#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 $: << File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'helper' class CompatJuice < Minitest::Test class Jeez attr_accessor :x, :y def initialize(x, y) @x = x @y = y end def eql?(o) self.class == o.class && @x == o.x && @y == o.y end alias == eql? def as_json() {"json_class" => self.class.to_s,"x" => @x,"y" => @y} end def self.json_create(h) self.new(h['x'], h['y']) end end # Jeez module One module Two module Three class Deep def initialize() end def eql?(o) self.class == o.class end alias == eql? def to_hash() {'json_class' => "#{self.class.name}"} end def to_json(*a) %{{"json_class":"#{self.class.name}"}} end def self.json_create(h) self.new() end end # Deep end # Three end # Two end # One def setup @default_options = Oj.default_options end def teardown Oj.default_options = @default_options end def test_nil dump_and_load(nil, false) end def test_true dump_and_load(true, false) end def test_false dump_and_load(false, false) end def test_fixnum dump_and_load(0, false) dump_and_load(12345, false) dump_and_load(-54321, false) dump_and_load(1, false) end def test_float dump_and_load(0.0, false) dump_and_load(12345.6789, false) dump_and_load(70.35, false) dump_and_load(-54321.012, false) dump_and_load(1.7775, false) dump_and_load(2.5024, false) dump_and_load(2.48e16, false) dump_and_load(2.48e100 * 1.0e10, false) dump_and_load(-2.48e100 * 1.0e10, false) end def test_string dump_and_load('', false) dump_and_load('abc', false) dump_and_load("abc\ndef", false) dump_and_load("a\u0041", false) end def test_encode opts = Oj.default_options Oj.default_options = { :ascii_only => false } unless 'jruby' == $ruby dump_and_load("ぴーたー", false) end Oj.default_options = { :ascii_only => true } json = Oj.dump("ぴーたー") assert_equal(%{"\\u3074\\u30fc\\u305f\\u30fc"}, json) unless 'jruby' == $ruby dump_and_load("ぴーたー", false) end Oj.default_options = opts end def test_unicode # hits the 3 normal ranges and one extended surrogate pair json = %{"\\u019f\\u05e9\\u3074\\ud834\\udd1e"} obj = Oj.load(json) json2 = Oj.dump(obj, :ascii_only => true) assert_equal(json, json2) end def test_array dump_and_load([], false) dump_and_load([true, false], false) dump_and_load(['a', 1, nil], false) dump_and_load([[nil]], false) dump_and_load([[nil], 58], false) end def test_array_deep dump_and_load([1,[2,[3,[4,[5,[6,[7,[8,[9,[10,[11,[12,[13,[14,[15,[16,[17,[18,[19,[20]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]], false) end # Hash def test_hash dump_and_load({}, false) dump_and_load({ 'true' => true, 'false' => false}, false) dump_and_load({ 'true' => true, 'array' => [], 'hash' => { }}, false) end def test_hash_deep dump_and_load({'1' => { '2' => { '3' => { '4' => { '5' => { '6' => { '7' => { '8' => { '9' => { '10' => { '11' => { '12' => { '13' => { '14' => { '15' => { '16' => { '17' => { '18' => { '19' => { '20' => {}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, false) end def test_hash_escaped_key json = %{{"a\nb":true,"c\td":false}} obj = Oj.compat_load(json) assert_equal({"a\nb" => true, "c\td" => false}, obj) end def test_bignum_object dump_and_load(7 ** 55, false) end # BigDecimal def test_bigdecimal_compat dump_and_load(BigDecimal.new('3.14159265358979323846'), false) end def test_bigdecimal_load orig = BigDecimal.new('80.51') json = Oj.dump(orig, :mode => :compat, :bigdecimal_as_decimal => true) bg = Oj.load(json, :mode => :compat, :bigdecimal_load => true) assert_equal(BigDecimal, bg.class) assert_equal(orig, bg) end # Time def test_time_ruby if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') t = Time.parse('2015-01-05T21:37:07.123456-08:00') else t = Time.new(2015, 1, 5, 21, 37, 7.123456, -8 * 3600) end expect = '"' + t.to_s + '"' json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :ruby) assert_equal(expect, json) end def test_time_xml if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') t = Time.parse('2015-01-05T21:37:07.123456-08:00') else t = Time.new(2015, 1, 5, 21, 37, 7.123456, -8 * 3600) end json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :xmlschema, :second_precision => 6) assert_equal('"2015-01-05T21:37:07.123456-08:00"', json) end unless RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') def test_time_xml_12345 t = Time.new(2015, 1, 5, 21, 37, 7.123456, 12345) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :xmlschema, :second_precision => 6) assert_equal('"2015-01-05T21:37:07.123456+03:25"', json) end end def test_time_unix if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') t = Time.parse('2015-01-05T21:37:07.123456-08:00') else t = Time.new(2015, 1, 5, 21, 37, 7.123456, -8 * 3600) end json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :unix, :second_precision => 6) assert_equal('1420522627.123456', json) end def test_time_unix_zone if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') t = Time.parse('2015-01-05T21:37:07.123456-08:00') else t = Time.new(2015, 1, 5, 21, 37, 7.123456, -8 * 3600) end json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :unix_zone, :second_precision => 6) assert_equal('1420522627.123456e-28800', json) end unless RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') def test_time_unix_zone_12345 t = Time.new(2015, 1, 5, 21, 37, 7.123456, 12345) json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :unix_zone, :second_precision => 6) assert_equal('1420481482.123456e12345', json) end end def test_time_unix_zone_early if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') t = Time.parse('1954-01-05T21:37:07.123456-08:00') else t = Time.new(1954, 1, 5, 21, 37, 7.123456, -8 * 3600) end json = Oj.dump(t, :mode => :compat, :time_format => :unix_zone, :second_precision => 6) assert_equal('-504469372.876544e-28800', json) end # Stream IO def test_io_string json = %{{ "x":true, "y":58, "z": [1,2,3] } } input = StringIO.new(json) obj = Oj.compat_load(input) assert_equal({ 'x' => true, 'y' => 58, 'z' => [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_io_file filename = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'open_file_test.json') File.open(filename, 'w') { |f| f.write(%{{ "x":true, "y":58, "z": [1,2,3] } }) } f = File.new(filename) obj = Oj.compat_load(f) f.close() assert_equal({ 'x' => true, 'y' => 58, 'z' => [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end # symbol_keys option def test_symbol_keys json = %{{ "x":true, "y":58, "z": [1,2,3] } } obj = Oj.compat_load(json, :symbol_keys => true) assert_equal({ :x => true, :y => 58, :z => [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end # comments def test_comment_slash json = %{{ "x":true,//three "y":58, "z": [1,2, 3 // six ]} } obj = Oj.compat_load(json) assert_equal({ 'x' => true, 'y' => 58, 'z' => [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_comment_c json = %{{ "x"/*one*/:/*two*/true, "y":58, "z": [1,2,3]} } obj = Oj.compat_load(json) assert_equal({ 'x' => true, 'y' => 58, 'z' => [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_comment json = %{{ "x"/*one*/:/*two*/true,//three "y":58/*four*/, "z": [1,2/*five*/, 3 // six ] } } obj = Oj.compat_load(json) assert_equal({ 'x' => true, 'y' => 58, 'z' => [1, 2, 3]}, obj) end def test_json_object_compat obj = Jeez.new(true, 58) Oj.default_options = { :mode => :compat, :use_to_json => true } dump_and_load(obj, false) end def test_json_module_object obj = One::Two::Three::Deep.new() dump_and_load(obj, false) end def test_json_object_create_id expected = Jeez.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(expected, :indent => 2, :mode => :compat, :use_to_json => true) obj = Oj.compat_load(json) assert_equal(expected, obj) end def test_json_object_bad json = %{{"json_class":"CompatJuice::Junk","x":true}} begin Oj.compat_load(json) rescue Exception => e assert_equal("Oj::ParseError", e.class().name) return end assert(false, "*** expected an exception") end def test_json_object_create_cache expected = Jeez.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(expected, :indent => 2, :mode => :compat, :use_to_json => true) obj = Oj.compat_load(json, :class_cache => true) assert_equal(expected, obj) obj = Oj.compat_load(json, :class_cache => false) assert_equal(expected, obj) end def test_json_object_create_id_other expected = Jeez.new(true, 58) json = Oj.dump(expected, :indent => 2, :mode => :compat, :use_to_json => true) json.gsub!('json_class', '_class_') obj = Oj.compat_load(json, :create_id => "_class_") assert_equal(expected, obj) end def test_json_object_create_deep expected = One::Two::Three::Deep.new() json = Oj.dump(expected, :indent => 2, :mode => :compat) obj = Oj.compat_load(json) assert_equal(expected, obj) end def dump_and_load(obj, trace=false) json = Oj.dump(obj, :indent => 2, :mode => :compat) puts json if trace loaded = Oj.compat_load(json); assert_equal(obj, loaded) loaded end end