Generate API documentation using RSpec
**rspec-api-docs** provides a way to generate documentation from your request
specs. It does this by providing a simple DSL and a custom formatter.
The default renderer produces a [single JSON file] which can be used by
[api-docs] to [display your documentation].
[single JSON file]: ./spec/integration/output/json/index.json
[display your documentation]:
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rspec-api-docs'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install rspec-api-docs
## Usage
**rspec-api-docs** works in two stages. The first stage introduces a new DSL
method, `doc`, to include in your RSpec specs.
``` ruby
require 'rspec_api_docs/dsl'
RSpec.describe 'Characters' do
include RspecApiDocs::Dsl
# ...
The `doc` method stores data in a hash on the RSpec example metadata.
The second stage is the formatter (`RspecApiDocs::Formatter`). The formatter
parses the hash stored on each RSpec example and uses a
[renderer](lib/rspec_api_docs/formatter/renderer/ to write out your
$ rspec spec/requests/characters_spec.rb --formatter=RspecApiDocs::Formatter
### DSL
First, require the DSL and include the DSL module.
You can do this in your `spec_helper.rb`:
``` ruby
require 'rspec_api_docs/dsl'
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include RspecApiDocs::Dsl, type: :request
# ...
Or in individual specs:
``` ruby
require 'rspec_api_docs/dsl'
RSpec.describe 'Characters' do
include RspecApiDocs::Dsl
# ...
You also need to require a lambda that runs after each expectation:
``` ruby
require 'rspec_api_docs/after'
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.after &RspecApiDocs::After::Hook
This automatically stores the `last_request` and `last_response` objects for
use by the formatter.
**rspec-api-docs** doesn't touch any of the built-in RSpec DSL methods.
Everything is contained in the `doc` block.
You can use RSpec `before` blocks to share setup between multiple examples.
``` ruby
require 'rspec_api_docs/dsl'
RSpec.describe 'Characters' do
include RspecApiDocs::Dsl
before do
doc do
resource_name 'Characters'
resource_description <<-EOF
Characters inhabit the Land of Ooo.
describe 'GET /characters/:id' do
it 'returns a character' do
doc do
name 'Fetching a Character'
description 'For getting information about a Character.'
path '/characters/:id'
field :id, 'The id of a character', scope: :character, type: 'integer'
field :name, "The character's name", scope: :character, type: 'string'
get '/characters/1'
# normal expectations ...
# ...
#### `resource_name`
Accepts a string of the name of the resource.
> Characters
#### `resource_description`
Accepts a string that describes the resource.
> Characters inhabit the Land of Ooo.
#### `resource_precedence`
Accepts an optional integer.
Lower numbers are ordered first.
#### `name`
Accepts a string of the name of the resource.
> Fetching a character
Note: This defaults to the "description" of the RSpec example.
``` ruby
it 'Fetching a character' do
# ...
#### `description`
Accepts a string that describes the example.
> To find out information about a Character.
#### `path`
Accepts a string for the path requested in the example.
> /characters/:id
Note: This defaults to the path of the first route requested in the example.
#### `field`
Accepts a `name`, `description`, and optionally a `scope`, `type`, and `example`.
- `name` [`Symbol`] the name of the response field
- `description` [`String`] a description of the response field
- `scope` [`Symbol`, `Array`] _(optional)_ how the field is scoped
- `type` [`String`] _(optional)_ the type of the returned field
- `example` _(optional)_ an example value
This can be called multiple times for each response field.
``` ruby
field :id, 'The id of a character', scope: :character, type: 'integer', example: 42
field :name, "The character's name", scope: :character, type: 'string'
The `example` is useful if the data might change (i.e. a database ID column).
The value will be substituted in the resulting JSON.
#### `param`
Accepts a `name`, `description`, and optionally a `scope`, `type`, and `required` flag.
- `name` [`Symbol`] the name of the parameter
- `description` [`Symbol`] a description of the parameter
- `scope` [`Symbol`, `Array`] _(optional)_ how the parameter is scoped
- `type` [`String`] _(optional)_ the type of the parameter
- `required` [`Boolean`] _(optional)_ if the parameter is required
This can be called multiple times for each parameter.
``` ruby
param :id, 'The id of a character', scope: :character, type: 'integer', required: true
param :name, "The character's name", scope: :character, type: 'string'
#### `notes`
Accepts a `note` and optional `level`.
- `level` [`Symbol`] one of `:success`, `:info`, `:warning`, or `:danger`. Defaults to `:info`
- `note` [`String`] the note
``` ruby
note 'You need to supply an id!'
note :warning, "An error will be thrown if you don't supply an id!"
#### `precedence`
Accepts an optional integer.
Lower numbers are ordered first.
See the integration specs for more examples of the DSL in use.
### Formatter
The formatter can be configured in your `spec_helper.rb`:
``` ruby
# Defaults are shown
RspecApiDocs.configure do |config|
# The output directory for file(s) created by the renderer.
config.output_dir = 'docs'
# One of :json, :raddocs, or :slate.
# This can also be a class that quacks like a renderer.
# A renderer is initialized with an array of `Resource`s and a `#render`
# method is called.
config.renderer = :json
# Set to false if you don't want to validate params are documented and their
# types in the after block.
config.validate_params = true
See [the documentation](
## Rake tasks
``` ruby
require 'rspec_api_docs/rake_task' do |task| # docs:generate
# Pattern for where to find the specs
task.pattern = 'spec/requests/**/*_spec.rb'
# Extra RSpec options
task.rspec_opts = ['--format progress']
end do |task| # docs:ensure_updated
# Same as options above with some extras for when verify is true
# Raise an error if the generated docs don't match the existing docs
# The verify option only works with the :json renderer.
task.verify = true
# The existing (committed) output file
task.existing_file = 'docs/index.json'
# Non-verify task with custom name :custom_task_name
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run
`rake` to run the tests.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To
release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run
`bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push
git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [].
Regenerate this project's integration spec docs locally:
$ ./bin/generate_integration_docs
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a
safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to
adhere to the [Contributor Covenant] code of
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License].
[MIT License]:
[Contributor Covenant]: