require 'spec_helper' describe Conjur::Command::Hosts, logged_in: true do let(:collection_url) { "" } context "creating a host" do let(:new_host) { double("new-host") } describe_command "host:create" do it "lets the server assign the id" do expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with({ method: :post, url: collection_url, headers: {}, payload: {} }).and_return(post_response('assigned-id')) expect { invoke }.to write({ id: 'assigned-id' }).to(:stdout) end end describe_command "host:create the-id" do it "propagates the user-assigned id" do expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with({ method: :post, url: collection_url, headers: {}, payload: { id: 'the-id' } }).and_return(post_response('the-id')) expect { invoke }.to write({ id: 'the-id' }).to(:stdout) end end describe_command "host:create --cidr," do it "Creates a host with specified CIDR" do expect_any_instance_of(Conjur::API).to receive(:create_host).with( { cidr: ['', ''] } ).and_return new_host invoke end end describe_command "host:create --as-group security_admin --cidr," do it "Creates a host with specified CIDR" do expect(api).to receive(:group).with("security_admin").and_return(double(:group, roleid: "the-account:group:security_admin")) expect(api).to receive(:role).with("the-account:group:security_admin").and_return(double(:group_role, exists?: true)) expect_any_instance_of(Conjur::API).to receive(:create_host).with( { ownerid: "the-account:group:security_admin", cidr: ['', ''] } ).and_return new_host invoke end end end context "updating host attributes" do describe_command "host update --cidr the-user" do it "updates the CIDR" do stub_host = double() expect_any_instance_of(Conjur::API).to receive(:host).with("the-user").and_return stub_host expect(stub_host).to receive(:update).with(cidr: ['']).and_return "" expect { invoke }.to write "Host updated" end end describe_command "host update --cidr all the-user" do it "resets the CIDR restrictions" do stub_host = double() expect_any_instance_of(Conjur::API).to receive(:host).with("the-user").and_return stub_host expect(stub_host).to receive(:update).with(cidr: []).and_return "" expect { invoke }.to write "Host updated" end end end context 'rotating api key' do describe_command 'host rotate_api_key --host redis001' do before do expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with({ method: :head, url: '', headers: {} }).and_return true expect(RestClient::Request).to receive(:execute).with({ method: :put, url: '', headers: {}, payload: '' }).and_return double(:response, body: 'new api key') end it 'puts with basic auth' do invoke end end end end