# Encoding: UTF-8 [{content: "% `if [[ ${TM_FILENAME} != '' ]]; then echo -e \"\\n% ${TM_FILENAME}\\n% \";fi`\n% Copyright (C) `date +%Y` ${TM_FULLNAME}`if [[ ${TM_ORGANIZATION_NAME} != '' ]]; then echo -e \", ${TM_ORGANIZATION_NAME}\";fi`. `if [[ ${TM_EMAIL} != '' ]]; then echo -e \"\\n% ${TM_EMAIL}\";fi``if [[ ${TM_URL} != '' ]]; then echo -e \"\\n% ${TM_URL}\";fi`\n% All rights reserved.\n%\n% Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n% modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n% * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n% notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n% * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n% notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n% documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n% * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the\n% names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products\n% derived from this software without specific prior written permission.\n%\n% THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY <copyright holder> ``AS IS'' AND ANY\n% EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n% WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n% DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <copyright holder> BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n% DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n% (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;\n% LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n% ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n% (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS\n% SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n% \n", name: "BSD", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "bsd", uuid: "DE617B87-A492-4C94-81CB-38F491C4C9B3"}, {content: "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n", name: "Comment Divide", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", uuid: "0844D21C-383B-4106-8474-8F79589731C6"}, {content: "% `if [[ ${TM_FILENAME} != '' ]]; then echo -e \"\\n% ${TM_FILENAME}\\n% \";fi`\n% Copyright (C) `date +%Y` ${TM_FULLNAME}`if [[ ${TM_ORGANIZATION_NAME} != '' ]]; then echo -e \", ${TM_ORGANIZATION_NAME}\";fi`. `if [[ ${TM_EMAIL} != '' ]]; then echo -e \"\\n% ${TM_EMAIL}\";fi``if [[ ${TM_URL} != '' ]]; then echo -e \"\\n% ${TM_URL}\";fi`\n% \n% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\n% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n% \n% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n% GNU General Public License for more details.\n% \n% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n% Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.\n% \n", name: "GPL", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "gpl", uuid: "2FA74452-3A9B-428E-9DE4-7C04DA978635"}, {content: "## Copyright (C) ${TM_YEAR} $TM_FULLNAME\n##\n## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n## (at your option) any later version.\n##\n## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n## GNU General Public License for more details.\n##\n## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n## along with this program; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\n\n## -*- texinfo -*-\n## @deftypefn {Function File} {${1:Outputs} = } ${2:Function Name} (${3:Input Arguments)\n## ${4:Short Description}\n##\n## ${5:Long Description}\n##\n## @seealso{${6:functions}}\n## @end deftypefn\n\n## Author: $TM_FULLNAME\n\n$0\n\nendfunction", name: "Octave function", scope: "source.matlab", tabTrigger: "octfun", uuid: "5C7F21FA-156C-4A86-AB20-7F9678010BCA"}, {content: "%\tRev. by ${TM_FULLNAME} on `date +%Y-%m-%d`: ${1:Short description}", name: "Revisions", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "rev", uuid: "87BC3C5B-627C-49AD-97B6-455345C1D478"}, {content: "^($1) $2", name: "^", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "^", uuid: "6B86576E-F8E3-4E3A-8083-CFE4C0DF9E42"}, {content: "case ${2:'${3:string}'}\n\t$0", name: "case", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "case", uuid: "F7A928F5-B70D-4DB0-8DEF-F61928038A6C"}, {content: "clear('${1:all}'$2);", name: "clear", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "clear", uuid: "B5FEAC12-94C4-4D45-9907-7EE843F09C0D"}, {content: "disp('${1:Text}');", name: "disp", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "disp", uuid: "975C9569-8B7D-4A60-8ED4-478A724D3A4E"}, {content: "disp(sprintf('${1:%s}\\\\n'${1/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:, :\\);)/}$2${1/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:\\);)/});", name: "disp sprintf", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "dsp", uuid: "EC4078AC-7F43-42CA-A83A-E1477558D84E"}, {content: "dlmwrite('${1:filename}.dat', [${2:variables}], ${3:'${4:delimiter}', '${5:\\t}'});\n$0", name: "dlmwrite", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "dlmwrite", uuid: "0FDCE9D1-A757-4793-816D-1364192CE326"}, {content: "else\n\t${1:body}", name: "else", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "else", uuid: "582075F1-DB3F-4280-9F46-B615F8EF4A86"}, {content: "elseif ${1:condition}\n\t$0", name: "elseif", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "elseif", uuid: "EA7BD80E-6346-44E9-A909-CE0703CFB390"}, {content: "error('${1:Description}');", name: "error", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "error", uuid: "7135F592-1176-478A-BA31-BD8A7DA56F93"}, {content: "exp($1) $2", name: "exp", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "e", uuid: "C00046EC-C7DC-4BC5-81CD-EBCB0F6FE8F7"}, {content: "for ${1:ii}=${2:1}${3::${4:n}}\n\t$0\n`if [[ $TM_USE_OCTAVE -ne '0' ]]\n\tthen echo \"endfor\"\nelse\n\techo \"end\"\nfi`", name: "for … end", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "for", uuid: "08CB1F21-B7EB-4AD7-B066-BB365966E390"}, {content: "fprintf(${1:fid}, '${2:%s}\\\\n'${2/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:, :\\);)/}$3${2/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:\\);)/}", name: "fprintf", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "fpr", uuid: "163D3790-C8E8-4888-81D7-50907D825EA0"}, {content: "function ${1:Output variables} = ${2:functionName}(${3:Input variables})\n$TM_COMMENT_START\t${2/.*/\\U$0/} ${4:Short description}\n$TM_COMMENT_START\t\t[${1/.*/\\U$0/}] = ${2/.*/\\U$0/}(${6:${3/.*/\\U$0/}})\n$TM_COMMENT_START\n$TM_COMMENT_START\t${5:Long description}\n$TM_COMMENT_START\t\n$TM_COMMENT_START\tCreated by $TM_FULLNAME on `date +%Y-%m-%d`.\n$TM_COMMENT_START\tCopyright (c) ${TM_YEAR} ${TM_ORGANIZATION_NAME}. All rights reserved.\n\n$0\n\n`if [[ $TM_CLOSE_FUNCTIONS -ne '0' ]]\n\tthen\n\tif [[ $TM_USE_OCTAVE -ne '0' ]]\n\t\tthen echo \"endfunction\"\n\telse\n\t\techo \"end $TM_COMMENT_START function\" \n\tfi\nfi`", name: "function", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "fun", uuid: "0EA9BDAD-6EA3-48C4-ADF5-EA549D84CAF0"}, {content: "get(${1:gca},'${2:PropertyName}');", name: "get", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "get", uuid: "9915BCE4-2499-4E17-9006-7BB08A8539F0"}, {content: "griddata(${1:xx}, ${2:yy}, ${3:zz}, ${4:xi}, ${5:yi}); ", name: "griddata", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "griddata", uuid: "8E4BA761-42BB-4CFC-B117-A547228878B8"}, {content: "if ${1:condition}\n\t$2\nelse\n\t$3\n`if [[ $TM_USE_OCTAVE -ne '0' ]]\n\tthen echo \"endif\"\nelse\n\techo \"end\"\nfi`", name: "if … else …end", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "ife", uuid: "4A86BFC8-5C03-45F8-B7D6-597F476E7C93"}, {content: "if ${1:condition}\n\t${2:body}\nelseif ${3:condition}\n\t${4:body}\nelse\n\t${5:body}\nend\n", name: "if … elseif … end", scope: "source.matlab , source.octave", tabTrigger: "ifeif", uuid: "93234216-9807-416E-8416-A130A05C2C1F"}, {content: "if ${1:condition}\n\t$0\n`if [[ $TM_USE_OCTAVE -ne '0' ]]\n\tthen echo \"endif\"\nelse\n\techo \"end\"\nfi`", name: "if … end", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "if", uuid: "876FEC4C-FD21-401A-8947-0B2E232E19CA"}, {content: "line(${1:xvector},${2:yvector}${3:,'Color','${4:b}','LineWidth',${5:1},'LineStyle','${6:-}'})\n", name: "line", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "line", uuid: "3FFA60EB-FA14-47DE-AEF7-5A3E840BE637"}, {content: "error(nargchk(${1:min}, ${2:max}, ${3:nargin}, `if [[ $TM_USE_OCTAVE -eq '0' ]]; then\n\techo -n \"'struct'\"\nfi` ));\n", name: "nargchk", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "nargchk", uuid: "8325A3D7-1025-48C4-810F-CF41E7E71DA2"}, {content: "set(${1:get(${2:gca},'${3:PropertyName}')},'${4:PropertyName}',${5:PropertyValue});", name: "set", scope: "source.matlab , source.octave", tabTrigger: "set", uuid: "1166137D-A579-484D-BDD7-AC62EFFA3FFA"}, {content: "%% ${1:functionname}: ${2:function description}\nfunction [${3:outputs}] = ${1}(${4:arg})\n${3/,?\\s*([a-zA-Z]\\w*)|,\\s*/(?1:\\t$1 = ;\\n)/g}", name: "small function", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "func", uuid: "2376F2E2-E240-422F-B6E8-48B6AA20C9EE"}, {content: "sprintf('${1:%s}\\\\n'${1/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:, :\\);)/}$2${1/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:\\);)/}", name: "sprintf", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "spr", uuid: "71CFA3F2-D883-4571-95B9-D98651890156"}, {content: "switch ${1:switch_expression}\n\tcase ${2:case_expression}\n\t\t${3:body}\n\totherwise\n\t\t${4:body}\nend", name: "switch ... case ... otherwise ... end", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "switch", uuid: "89BADD5A-72B8-4FE5-B082-499C7E7AB452"}, {content: "switch ${1:var}\ncase ${2:'${3:string}'}\n\t$0\n`if [[ $TM_USE_OCTAVE -ne '0' ]]\n\tthen echo \"endswitch\"\nelse\n\techo \"end\"\nfi`", name: "switch … case … end", scope: "source.matlab", tabTrigger: "switch", uuid: "631FAA9C-ECC2-484A-A29C-3CD66D944693"}, {content: "switch ${1:var}\ncase ${2:'${3:string}'}\n\t$4\notherwise\n\t$0\n`if [[ $TM_USE_OCTAVE -ne '0' ]]\n\tthen echo \"endswitch\"\nelse\n\techo \"end\"\nfi`", name: "switch … case … otherwise … end", scope: "source.matlab", tabTrigger: "switcho", uuid: "C600A817-A58A-4884-9BDC-F7CB13407CB6"}, {content: "set(get(gca,'Title'),'String',${1:'${2}'});", name: "title", scope: "source.matlab , source.octave", tabTrigger: "zla", uuid: "7298E093-E86F-4A60-ACFF-67580F24FD27"}, {content: "try \n\t$1\ncatch \n\t$0\n`if [[ $TM_USE_OCTAVE -ne '0' ]]\n\tthen echo \"end_try_catch\"\nelse\n\techo \"end\"\nfi`", name: "try … catch … end", scope: "source.matlab", tabTrigger: "try", uuid: "B287F24B-9BC5-4EAB-9621-1E73D367AAB7"}, {content: "[${1:s},${2:w}] = unix('${3:Unix commands}');", name: "unix", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "uni", uuid: "F0A7C9BF-8FE2-4452-8EC9-F71881C7831F"}, {content: "unwind_protect \n\t$1\nunwnd_protect_cleanup \n\t$0\nend_unwind_protect", name: "unwind_protect … cleanup … end", scope: "source.matlab", tabTrigger: "unwind", uuid: "9475371F-F8A7-4C46-BAC9-B42E7E34F2AD"}, {content: "warning(['${1:Description}']);", name: "warning", scope: "source.matlab, source.octave", tabTrigger: "war", uuid: "6392FF26-D584-435E-8202-9BC99FF26488"}, {content: "while ${1:condition}\n\t${2:body}\nend\n", name: "while", scope: "source.matlab , source.octave", tabTrigger: "whi", uuid: "ADE63DB1-7F3A-4EAC-A5A4-3A35A28FE8F0"}, {content: "set(get(gca,'XLabel'),'String',${1:'${2}'});", name: "xlabel", scope: "source.matlab , source.octave", tabTrigger: "xla", uuid: "178F5EE1-2953-4FB2-8623-99A1C7D0772F"}, {content: "set(gca,'XTick',${1:[${2}]});", name: "xtick", scope: "source.matlab , source.octave", tabTrigger: "xti", uuid: "A93C4844-87F4-4136-9580-75B697D0CFD7"}, {content: "set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'String',${1:'${2}'});", name: "ylabel", scope: "source.matlab , source.octave", tabTrigger: "yla", uuid: "1F4C6EA6-370C-45A9-96C5-36E69CC297E3"}, {content: "set(gca,'YTick',${1:[${2}]});", name: "ytick", scope: "source.matlab , source.octave", tabTrigger: "yti", uuid: "2FED97FA-0EB0-45E3-B92F-757903E79684"}, {content: "set(get(gca,'ZLabel'),'String',${1:'${2}'});", name: "zlabel", scope: "source.matlab , source.octave", tabTrigger: "zla", uuid: "3C12382B-FD63-4DD8-9198-02D25AF755FF"}]