### Development [full diff](http://github.com/plexus/hexp/compare/v0.3.3...master) ### v0.4.0.beta1 [full diff](http://github.com/plexus/hexp/compare/v0.3.3...v0.4.0.beta1) * Do our own HTML unparsing, instead of going through Nokogiri, causing a big speed improvement. * Make H[] notation more lenient * Make array around list of children optional `H[:p, [H[:span, 'foo'], ' ', H[:span, 'bar']]]` => `H[:p, H[:span, 'foo'], ' ', H[:span, 'bar']]` * Allow creating node lists without a wrapping node, e.g. `H[H[:span, 'foo'], ' ', H[:span, 'bar']]` * Make Hexp::List and Hexp::TextNode respond to to_html * Add Hexp::Node#tag? as a complement to Hexp::Node#text? ### v0.3.3 [full diff](http://github.com/plexus/hexp/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.3) * Bugfix regarding string values in attribute CSS selectors * Update dependencies ### v0.3.0 [full diff](http://github.com/plexus/hexp/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0) * Improved CSS selector support * Handle CDATA sections when parsing through Nokogiri * Improved documentation ### v0.2.0 * introduce Hexp.build for creating Hexp::Node objects using Builder syntax * introduce CSS selectors to selectively iterate over parts of a tree * introduce Hexp.parse to integrate with legacy tools * expand the API for manipulating nodes