it ":float member aligned correctly" do class AlignFloat < FFI::Struct layout :c, :char, :v, :float end s = AlignFloat.alloc_in s[:v] = 1.23456 (LibTest.struct_align_f32(s.pointer) - 1.23456).abs.should < 0.00001 end it ":double member aligned correctly" do class AlignDouble < FFI::Struct layout :c, :char, :v, :double end s = AlignDouble.alloc_in s[:v] = 1.23456789 (LibTest.struct_align_f64(s.pointer) - 1.23456789).abs.should < 0.00000001 end it ":ulong, :pointer struct" do class ULPStruct < FFI::Struct layout :ul, :ulong, :p, :pointer end s = ULPStruct.alloc_in s[:ul] = 0xdeadbeef s[:p] = LibTest.ptr_from_address(0x12345678) s.pointer.get_ulong(0).should == 0xdeadbeef end def test_num_field(type, v) klass = klass.layout :v, type, :dummy, :long s = s[:v] = v s.pointer.send("get_#{type.to_s}", 0).should == v s.pointer.send("put_#{type.to_s}", 0, 0) s[:v].should == 0 end def self.int_field_test(type, values) values.each do |v| it "#{type} field r/w (#{v.to_s(16)})" do test_num_field(type, v) end end end int_field_test(:char, [ 0, 127, -128, -1 ]) int_field_test(:uchar, [ 0, 0x7f, 0x80, 0xff ]) int_field_test(:short, [ 0, 0x7fff, -0x8000, -1 ]) int_field_test(:ushort, [ 0, 0x7fff, 0x8000, 0xffff ]) int_field_test(:int, [ 0, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000, -1 ]) int_field_test(:uint, [ 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, 0xffffffff ]) int_field_test(:long_long, [ 0, 0x7fffffffffffffff, -0x8000000000000000, -1 ]) int_field_test(:ulong_long, [ 0, 0x7fffffffffffffff, 0x8000000000000000, 0xffffffffffffffff ]) if FFI::Platform::LONG_SIZE == 32 int_field_test(:long, [ 0, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000, -1 ]) int_field_test(:ulong, [ 0, 0x7fffffff, 0x80000000, 0xffffffff ]) else int_field_test(:long, [ 0, 0x7fffffffffffffff, -0x8000000000000000, -1 ]) int_field_test(:ulong, [ 0, 0x7fffffffffffffff, 0x8000000000000000, 0xffffffffffffffff ]) end it ":float field r/w" do klass = klass.layout :v, :float, :dummy, :long s = value = 1.23456 s[:v] = value (s.pointer.get_float(0) - value).abs.should < 0.0001 end it ":double field r/w" do klass = klass.layout :v, :double, :dummy, :long s = value = 1.23456 s[:v] = value (s.pointer.get_double(0) - value).abs.should < 0.0001 end module CallbackMember extend FFI::Library ffi_lib TestLibrary::PATH callback :add, [ :int, :int ], :int callback :sub, [ :int, :int ], :int class TestStruct < FFI::Struct layout :add, :add, :sub, :sub end attach_function :struct_call_add_cb, [TestStruct, :int, :int], :int attach_function :struct_call_sub_cb, [TestStruct, :int, :int], :int end it "Can have CallbackInfo struct field" do s = add_proc = lambda { |a, b| a+b } sub_proc = lambda { |a, b| a-b } s[:add] = add_proc s[:sub] = sub_proc CallbackMember.struct_call_add_cb(s.pointer, 40, 2).should == 42 CallbackMember.struct_call_sub_cb(s.pointer, 44, 2).should == 42 end it "Can return its members as a list" do class TestStruct < FFI::Struct layout :a, :int, :b, :int, :c, :int end TestStruct.members.should include(:a, :b, :c) end it "Can return its instance members and values as lists" do class TestStruct < FFI::Struct layout :a, :int, :b, :int, :c, :int end s = s.members.should include(:a, :b, :c) s[:a] = 1 s[:b] = 2 s[:c] = 3 s.values.should include(1, 2, 3) end it 'should return an ordered field/offset pairs array' do class TestStruct < FFI::Struct layout :a, :int, :b, :int, :c, :int end s = s.offsets.should == [[:a, 0], [:b, 4], [:c, 8]] TestStruct.offsets.should == [[:a, 0], [:b, 4], [:c, 8]] end it "Struct#offset_of returns offset of field within struct" do class TestStruct < FFI::Struct layout :a, :int, :b, :int, :c, :int end TestStruct.offset_of(:a).should == 0 TestStruct.offset_of(:b).should == 4 TestStruct.offset_of(:c).should == 8 end end describe FFI::Struct, ' with a nested struct field' do module LibTest extend FFI::Library ffi_lib TestLibrary::PATH class NestedStruct < FFI::Struct layout :i, :int end class ContainerStruct < FFI::Struct layout :first, :char, :ns, NestedStruct end attach_function :struct_align_nested_struct, [ :pointer ], :int attach_function :struct_make_container_struct, [ :int ], :pointer end before do @cs = end it 'should align correctly nested struct field' do @cs[:ns][:i] = 123 LibTest.struct_align_nested_struct(@cs.to_ptr).should == 123 end it 'should correctly calculate Container size (in bytes)' do LibTest::ContainerStruct.size.should == 8 end it 'should return a Struct object when the field is accessed' do @cs[:ns].is_a?(FFI::Struct).should be_true end it 'should read a value from memory' do @cs = @cs[:ns][:i].should == 123 end it 'should write a value to memory' do @cs = @cs[:ns][:i] = 456 LibTest.struct_align_nested_struct(@cs.to_ptr).should == 456 end end describe FFI::Struct, ' with an array field' do module LibTest extend FFI::Library ffi_lib TestLibrary::PATH class StructWithArray < FFI::Struct layout :first, :char, :a, [:int, 5] end attach_function :struct_make_struct_with_array, [:int, :int, :int, :int, :int], :pointer attach_function :struct_field_array, [:pointer], :pointer end before do @s = end it 'should align correctly array field' it 'should correctly calculate StructWithArray size (in bytes)' do LibTest::StructWithArray.size.should == 24 end it 'should read values from memory' do @s =, 1, 2, 3, 4)) @s[:a].to_a.should == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] end it 'should cache array object for successive calls' do @s[:a].object_id.should == @s[:a].object_id end it 'should return the size of the array field in bytes' do @s =, 1, 2, 3, 4)) @s[:a].size.should == 20 end it 'should allow iteration through the array elements' do @s =, 1, 2, 3, 4)) @s[:a].each_with_index { |elem, i| elem.should == i } end it 'should return the pointer to the array' do @s =, 1, 2, 3, 4)) @s[:a].to_ptr.should == LibTest::struct_field_array(@s.to_ptr) end end describe 'BuggedStruct' do module LibTest extend FFI::Library ffi_lib TestLibrary::PATH class BuggedStruct < FFI::Struct layout :visible, :uchar, :x, :uint, :y, :uint, :rx, :short, :ry, :short, :order, :uchar, :size, :uchar end attach_function :bugged_struct_size, [], :uint end it 'should return its correct size' do LibTest::BuggedStruct.size.should == LibTest.bugged_struct_size end it "offsets within struct should be correct" do LibTest::BuggedStruct.offset_of(:visible).should == 0 LibTest::BuggedStruct.offset_of(:x).should == 4 LibTest::BuggedStruct.offset_of(:y).should == 8 LibTest::BuggedStruct.offset_of(:rx).should == 12 LibTest::BuggedStruct.offset_of(:ry).should == 14 LibTest::BuggedStruct.offset_of(:order).should == 16 LibTest::BuggedStruct.offset_of(:size).should == 17 end it 'should return correct field/offset pairs' do LibTest::BuggedStruct.offsets.sort do |a, b| a[1] <=> b[1] end.should == [[:visible, 0], [:x, 4], [:y, 8], [:rx, 12], [:ry, 14], [:order, 16], [:size, 17]] end end describe "Struct allocation" do it ", 2)" do class S < FFI::Struct layout :i, :uint end p =, 2) == 8 p.type_size.should == 4 p.put_uint(4, 0xdeadbeef)[1])[:i].should == 0xdeadbeef p[1].address.should == (p[0].address + 4) end it ", 2)" do class S < FFI::Struct layout :i, :uint end p =, 2) == 8 p.type_size.should == 4 p.put_uint(4, 0xdeadbeef)[1])[:i].should == 0xdeadbeef end end