# AboutPage To use in a Hydra app: # In Gemfile gem 'about_page', :git => 'git://github.com/sul-dlss/about_page.git' # In config/initializers/about_page.rb AboutPage.configure do |config| config.app_name = MyApplication.name # Application Name config.app_version = MyApplication::VERSION # Application Version config.fedora = AboutPage::Fedora.new(ActiveFedora::Base.connection_for_pid(0)) # Rubydora::Repository instance config.solr = AboutPage::Solr.new(ActiveFedora.solr) # RSolr instance end # In config/routes.rb mount AboutPage::Engine => '/about(.:format)' # Or whever you want to access the about page ## Known Issues * Solr must have LukeHandler enabled on /luke