# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require '../../Lib/maroon.rb' require './data.rb' require './CalculateShortestDistance.rb' require './Calculate_Shortest_Path.rb' #!/usr/bin/env ruby # Example in Ruby -- Dijkstra's algorithm in DCI # Modified and simplified for a Manhattan geometry with 8 roles # # # # Demonstrates an example where: # # - objects of class Node play several roles simultaneously # (albeit spread across Contexts: a Node can # play the CurrentIntersection in one Context and an Eastern or # Southern Neighbor in another) # - stacked Contexts (to implement recursion) # - mixed access of objects of Node through different # paths of role elaboration (the root is just a node, # whereas others play roles) # - there is a significant pre-existing data structure called # a Geometry (plays the Map role) which contains the objects # of instance. Where DCI comes in is to ascribe roles to those # objects and let them interact with each other to evaluate the # minimal path through the network # - true to core DCI we are almost always concerned about # what happens between the objects (paths and distance) # rather than in the objects themselves (which have # relatively uninteresting properties like "name") # - equality of nodes is not identity, and several # nodes compare equal with each other by standard # equality (eql?) # - returns references to the original data objects # in a vector, to describe the resulting path # # There are some curiosities # # - east_neighbor and south_neighbor were typographically equivalent, # so I folded them into a single role: Neighbor. That type still # serves the two original roles # - Roles are truly scoped to the use case context # - The Map and Distance_labeled_graph_node roles have to be # duplicated in two Contexts. blah blah blah # - Node inheritance is replaced by injecting two roles # into the object # - Injecting roles no longer adds new fields to existing # data objects. # - There is an intentional call to distance_between while the # Context is still extant, but outside the scope of the # Context itself. Should that be legal? # - I have added a tentative_distance_values array to the Context # to support the algorithm. Its data are shared across the # roles of the CalculateShortestPath Context # - nearest_unvisited_node_to_target is now a feature of Map, # which seems to reflect better coupling than in the old # design # --- Main Program: test driver # geometries = Geometry_1.new path = CalculateShortestPath.new(geometries.root, geometries.destination, geometries) print 'Path is: ' path.each { |node| print "#{node.name} " } print "\n" puts "distance is #{CalculateShortestDistance.new(geometries.root, geometries).distance}" puts '' geometries = ManhattanGeometry2.new path = CalculateShortestPath.new(geometries.root, geometries.destination, geometries) print 'Path is: ' last_node = nil path.each do |node| if last_node != nil; print " - #{geometries.distances[Edge.new(node, last_node)]} - " end print "#{node.name}" last_node = node end print "\n" geometries = ManhattanGeometry2.new puts "distance is #{CalculateShortestDistance.new(geometries.root, geometries).distance }"