Rails.application.routes.draw do mount Bpluser::Engine => '/bpluser' mount BlacklightAdvancedSearch::Engine => '/' # alias for map browse get 'places', :to => 'catalog#map', :as => 'places_facet' # formats browse get 'formats', :to => 'catalog#formats_facet', :as => 'formats_facet' # MODS metadata view get 'search/:id/metadata_view', :to => 'catalog#metadata_view', :as => 'metadata_view_catalog' # collections resources :collections, :only => [:index, :show] get 'collections/facet/:id', :to => 'collections#facet', :as => 'collections_facet' # institutions resources :institutions, :only => [:index, :show] get 'institutions/facet/:id', :to => 'institutions#facet', :as => 'institutions_facet' # contact form # for some reason feedback submit won't work w/o this addition match 'feedback', :to => 'feedback#show', :via => [:get, :post] get 'feedback/complete', :to => 'feedback#complete' # folders get 'folders/public', :to => 'folders#public_list', :as => 'public_folders' resources :folders delete 'folder/:id/clear', :to => 'folder_items#clear', :as => 'clear_folder_items' put 'folder/:id/item_actions', :to => 'folder_items_actions#folder_item_actions', :as => 'selected_folder_items_actions' # folder items resources :folder_items # user account management (not login/auth) resources :users, :only => [:show, :index] # multi-image viewers get 'image_viewer/:id', :to => 'image_viewer#show', :as => 'image_viewer' get 'book_viewer/:id', :to => 'image_viewer#book_viewer', :as => 'book_viewer' # static pages get 'explore', :to => 'pages#explore', :as => 'explore' get 'about', :to => 'pages#about', :as => 'about' get 'about_this_site', :to => 'pages#about_site', :as => 'about_site' # IIIF manifest get 'search/:id/manifest', :to => 'iiif_manifest#manifest', :as => 'iiif_manifest' get 'search/:id/canvas/:canvas_object_id', :to => 'iiif_manifest#canvas', :as => 'iiif_canvas' get 'search/:id/annotation/:annotation_object_id', :to => 'iiif_manifest#annotation', :as => 'iiif_annotation' get 'search/:id/iiif_collection', :to => 'iiif_manifest#collection', :as => 'iiif_collection' # OCR search results get 'search/:id/fulltext', :to => 'ocr_search#index', :as => 'ocr_search' # DEPRECATED ROUTES AND EXAMPLES # this is generated into local app via CommonwealthVlrEngine::RoutesGenerator #devise_for :users, :controllers => {:omniauth_callbacks => "users/omniauth_callbacks", :registrations => "users/registrations", :sessions => "users/sessions"} # this is added to Blacklight::Routes via CommonwealthVlrEngine::Routes #put 'bookmarks/item_actions', :to => 'folder_items_actions#folder_item_actions', :as => 'selected_bookmarks_actions' # custom 'search' path routes are added to Blacklight::Routes::RouteSets via CommonwealthVlrEngine::RouteSets # copy the below into local app to add all BL routes manually (remove blacklight_for call) #delete 'bookmarks/clear', :to => 'bookmarks#clear', :as => 'clear_bookmarks' #resources :bookmarks #get 'search_history', :to => 'search_history#index', :as => 'search_history' #delete 'search_history/clear', :to => 'search_history#clear', :as => 'clear_search_history' #delete 'saved_searches/clear', :to => 'saved_searches#clear', :as => 'clear_saved_searches' #get 'saved_searches', :to => 'saved_searches#index', :as => 'saved_searches' #put 'saved_searches/save/:id', :to => 'saved_searches#save', :as => 'save_search' #delete 'saved_searches/forget/:id', :to => 'saved_searches#forget', :as => 'forget_search' #post 'saved_searches/forget/:id', :to => 'saved_searches#forget' #get 'search/opensearch', :to => 'catalog#opensearch', :as => 'opensearch_catalog' #get 'search/citation', :to => 'catalog#citation', :as => 'citation_catalog' #get 'search/email', :as => 'email_catalog' #post 'search/email' #match 'search/email', :to => 'catalog#email', :as => 'email_catalog', :via => [:get, :post] #get 'search/facet/:id', :to => 'catalog#facet', :as => 'catalog_facet' #get 'search', :to => 'catalog#index', :as => 'catalog_index' #resources :solr_document, :path => 'search', :controller => 'catalog', :only => [:show, :update] do # member do # post 'track' # end #end # :show and :update are for backwards-compatibility with catalog_url named routes #resources :catalog, :only => [:show, :update] # end local BL routes override end