module Sidetree class Key attr_reader :private_key, :public_key, :id, :purposes, :type # @param [Integer] private_key private key. # @param [ECDSA::Point] public_key public key # @param [String] id # @param [Array[String]] purposes # @param [String] type def initialize( private_key: nil, public_key: nil, id: nil, purposes: [], type: nil ) if private_key unless Key.valid_private_key?(private_key) raise Error, "private key is invalid range." end @private_key = private_key pub = ECDSA::Group::Secp256k1.generator.multiply_by_scalar(private_key) if public_key unless pub == public_key raise Error, "Public and private keys do not match." end else public_key = pub end end unless public_key raise Error, "Specify either the private key or the public key" end unless public_key.is_a?(ECDSA::Point) raise Error, "public key must be an ECDSA::Point instance." end unless ECDSA::Group::Secp256k1.valid_public_key?(public_key) raise Error, "public key is invalid." end @public_key = public_key purposes.each do |purpose| if purpose && !Sidetree::OP::PublicKeyPurpose.values.include?(purpose) raise Error, "Unknown purpose '#{purpose}' specified." end end Sidetree::Validator.validate_id!(id) if id @purposes = purposes @id = id @type = type end # Generate Secp256k1 key. # @option [String] id Public key ID. # @option [String] purpose Purpose for public key. Supported values defined by [Sidetree::PublicKeyPurpose]. # @return [Sidetree::Key] # @raise [Sidetree::Error] def self.generate(id: nil, purposes: []) private_key = 1 + SecureRandom.random_number(ECDSA::Group::Secp256k1.order - 1) private_key, purposes: purposes, id: id) end # Generate key instance from jwk Hash. # @param [Hash] data jwk Hash object. # @return [Sidetree::Key] # @raise [Sidetree::Error] def self.from_hash(data) key_data = data["publicKeyJwk"] ? data["publicKeyJwk"] : data key_type = key_data["kty"] curve = key_data["crv"] if key_type.nil? || key_type != "EC" raise Error, "Unsupported key type '#{key_type}' specified." end if curve.nil? || curve != "secp256k1" raise Error, "Unsupported curve '#{curve}' specified." end raise Error, "x property required." unless key_data["x"] raise Error, "y property required." unless key_data["y"] # `x` and `y` need 43 Base64URL encoded bytes to contain 256 bits. unless key_data["x"].length == 43 raise Error, "Secp256k1 JWK 'x' property must be 43 bytes." end unless key_data["y"].length == 43 raise Error, "Secp256k1 JWK 'y' property must be 43 bytes." end x = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(key_data["x"]) y = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(key_data["y"]) point = ECDSA::Format::PointOctetString.decode( ["04"].pack("H*") + x + y, ECDSA::Group::Secp256k1 ) private_key = if key_data["d"] Base64.urlsafe_decode64(key_data["d"]).unpack1("H*").to_i(16) else nil end purposes = data["purposes"] ? data["purposes"] : [] public_key: point, private_key: private_key, purposes: purposes, id: data["id"], type: data["type"] ) end # Check whether private is valid range. # @param [Integer] private_key # @return [Boolean] def self.valid_private_key?(private_key) 0x01 <= private_key && private_key < ECDSA::Group::Secp256k1.order end # Generate JSON::JWK object. # @return [JSON::JWK] def to_jwk jwk = kty: "EC", crv: "secp256k1", x: Base64.urlsafe_encode64( ECDSA::Format::FieldElementOctetString.encode( public_key.x, ), padding: false ), y: Base64.urlsafe_encode64( ECDSA::Format::FieldElementOctetString.encode( public_key.y, ), padding: false ) ) jwk["d"] = encoded_private_key if private_key jwk end # Generate commitment for this key. # @return [String] Base64 encoded commitment. def to_commitment digest = Digest::SHA256.digest(to_jwk.normalize.to_json_c14n) Sidetree.to_hash(digest) end def to_h h = { publicKeyJwk: to_jwk.normalize, purposes: purposes } h[:id] = id if id h[:type] = type if type h.stringify_keys end # Return base64 encoded private key. # @return [String] def encoded_private_key if private_key Base64.urlsafe_encode64( [private_key.to_s(16).rjust(32 * 2, "0")].pack("H*"), padding: false ) else nil end end end end