describe 'The Luca Container', -> beforeEach -> c = @container = new Luca.core.Container defaults: defaultProperty: 'it_works' extensions:[ extension: 1 , extension: 2 , extension: 3 ] components:[ name: "component_one" ctype: "view" defaultProperty: "oh_yeah" bodyTemplate: ()-> "markup for component one" id: "c1" value: 1 getter: "getOne" spy: sinon.spy() role: "role_one" , name: "component_two" ctype: "view" bodyTemplate: ()-> "markup for component two" id: "c2" value: 0 spy: sinon.spy() role: "role_two" getter: "getComponentTwo" , name: "component_three" ctype: "container" id: "c3" value: 1 spy: sinon.spy() components:[ ctype: "view" name: "component_four" bodyTemplate: ()-> "markup for component four" spy: sinon.spy() ] ] @container.render() it "should create getter methods on the for components with roles", -> expect( @container.getRoleTwo ).toBeDefined() it "should create getter methods on the for components with roles", -> expect( @container.getRoleTwo().name ).toEqual 'component_two' it "should create a getter function on the container", -> expect( @container.getOne().name ).toEqual 'component_one' it "should apply extensions to the components", -> expect( @container.getRoleOne().extension ).toEqual 1 expect( @container.getRoleTwo().extension ).toEqual 2 it "should apply default properties to components", -> defaults = @container.selectByAttribute('defaultProperty','it_works') custom = @container.selectByAttribute('defaultProperty','oh_yeah') expect( defaults.length ).toEqual(2) expect( custom.length ).toEqual(1) it "should trigger after initialize", -> expect( @container ).toHaveTriggered "after:initialize" it "should have some components", -> expect( @container.components.length ).toEqual 3 it "should render the container and all of the sub views", -> @container.render() html=$(@container.el).html() expect( html ).toContain "markup for component one" expect( html ).toContain "markup for component two" it "should render the container and all of the nested sub views", -> @container.render() html=$(@container.el).html() expect( html ).toContain "markup for component four" it "should select all components matching a key/value combo", -> components = @container.selectByAttribute("value",1) expect( components.length ).toEqual 2 it "should run a function on each component", -> @container.eachComponent (c)-> c.spy() _( @container.components ).each (component)-> expect( component.spy ).toHaveBeenCalled() it "should run a function on each component including nested", -> @container.render() @container.eachComponent (c)-> c.spy() expect( Luca.cache("component_four").spy ).toHaveBeenCalled() describe 'Component Inheritance and Customization', -> it "should accept an array for extensions configuration and join on position/index", -> container = new Luca.core.Container extensions:[ undefined , name: "custom_two" ] components:[ role: "component_one" name: "component_one" , role: "component_two" name: "component_two" ] container.render() expect( container.getComponentTwo().name ).toEqual "custom_two" it "should accept an object for extensions configuration and join using role", -> container = new Luca.core.Container extensions: component_one: name: "custom_one" components:[ role: "component_one" name: "component_one" , role: "component_two" name: "component_two" ] container.render() expect( container.getComponentOne().name ).toEqual "custom_one" describe 'Component Event Binding', -> beforeEach -> @container = new Luca.core.Container componentEvents: "haha trigger:one" : "one" "alpha trigger:two" : "two" "getAlphaComponent trigger:three" : "three" "* trigger:four" : "four" "beta trigger:five" : "five" one: ()-> @trigger "one" two: ()-> @trigger "two" three: ()-> @trigger "three" four: ()-> @trigger "four" five: ()-> @trigger "five" afterRender: ()-> @getGamma().trigger("after:render:gamma") registerComponentEvents: ()-> Luca.core.Container::registerComponentEvents.apply(@, arguments) components:[ name: "component_alpha" role: "alpha" getter: "getAlphaComponent" , name: "container_tester" type: "container" components:[ name: "beta_view" role: "beta" components:[ role: "gamma" name: "haha" ] ] ] @container.render() it "should give me all of the components", -> names = _( @container.allChildren() ).pluck('name') expect( names ).toEqual ['component_alpha','container_tester','beta_view','haha'] it "should drill down into nested components", -> expect( @container.getBeta ).toBeDefined() expect( @container.getBeta().name ).toEqual 'beta_view' it "should observe the right rendering order", -> expect( @container.getGamma() ).toHaveTriggered("after:render:gamma") it "should pick up events on nested components", -> @container.getBeta().trigger("trigger:five") expect( @container ).toHaveTriggered("five") it "should recursively define role based getters", -> expect( @container.getAlpha ).toBeDefined() expect( @container.getBeta ).toBeDefined() expect( @container.getGamma ).toBeDefined() it "should define a getter", -> expect( @container.getAlphaComponent ).toBeDefined() it "should find a nested component by name", -> expect( @container.findComponentByName('haha') ).toBeDefined() it "should find the component by its name", -> expect( @container.findComponentByName("beta_view") ).toBeDefined() it "should find the component by its role", -> expect( @container.findComponentByRole("alpha") ).toBeDefined() it "should find the component by its getter", -> expect( @container.findComponentByGetter('getAlphaComponent') ).toBeDefined() it "should accept wildcard for component", -> @container.getAlphaComponent().trigger "trigger:four" expect( @container ).toHaveTriggered("four") it "should accept component events with a component name", -> @container.getGamma().trigger "trigger:one" expect(@container).toHaveTriggered("one") it "should accept component events with a component role", -> @container.getAlphaComponent().trigger "trigger:two" expect(@container).toHaveTriggered("two") it "should accept component events with a component getter", -> @container.getAlphaComponent().trigger "trigger:three" expect(@container).toHaveTriggered("three")