require 'spec_helper' describe Berkshelf::Berksfile do describe "ClassMethods" do describe '::from_file' do let(:content) do <<-EOF.strip cookbook 'ntp', '<= 1.0.0' cookbook 'mysql' cookbook 'nginx', '< 0.101.2' cookbook 'ssh_known_hosts2', :git => '' EOF end let(:berksfile) { tmp_path.join('Berksfile') } before {, 'w+') { |f| f.write(content) } } subject(:from_file) { described_class.from_file(berksfile) } it "reads the content of the Berksfile and binds them to a new instance" do %w(ntp mysql nginx ssh_known_hosts2).each do |name| expect(subject).to have_dependency(name) end end it "returns an instance of Berkshelf::Berksfile" do expect(subject).to be_a(described_class) end context 'when Berksfile does not exist at given path' do let(:bad_path) { tmp_path.join('thisdoesnotexist') } it 'raises BerksfileNotFound' do expect { Berkshelf::Berksfile.from_file(bad_path) }.to raise_error(Berkshelf::BerksfileNotFound) end end end end let(:dependency_one) { double('dependency_one', name: 'nginx') } let(:dependency_two) { double('dependency_two', name: 'mysql') } subject do berksfile_path = tmp_path.join('Berksfile').to_s FileUtils.touch(berksfile_path) end describe '#cookbook' do let(:name) { 'artifact' } let(:constraint) { double('constraint') } let(:default_options) { { group: [] } } it 'sends the add_dependency message with the name, constraint, and options to the instance of the includer' do subject.should_receive(:add_dependency).with(name, constraint, default_options) subject.cookbook(name, constraint, default_options) end it 'merges the default options into specified options' do subject.should_receive(:add_dependency)do |arg_name, arg_constraint, arg_options| expect(arg_name).to eq(name) expect(arg_constraint).to eq(constraint) expect(arg_options[:path]).to match(%r{/Users/reset}) expect(arg_options[:group]).to eq([]) end subject.cookbook(name, constraint, path: '/Users/reset') end it 'converts a single specified group option into an array of groups' do subject.should_receive(:add_dependency).with(name, constraint, group: [:production]) subject.cookbook(name, constraint, group: :production) end context 'when no constraint specified' do it 'sends the add_dependency message with a nil value for constraint' do subject.should_receive(:add_dependency).with(name, nil, default_options) subject.cookbook(name, default_options) end end context 'when no options specified' do it 'sends the add_dependency message with an empty Hash for the value of options' do subject.should_receive(:add_dependency).with(name, constraint, default_options) subject.cookbook(name, constraint) end end end describe '#group' do let(:name) { 'artifact' } let(:group) { 'production' } it 'sends the add_dependency message with an array of groups determined by the parameter to the group block' do subject.should_receive(:add_dependency).with(name, nil, group: [group]) do subject.cookbook(name) end end end describe '#metadata' do let(:path) { fixtures_path.join('cookbooks/example_cookbook') } subject {'Berksfile')) } before { Dir.chdir(path) } it 'sends the add_dependency message with an explicit version constraint and the path to the cookbook' do subject.should_receive(:add_dependency).with('example_cookbook', nil, path: path.to_s, metadata: true) subject.metadata end end describe "#source" do let(:new_source) { "" } it "adds a source to the sources" do subject.source(new_source) expect( include(new_source) end it "converts the string to a Source" do subject.source(new_source) subject.sources.each do |source| expect(source).to be_a(Berkshelf::Source) end end it "adds each source in order they appear" do subject.source(new_source) subject.source("") expect(subject.sources[0].to_s).to eq(new_source) expect(subject.sources[1].to_s).to eq("") end it "does not add duplicate entries" do subject.source(new_source) subject.source(new_source) expect(subject.sources[0].to_s).to eq(new_source) expect(subject.sources[1].to_s).to_not eq(new_source) end context "adding an invalid source" do let(:invalid_uri) { ".....$1233...." } it "raises an InvalidSourceURI" do expect { subject.source(invalid_uri) }.to raise_error(Berkshelf::InvalidSourceURI) end end end describe "#sources" do context "when there are no sources" do it "raises an exception" do expect { subject.sources }.to raise_error(Berkshelf::NoAPISourcesDefined) end end context "when there are sources" do before { subject.source("") } it "returns an Array" do expect(subject.sources).to be_a(Array) end it "contains a collection of Berkshelf::Source" do subject.sources.each do |source| expect(source).to be_a(Berkshelf::Source) end end end end describe "#site" do it "raises a Berkshelf::Deprecated error" do expect { }.to raise_error(Berkshelf::DeprecatedError) end end describe "#chef_api" do it "raises a Berkshelf::Deprecated error" do expect { subject.chef_api }.to raise_error(Berkshelf::DeprecatedError) end end describe '#dependencies' do let(:groups) do [ :nautilus, :skarner ] end it 'returns all Berkshelf::Dependencys added to the instance of Berksfile' do subject.add_dependency( subject.add_dependency( expect(subject.dependencies).to have(2).items expect(subject).to have_dependency( expect(subject).to have_dependency( end end describe '#cookbooks' do it 'raises an exception if a cookbook is not installed' do subject.add_dependency('bacon', nil) expect { subject.cookbooks }.to raise_error end it 'retrieves the locked (cached) cookbook for each dependency' do subject.add_dependency('bacon', nil) subject.add_dependency('ham', nil) subject.stub(:retrive_locked) expect(subject).to receive(:retrieve_locked).twice subject.cookbooks end end describe '#groups' do before do subject.stub(:dependencies) { [dependency_one, dependency_two] } dependency_one.stub(:groups) { [:nautilus, :skarner] } dependency_two.stub(:groups) { [:nautilus, :riven] } end it 'returns a hash containing keys for every group a dependency is a member of' do expect(subject.groups.keys).to have(3).items expect(subject.groups).to have_key(:nautilus) expect(subject.groups).to have_key(:skarner) expect(subject.groups).to have_key(:riven) end it 'returns an Array of Berkshelf::Dependencys who are members of the group for value' do expect(subject.groups[:nautilus]).to have(2).items expect(subject.groups[:riven]).to have(1).item end end describe '#add_dependency' do let(:name) { 'cookbook_one' } let(:constraint) { '= 1.2.0' } let(:options) { } before(:each) do subject.add_dependency(name, constraint, options) end let(:dependency) { subject.dependencies.first } it 'adds new dependency to the list of dependencies' do expect(subject.dependencies).to have(1).dependency end it "is a Berkshelf::Dependency" do expect(dependency).to be_a(Berkshelf::Dependency) end it "has a name matching the given name" do expect( eq(name) end it "has a version_constraint matching the given constraint" do expect(dependency.version_constraint.to_s).to eq(constraint) end it 'raises DuplicateDependencyDefined if multiple dependencies of the same name are found' do expect { subject.add_dependency(name) }.to raise_error(Berkshelf::DuplicateDependencyDefined) end it "has a nil location if no location options are provided" do expect(dependency.location).to be_nil end context "when given the :git option" do let(:options) { { git: "" } } it "has a GitLocation location" do expect(dependency.location).to be_a(Berkshelf::GitLocation) end end context "when given the :github option" do let(:options) { { github: "berkshelf/berkshelf" } } it "has a GithubLocation location" do expect(dependency.location).to be_a(Berkshelf::GithubLocation) end end context "when given the :path option" do let(:options) { { path: fixtures_path.join('cookbooks', 'example_cookbook') } } it "has a PathLocation location" do expect(dependency.location).to be_a(Berkshelf::PathLocation) end end end describe '#retrieve_locked' do let(:lockfile) { double('lockfile') } let(:dependency) { double('dependency', name: 'bacon') } let(:locked) { double('locked', cached_cookbook: cached, locked_version: '1.0.0') } let(:cached) { double('cached') } before do subject.stub(:lockfile).and_return(lockfile) end it 'delegates to the lockfile' do expect(lockfile).to receive(:retrieve).with(dependency) subject.retrieve_locked(dependency) end end describe '#upload' do let(:uploader) { double(Berkshelf::Uploader, run: nil) } before do subject.stub(:validate_lockfile_present!) subject.stub(:validate_lockfile_trusted!) subject.stub(:validate_dependencies_installed!) Berkshelf::Uploader.stub(:new).and_return(uploader) end it 'validates the lockfile is present' do expect(subject).to receive(:validate_lockfile_present!).once subject.upload end it 'validates the lockfile is trusted' do expect(subject).to receive(:validate_lockfile_trusted!).once subject.upload end it 'validates the dependencies are installed' do expect(subject).to receive(:validate_dependencies_installed!).once subject.upload end it 'creates a new Uploader' do expect(Berkshelf::Uploader).to receive(:new).with(subject) expect(uploader).to receive(:run) subject.upload end end end