module Selenium module Rake # Rake tasks to start a Remote Control server. # # require 'selenium/rake/tasks' # # do |rc| # rc.port = 4444 # rc.timeout_in_seconds = 3 * 60 # rc.background = true # rc.wait_until_up_and_running = true # rc.jar_file = "/path/to/where/selenium-rc-standalone-jar-is-installed" # rc.additional_args << "-singleWindow" # end # # If you do not explicitly specify the path to selenium remote control jar # it will be "auto-discovered" in `vendor` directory using the following # path : `vendor/selenium-remote-control/selenium-server*-standalone.jar` # # To leverage the latest selenium-client capabilities, you may need to download # a recent nightly build of a standalone packaging of Selenium Remote # Control. You will find the nightly build at # class RemoteControlStartTask attr_accessor :host, :port, :timeout_in_seconds, :background, :wait_until_up_and_running, :additional_args, :log_to attr_reader :jar_file JAR_FILE_PATTERN = "vendor/selenium-remote-control/selenium-server-*.jar" def initialize(name = :'selenium:rc:start') @name = name @host = "localhost" @port = 4444 @timeout_in_seconds = 5 project_specific_jar = Dir[JAR_FILE_PATTERN].first @jar_file = project_specific_jar @additional_args = [] @background = false @wait_until_up_and_running = false yield self if block_given? define end def jar_file=(new_jar_file) @jar_file = File.expand_path(new_jar_file) end def define desc "Launch Selenium Remote Control" task @name do puts "Starting Selenium Remote Control at{@port}..." raise "Could not find jar file '#{@jar_file}'. Expected it under #{JAR_FILE_PATTERN}" unless @jar_file && File.exists?(@jar_file) remote_control ="", @port, :timeout => @timeout_in_seconds) remote_control.jar_file = @jar_file remote_control.additional_args = @additional_args remote_control.log_to = @log_to remote_control.start :background => @background if @background && @wait_until_up_and_running puts "Waiting for Remote Control to be up and running..." TCPSocket.wait_for_service :host => @host, :port => @port end puts "Selenium Remote Control at{@port} ready" end end end end end